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now i do a lvl 1- 10 buff list, any add would be welcomed:
1. elder (some boe rep player dont have this neither bov buffs)
2. training (how many times have you failed?)
3. stem/rainbow (better blue)
4. main strengthening (red pots be popular)
5. bov scroll (green badge easy to get)
6. bov soup (same as above)
7. heaven bless (life force, lvl 6-10 get blue, 1-5 get green, mage get purple and red for 16+)
8. deck flower (how much
9. deck water are
10. deck ore the 3 decks?)
11. battle skill (5g per? city fair)
12-18. collection buff (...under treasure hunter tab and caskets tab)
19 dragon buff (day of warrior and sometimes in Premium shop)
20 - 22. hand-in to 3 god rep ...maybe u can only get 2 (if u got 3, total be 24 buffs, or maybe u got blue badges)
23. armoury ointment (pwerful in long fights, right, worth that 5g, or can get from event)
24. speed pot (there's a +initiative buff from collection, so this counts, at least blue for the best?)
25. Battle Spirit Sphere (Premium shop, u can use other exp. & valor pots)
other buffs include yet not limited as:
DE or punch and durability buff (like Medium Iron Will Vial) that takes up belt slots
focus amulet, no wound potions, salve, apotrope scrolls, and useless but just for all that could be done, a fatigue buff maybe...
and cut off profession buffs...
and various quest rewards buffs... if u save up
and winter magic i heared but none on .com server deck buff...
... (reserved for mage buff list)
1. elder (some boe rep player dont have this neither bov buffs)
2. training (how many times have you failed?)
3. stem/rainbow (better blue)
4. main strengthening (red pots be popular)
5. bov scroll (green badge easy to get)
6. bov soup (same as above)
7. heaven bless (life force, lvl 6-10 get blue, 1-5 get green, mage get purple and red for 16+)
8. deck flower (how much
9. deck water are
10. deck ore the 3 decks?)
11. battle skill (5g per? city fair)
12-18. collection buff (...under treasure hunter tab and caskets tab)
19 dragon buff (day of warrior and sometimes in Premium shop)
20 - 22. hand-in to 3 god rep ...maybe u can only get 2 (if u got 3, total be 24 buffs, or maybe u got blue badges)
23. armoury ointment (pwerful in long fights, right, worth that 5g, or can get from event)
24. speed pot (there's a +initiative buff from collection, so this counts, at least blue for the best?)
25. Battle Spirit Sphere (Premium shop, u can use other exp. & valor pots)
other buffs include yet not limited as:
DE or punch and durability buff (like Medium Iron Will Vial) that takes up belt slots
focus amulet, no wound potions, salve, apotrope scrolls, and useless but just for all that could be done, a fatigue buff maybe...

and various quest rewards buffs... if u save up
and winter magic i heared but none on .com server deck buff...
... (reserved for mage buff list)

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Yo dawg i heard you like quoting comments so i quoted my comment in which i quoted my comment
That aside,i think that's a good job you did by sharing this,will keep them in mind and try to use as many of them as i can
That aside,i think that's a good job you did by sharing this,will keep them in mind and try to use as many of them as i can

It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
i was also watching this: Sea Turtle Pantsir , from collection, under Treasure Hunters tab
better be used with Berserker elixir? Or other usages, i don't know, alright
i was also watching this: Sea Turtle Pantsir , from collection, under Treasure Hunters tab
better be used with Berserker elixir? Or other usages, i don't know, alright

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It is because the Black Dragon Liqueur is made from it and is counted from the same group of effects as Strength of Dragon Elixir.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
yep and castle good/ evil intentions buffs
and now comes the mage version
i'd drop 5 major ones as a start:
Aureole - you Eldive or Kroffdor? use and get rep! there is also weekly quest from mage lands npc!
Twilight - shadows consumed! plz check rep link --->…?obj=cat&id=139 , as illusion belt slots are useful!
main strengthening - already mentioned but keep in mind to use mage versions
daily mage quest orb - yep 84 points needed to get buff the very good buff
Ulleriuni or Irrigado - spelling is hard darn, it be with Eldive or Kroffdor rep, just pick crystal or flower from mage lands and it adds magical dmg on casts
other buffs:
Chugga gift from bov - for crits!
and the bov scrolls now upgrades to purple Ahimsa
and now comes the mage version
i'd drop 5 major ones as a start:
Aureole - you Eldive or Kroffdor? use and get rep! there is also weekly quest from mage lands npc!
Twilight - shadows consumed! plz check rep link --->…?obj=cat&id=139 , as illusion belt slots are useful!
main strengthening - already mentioned but keep in mind to use mage versions
daily mage quest orb - yep 84 points needed to get buff the very good buff
Ulleriuni or Irrigado - spelling is hard darn, it be with Eldive or Kroffdor rep, just pick crystal or flower from mage lands and it adds magical dmg on casts
other buffs:
Chugga gift from bov - for crits!
and the bov scrolls now upgrades to purple Ahimsa

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add 2x tablecloth 15min buffs:
Satiety VIfrom Magic Tablecloth
Absolute Satietyfrom Magic Tablecloth
best thing is the two can be used at the same time,
worst thing is they cost bit too much to get... well maybe not that much...
and one of the tablecloths (purple) has got lifespan
mainly, each buff provides 100 penetration for mage...
Satiety VIfrom Magic Tablecloth
Absolute Satietyfrom Magic Tablecloth
best thing is the two can be used at the same time,
worst thing is they cost bit too much to get... well maybe not that much...
and one of the tablecloths (purple) has got lifespan
mainly, each buff provides 100 penetration for mage...

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