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 Lisad [20] 

EX Community Manager

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Tuesday, October 3rd 2017, 3:31pm

October Update [Discussion]

Dear players,

This thread will be dedicated to the October update . Should you have any questions, should you wish to report any mistakes, should you have any feedback, please post it all in the comments to this thread.

Administration will reply to questions as soon as possible. All feedback and issues will be gathered and fixed as soon possible.
Lisad | Community Manager


Tuesday, October 3rd 2017, 3:56pm

Награда за ратные подвиги
Накопите указанное количество Славы и получите награду! Вы получаете очки Славы за сражения с другими игроками, по тем же правилам, что и доблесть, но при этом Слава не ограничена максимальным званием на уровень. Учитывается только доблесть за бои, но не призовая доблесть за победу на поле битвы.
Это свершение можно выполнять многократно.

Events - Reward for ......
404 not found


Tuesday, October 3rd 2017, 3:59pm

Доступность тайника на Плато безмолвия 2017-10-04 15:47:11 2017-10-04 15:47:11

Backpack - Attributes - Quest
404 not found


Tuesday, October 3rd 2017, 4:02pm

BFs descriptions in RU again


Tuesday, October 3rd 2017, 4:03pm

The new amulet of anniversary quest doesn't work correctly.
Won chaotic no elements, picking no elements, only farming
404 not found


Tuesday, October 3rd 2017, 4:35pm

Weak Astra... [13][Астральное очище...] effect

harzida lv 13 quest new rep
404 not found


Tuesday, October 3rd 2017, 4:52pm

@DeCrypt it's random when u get elements, not all wins/picks as I got told

 lol666 [9] 


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Tuesday, October 3rd 2017, 5:08pm

The new amulet of anniversary quest doesn't work correctly.
Won chaotic no elements, picking no elements, only farming

As far as i know random from both pvp and gathering resourses, one per each mob that you kill, exept the special one of some city charter quest that do not work. :beer:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Tuesday, October 3rd 2017, 11:10pm

Additional quick pocket certificate

It will become available once you unlock basic quick pockets. << This is the message i get when trying to buy the certificate.

Any clues?


Wednesday, October 4th 2017, 1:08am

It will become available once you unlock basic quick pockets. << This is the message i get when trying to buy the certificate.

It will be automatically unlocked after 00:00,try to use it again.

"You can now use the quick pocket functionality which allows you to quickly access your most frequently used items. The pocket panel can be opened by clicking the arrow next to the backpack icon on the right side of the screen. To fill the pockets, click the Backpack button in the upper menu and open the Quick Pockets tab.
Initially, you have 2 pockets + one extra pocket for each Premium level, starting with the Green one. Another pocket can be purchased in the Premium Shop, in the Services tab.
Please note that using items in the quick pockets has the same limitations as using them in the backpack. Quick pockets do not provide any combat advantages, simply allowing you to access frequently used items easier."

 Lisad [20] 

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Wednesday, October 4th 2017, 9:49am

It will become available once you unlock basic quick pockets.
It was probably not the first time you logged in that day. Try again now, please.
Lisad | Community Manager


Wednesday, October 4th 2017, 10:02am

how does the The Defender of the continent rep. work ? Is it still active ?


Wednesday, October 4th 2017, 11:34am

the mentioned 39 new quest from sheara, where should they be? :)
404 not found


Wednesday, October 4th 2017, 11:40am

@DeCrypt open achievements tab

 Lisad [20] 

EX Community Manager

  • "Lisad" started this thread

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Wednesday, October 4th 2017, 1:32pm

Weak Astra... [13][Астральное очище...] effect
Lisad | Community Manager

 Lisad [20] 

EX Community Manager

  • "Lisad" started this thread

Posts: 423

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Wednesday, October 4th 2017, 1:34pm

Награда за ратные подвиги
Working on fixing this.
Доступность тайника на Плато безмолвия
BFs descriptions in RU again
Should be fixed.
Lisad | Community Manager

 Lisad [20] 

EX Community Manager

  • "Lisad" started this thread

Posts: 423

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Wednesday, October 4th 2017, 1:40pm

the mentioned 39 new quest from sheara, where should they be?
They are not available yet. Stay tuned to news, we will announce them.

how does the The Defender of the continent rep. work ? Is it still active ?
It should be active. It's mechanic was explained in the update preview.
Lisad | Community Manager


Wednesday, October 4th 2017, 2:08pm

how does the The Defender of the continent rep. work ? Is it still active ?
It should be active. It's mechanic was explained in the update preview.

Are there rewards (planned or currently in place) for this reputation beyond reputation rating? A shop or the like?


Wednesday, October 4th 2017, 5:45pm

aykr i killed a level 11 mag who was raiding last night and got 2 rep so it is active i think you have to get the kill to get the rep


Wednesday, October 4th 2017, 7:00pm

feedback ...

The new pockets was a good idea, but we can't put in something build in a part of stuff we are wearing, so is quite useless. I have scrolls on my bow ... but my bow ... I wear it, so can't go in these pockets ...

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