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  • "Terra Incognita" started this thread

Posts: 334

Location: The Astral Plane

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Thursday, January 17th 2019, 5:35pm

Blue 1-5 armour

Seen a lot of noobs placing incorrect durability for exchange apps (shoutout to special noobs that make anonymous apps, also with incorrect durability, for solid price... thus rendering me and everyone else unable to fill the app or even contact the creator of that app).

Cuisses, Cuirass, Weapons, Boots & Shirts from DH chess have 34/34 durability.
Pauldrons and bracers from DH chess have 37/37 durability.
Helmets from DH chess have 40/40 durability.



Saturday, January 19th 2019, 2:43pm


I wanted to sell my armor and weapons, but durability was wrong (115/115, then 30/115), I wanted to tell the buyer to correct it but names was hidden :stupid: Why do they hide name? :stupid: