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Sunday, October 8th 2017, 10:53pm

Imbalance between races.

Well, many might be here about title thinking "oh man, another whining post about stuns or something." Don't worry, it's not about stuns, events, this, that, or anything else that was brought up. No, this might shed some light on a few players who I don't trust that seems to almost run the game how they see fit, a few multies players aren't aware of, maybe some biased and special rules that aren't equal because some people have "friends". Disclaimer, if their post get deleted, I get jailed, or I get forum banned, then you know there is something to hide :)

Let's start off with a rule, the whole attacking players a lower lvl than you. Hmmm how can this be unfair? Guards have to follow and give certain curses right? Not by the looks of it. Go look at tinus post, he accidentally joined a lower lvl fight and gets jailed for a FEW days with no way to buy out, quiet a few human players have gotten this curse. Well, let's take a look at old pal 0gan, he actively hunted and executed lower lvl humans, he got the same curse right? Nope, he was jailed for LESS than a day. Which brings up another point, aix is supposed to be a normal player, why does she have special privilege? Why can she make announcement post like an admin? It's just suspicious to me and a few others that have lost any and all trust in admins and guard of this game, all because aix/seq is too biased and given too much power.

Seems she has admins around her little finger it seems, because new admins and seems she even more active with things. Sure some players will dismiss what i say or call me a liar, but many have seen this happen, they are just too afraid to speak out, out of fear they will end up jailed or banned for nothing or have a curse for the smallest thing blown out of proportion.

Still a bit I didn't say, but oh well, let's see how this fairs first lol.

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Sunday, October 8th 2017, 11:07pm

your clan leader is married with an ex human guard... I'm pretty sure she can tell you (if she hasn't done it already) a few stories... If not, no worries, contact me in private, I'll tell you a few about your own leaders and clan mates
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.


Sunday, October 8th 2017, 11:25pm

Don't worry dzaack, I know what your talking about. But when an obvious witch hunt is going on to find even the smallest thing wrong against you and those you call friends to have you out right banned because they don't "like" you. When it happens to you man, let me know how you feel. :) and as you see, humans guard got purged because of abuse of power, what will happen to mag guards? I bet nothing, even though their is obvious abuse of power, but when they run everything, who can you go to? Only people you can is the populous to open their eyes on the situation.

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Sunday, October 8th 2017, 11:42pm

you're so quick in judgements or you have bad influences around you... anyway, I gave you my answer already in prv, there's no need to continue here.
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.


Sunday, October 8th 2017, 11:54pm

When it happens to you man, let me know how you feel. and as you see, humans guard got purged because of abuse of power, what will happen to mag guards? I bet nothing, even though their is obvious abuse of power, but when they run everything, who can you go to?

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Monday, October 9th 2017, 12:15am

how thoughtful... I apreaciate the concearn you guys have for me and the clan I am a part of but don't worry, we'll survive.
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.


Monday, October 9th 2017, 1:01am

Poor sad little you... Yes there is the fact favorites get played in this game always has been always will be... Grow up get over it......
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all.. :lol: :lol:

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Monday, October 9th 2017, 3:37am

your clan leader is married with an ex human guard... I'm pretty sure she can tell you (if she hasn't done it already) a few stories... If not, no worries, contact me in private, I'll tell you a few about your own leaders and clan mates
I stay out of forums because of the bias control by magmar head guard and both mentor heads but i'm getting a little tired of this...

Dzaack - You got something to say about me or clanmates, lets here it. You want to clear the air? then lets clear the air. I have nothing to hide. Normally I sit and read in silence but if you wanna spill things, I got plenty to tell.

This thread was stating the corruption and abuse of power your close personal friend Seq/Aix does to her own game husband and select friends. It'll only be a matter of time that Dulla will leave and then human guards will effectively be in control of a maniac head guard who's agenda here includes jailing myself/DS and anyone who opposes a threat to her power.

Example 1: 0gan is allowed to rig in battlefields (I've posted links to Beefy when he was head guard) and nothing ever became of it when it was passed onto magmar guards. Anything that was ever presented was always washed away and pushed off as nothing and never was any fine levied or jail time or REAL curse applied. I'm not alone here in knowing this either. As for tinus, he broke rules, he got jailed, i'm not here to argue that but if 0gan can run around w/exe scroll attacking 7-10 levels below him repeatedly and nothing is done about it, I can see why tinus who did make a simple mistake is upset. (Lisad/Threepwood can check his history but likely wont)

Example 2: Acro/ahl are allowed to leave guards, carry on attacks against regular players (shylark was one and I hope he actually answers to this coherently), then welcomed back INTO guards and expected to carry on like unbias guards LOL HOW can this type of thing be allowed? I understand rules have been changed since BUT why was it allowed in the first place? Favoritism and Power abuse, plain and simple. I'm not blaming acro/ahl for wanting to exe someone, I'm showing what lengths Seq/Aix will go to ensure her friends can do what they want then welcomed back into guards lol I mean how can this be allowed to happen in the past? Cause head guard to happen (and with Admin blessing).

Example 3: Even her own guards, yes, her own guards have sent me gifts and contacted me in skype/telegram to apologize to me, saying they finally see what me and others see, that Seq/Aix has too much power/control and influence over too much.

I have more examples but figure like these, they'll fall on deaf ears. Why is that? I know there is alot of people who hate DS, mainly cause of me executing them in game for being asses and/or telling them just what I think of them. I dont take money to execute people, I judge them solely based on their actions and return to them in kind how they act and threaten so hopefully they dont continue it in game. DS doesnt have wars with human clans because I've earned most clan leaders respect by helping other clans. I dont allow people to push us around (like you Dzaack, your multis Gigi and Mazaa check out her curse) and yes I push back when/if I can. When any of my clanmates are attacked by someone who is much higher level, these same clan leaders come to me out of respect wanting to dispose of and even run someone out of game if I want but I dont, sometimes they take matters into their own hands and I dont stop them as I know they're enacting justice. I know eventually jerks get what come to them, if not by my hand, by anothers hand or ultimately karma itsself.

I've been a mentor since my inception in this game, only Lady Jedi and Dracomeander lasted longer than me. 90% of the guides/training was created by ME, I helped create the bar in which mentors should attain and I took great pride in it and where i've seen it degrade to just disgusts me. There few that remain are there now just for some assemblance of power to exert over others instead of helping others as their real mandate should be. Mentors should be disbanded fully as it will never attain the level of excellence it was in the past. Its an obsolete, waste of time and game gold to have them anymore. They should be removed.

I've seen many guards, human and magmar come and go. Out of all of them, I can wholeheartedly say that Seq/Aix has to go. Admins have become complacent and too reliant on 1 person, yes
ONE person to do their job instead of them doing it themselves. That in itself gives her control and influence over many others, not only magmar but she is into human gaurds and mentors. I've voiced this when I was a mentor and was treated like a heretic so I just left Mentors.

People like to insinuate that tracey was my eyes and ears in guards. Anyone who knows tracey, knows that when she was guard or even head guard, she delegated everything to others, and expected them to do it. In return, by not being more hands on with her guards then, she was too gullible and easily taken advantaged of by her foolish trust that she didnt need to check her own guards. She lost her position as head guard and eventually guard. Now listen closely to this part... I NEVER spoke with tracey about anything guard or considered remotely guard related. I knew how she'd handle things and it wouldnt have been handled by her, it would have been passed to someone else, so, I spoke ONLY to Beefy (a good man who got railroaded from game), Kenshin (who was another good man who left when he had enough) and before that, Irish (who was a total prick and pales in comparisson to the dishonesty that Seq/Aix exhibits).

Anyone who agrees with me will be branded a DS sympathizer and protector lol Cause its easier to jail and sweep people under the carpet than to actually do what needs to be done and that's remove Seq/Aix from power.

Thank you,

ps. ok Seq/Aix, lets have it or send your cronies muffin/dzaack/sag76 etc to defend your unwavering statue of purity that you claim to be lol
You really know its "game over" when the most fun we have is talking in forums...


Monday, October 9th 2017, 4:23am

oh the tampons


Monday, October 9th 2017, 9:31am

I am impressed how much is going on in this ittle browsergame^^


Monday, October 9th 2017, 1:23pm

I agree and victim xD

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Monday, October 9th 2017, 1:30pm


I will not add anything new to this, It is not a discution that should be made public but I will repeat what I've already stated many times before, Nobody from your clan has the right to complain about any kind guard activity and you know very well why. Unlike you, who is on crusade for years against certain people, i try my best to let the things belonging in the past to the past. I am a friend of Aixlinn, that is true but that does not mean I completely agree with all of her decisions and she knows it very well, in fact, there's at least one thing that you mention in that post that I brought up to her myself but I trust her judgement and I do know the good work that she is doing for this game.

"(like you Dzaack, your multis Gigi and Mazaa check out her curse)" - whatever informants you have mate, they're not worth the payment ^^ I have no idea who those charcters are and currently (and for the last many years) I don't have any multies, the only characters I have played are well knows I asume, Slayerem (which is the one I started with) and I also have a mag character that came here from the french server where i played for a while long before the merging of the servers.

P.S.: It's easy to throw stones at your "enemy" and it's easy to paint a story in different shades but there's quite a few number of people left to be fooled here. Like i said, life has a funny way of putting people in their right place sooner or later.
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Monday, October 9th 2017, 1:41pm

There's one last thing i want to add here, I've been telling Aixlinn for years to quit her guard job, it's not worth the effort she puts in and there's nothing that would make me more happy then seing her as a regular player but that is a choice of her own. I don't need to praise her activity as a guard just as I don't have to point out flaws in the actions/decisions of ex guards, facts speak for themselves. I am not trying to change anyone's oppionion or lead them into thinking I am right ans Sith is wrong, I would really want for everyone to use their own critical thinking and find the truth for themselves.
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Monday, October 9th 2017, 2:08pm

I don't know if you guys have realized it yet but...It seems that some guards are not even as equal as others. AŞİR's and Lord_Kanuni_Ordu's ranks are/were the same: EcoRep-TR or RepEco-TR or whatever. So it brings us to the only conclusion of this: If you can speak Turkish and you apply to guards, you will be only looking at the gifts,loans and character names because you do not deserve a higher authorization here,you're not guard enough to be an operations or investigations member. Racism much?
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.

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Monday, October 9th 2017, 2:21pm

You missed the point, this thread is not about guards or guard internal structure, this is about Aixlinn being the most evil person ever to walk the Earth.
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Monday, October 9th 2017, 2:44pm

It is not about someone being evil,it's about corruption,one's ambition of controlling everything and being at the top. Even what you have posted until now in this thread supports that thesis.

However,I don't want to make this thread go somewhere other than it supposed to. I think everyone made their points clear,including me. There should be an investigation,Admins should do it. No matter what is true or false,there are rumours/facts whatever you'd like to call it.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.

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Monday, October 9th 2017, 3:40pm

I am impressed how much is going on in this ittle browsergame^^

I'm impressed how people are so serious on a non competitive game :lol:
Ok, maybe a bit of competition there it is alway :mine:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

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Monday, October 9th 2017, 3:41pm

You missed the point, this thread is not about guards or guard internal structure, this is about Aixlinn being the most evil person ever to walk the Earth.

Juse leave them be Dzaack, is a waste of time and words.
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

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Monday, October 9th 2017, 4:08pm

Check out the date when the rule come out, if you want to complain about attack on low lvl you can report direct Here
P.S. I'd rather blame others for attack on low lvl people before the rule come out, both human and mag, since ogan do not attack all the low lvl people he see around.

You are not a victim, you and Santa just act weird sometimes and make people around nervous, btw i like your and his constructive critisism, but most of the times you two are just toxic people around a normal game as few of the player of every videogame i've seen.

I'd like to point out the code of conduct of a mentor, since you once have been, and one of the most repected too since old mentors still remembers you for what you've done, but i think not many think you changed this much.
Btw, i did many thingys for the mentor and for the game too, but i think no one will know that, because you know, i prefer to stay unknown :thumbsup: instead of crying for "no reward" for what you've done.

You are taking so serious a game :lol: and i repeat, a game :lol: a game which is the most non-competitive game i've ever seen, with one of the most competitive forum presences :lol:
Ah and no, kahan, i dont think there is any racism between mentor or guards just because you are turkish and i am chinese and who ever is who ever is.
And a plus : onu is turkish and he is Assistant Head Mentor
And if you are talking about choco : no one is bothering him to not come back, is he that decided to not come back.

But hey these are only a normal player opinions, nothing less, nothing more.
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Monday, October 9th 2017, 4:26pm

I read only the headline, I will not read nonsense)))) but open the translation, and you will get 1 more noob to the humans race ^^
only God can judge me.

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