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Monday, November 4th 2024, 11:57pm

Heralds Info corner


The Heralds are constantly working to provide you with helpful gameplay information.
So that you don't have to wait for our newsletter, we would like to introduce you to our latest changes and new articles in the library.

If you have any questions, suggestions or requests, please feel free to contact the Heralds Team at any time.

Enjoy your game!


Friday, November 8th 2024, 8:28pm

Library changes
14.10. - 07.11


  • [COM] Auction Guide
    Completely reworked the article, added new and updated information, new screenshots.
  • [COM] Mirror Magic
    Added new rewards, rewards from reflection chest, minor code fixes.
  • [COM] Hunters of Fortune
    Added new betting options, achievements.
  • [DE] Glücksfänger
    Added new betting options, achievements.
  • [COM] Brotherhood of Virtue
    Added information about initiation quests, new options for exchanging EEs and skulls for emanations, more information about Saint Lyran's Relics and Dragon Horns, achievements; code fixes.
  • [COM] Relic Seekers
    Added information about reputation restrictions, achievements; code fixes.
  • [COM] Artisan's Bags
    Added a list of Artisan's Bags.
  • [COM] Gnome Runes
    Corrected wrong rewards and added those that were missing, added more information about obtaining runes and about counterfeits, added achievements; layout changes.
  • [COM] November - Rewards
    Added new and missing rewards, achievements. Changed layout - all additional information about the rewards can now be found below the main table.

Forum rules, EULA: Signature should not be larger than 2 lines with normal font size. Abunadance of formatting tags, colourful appearance, and large fonts are forbidden.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Liusaidh" (Nov 8th 2024, 8:36pm)


Sunday, November 24th 2024, 2:03am

Library changes
08.11 - 23.11


  • [COM] Celestial Valley of the Gnomes
    The page has been completely reworked, it now includes information on daily quests, cards, medal costs, achievements, and more.
  • [COM] Runes for Armour
    Added information about the Awakening of Magic runes, the red rune for boots, runes for legendary items; other small updates and fixes.
  • [COM] Trading Journey
    [DE] Handelsreise
    Updated restrictions for Shiko Pauldrons Tokens, changed the looks of the tables, other small changes.
  • [DE] November - Belohnungen
    Added new and missing rewards, achievements. Changed layout - all additional information about the rewards can now be found below the main table.
  • [COM] December - Rewards
    [DE] Dezember - Belohnungen
    Changed layout of the page, corrected wrong prices, added new rewards.
  • [COM] October event
    Added clan quest, changed rewards layout, other small changes.

Forum rules, EULA: Signature should not be larger than 2 lines with normal font size. Abunadance of formatting tags, colourful appearance, and large fonts are forbidden.


Wednesday, January 1st 2025, 12:39pm

Library changes
24.11. - 31.12



Forum rules, EULA: Signature should not be larger than 2 lines with normal font size. Abunadance of formatting tags, colourful appearance, and large fonts are forbidden.


Saturday, January 25th 2025, 12:00pm

Library changes
01.01 - 25.01



Forum rules, EULA: Signature should not be larger than 2 lines with normal font size. Abunadance of formatting tags, colourful appearance, and large fonts are forbidden.

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