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Saturday, October 7th 2017, 7:31pm

Prize Warrior's Chest

19:27 You have received: Prize Warrior's Chest 1 pcs

19:28 Underground Elixir of Giant 10 pcs, Underground Elixir of Life 50 pcs, Underground Elixir of Power 100 pcs, Underground Elixir of Blood 40 pcs, Underground Vampire Elixir 60 pcs, Battle bond 50 pcs, Strong Essence of Experience 3 pcs, Impressive Essence of Experience 3 pcs
19:28 Premium Elixir of Rock Skin 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Hurricane 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Destruction 1 pcs

Not bad :cool: reward for glory, you can check it in events -> Rewards for accomplishments


Saturday, October 7th 2017, 7:41pm

I think the amount of val needed on each level might be different, so just gonna say as lvl8 we need 60k val


Saturday, October 7th 2017, 10:29pm

500k here ^^


Saturday, October 7th 2017, 10:33pm

:stesn: that's a lot, but maybe better rewards :lol:


Saturday, October 7th 2017, 11:40pm

500k here

600k for me :glance:


Sunday, October 8th 2017, 12:30am

I got all the same, except instead of that assortment of premium elixirs I got:

00:24 Premium Elixir of Invulnerability 2 pcs, Premium Elixir of Hurricane 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Rock Skin 1 pcs


Sunday, October 8th 2017, 12:43pm

70k for level 9
Beg that I succeed, for I have seen the throne of the gods, and it was empty.

 lol666 [9] 


Posts: 771

Location: Anywhere, Anytime

Occupation: Searching for the real meaning of life

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Sunday, October 8th 2017, 4:03pm

50k for me :pain:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Sunday, October 8th 2017, 7:51pm

19:49 As you open the chest, you find:
19:49 Premium Elixir of Giant 10 pcs, Premium Elixir of Life 50 pcs, Premium Elixir of Mana 100 pcs, Premium Elixir of Spirit 25 pcs, Battle bond 50 pcs, Impressive Essence of Experience 5 pcs, Strong Essence of Experience 5 pcs
19:49 Premium Elixir of Destruction 2 pcs, Symbol of Heavenly Blessings 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Invulnerability 1 pcs

300k @15


Monday, October 9th 2017, 9:38am

50k at lvl 4, could it be that your rank in relation to your level also affects the amount of val needed?


Sunday, October 15th 2017, 3:44am

03:42 As you open the chest, you find:
03:42 Underground Elixir of Giant 10 pcs, Underground Elixir of Life 50 pcs, Underground Elixir of Power 100 pcs, Underground Elixir of Blood 40 pcs, Underground Vampire Elixir 60 pcs, Battle bond 50 pcs, Strong Essence of Experience 3 pcs, Impressive Essence of Experience 3 pcs
03:42 Battle Spirit Sphere 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Destruction 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Hurricane 1 pcs


Sunday, October 15th 2017, 12:18pm

50k @lvl 5 and Champion rank


Sunday, October 15th 2017, 2:17pm

50k at lvl 4, could it be that your rank in relation to your level also affects the amount of val needed?

Only depends from level. Higher level - more Glory you need to receive chest.


Monday, October 16th 2017, 5:48pm

17:47 Premium Elixir of Giant 10 pcs, Premium Elixir of Life 50 pcs, Premium Elixir of Mana 100 pcs, Premium Elixir of Spirit 25 pcs, Battle bond 50 pcs, Impressive Essence of Experience 5 pcs, Strong Essence of Experience 5 pcs
17:47 Battle Spirit Sphere 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Destruction 1 pcs, Premium Elixir of Invulnerability 2 pcs, Symbol of Heavenly Blessings 1 pcs
17:47 Battle Axes Symbol 30 pcs


Monday, October 16th 2017, 7:08pm

Battle bond 50 pcs

what are these


Monday, October 16th 2017, 7:13pm

They're armed and ready agents 007


Tuesday, October 17th 2017, 12:44am

but Glory is not limited to the maximum rank on level (for warriors from level 5)

Little curious, why is lvl 4 the only level where you can't get the chest when valor capped?

 lol666 [9] 


Posts: 771

Location: Anywhere, Anytime

Occupation: Searching for the real meaning of life

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Friday, October 20th 2017, 12:52pm

23:10 As you open the chest, you find:
23:10 Underground Elixir of Giant 10 pcs, Underground Elixir of Life 50 pcs, Underground Elixir of Power 100 pcs, Underground Elixir of Blood 40 pcs, Underground Vampire Elixir 60 pcs, Battle bond 50 pcs, Strong Essence of Experience 3 pcs
23:10 Premium Elixir of Rock Skin 1 pcs
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

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