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If u didn't see it yet ...the admins are Great !
..or not !
WTF is that they increased the amount of valuables gnomes coins to get helms in Gnomes shop without any report ??
cool to let us discover by ourselves and judge them again as they are ...
Sorry Lisad , i don't know u , but that's not very cool for us all .
WTF is that they increased the amount of valuables gnomes coins to get helms in Gnomes shop without any report ??
cool to let us discover by ourselves and judge them again as they are ...
Sorry Lisad , i don't know u , but that's not very cool for us all .
Here are the infos about the cost, nothing has changed, the amount of coins is the same
When i bought my artfull lvl 10, I knew how many coins i had to spare for lvl 15, and the amount of coins is still the same.
Just depend of what you have to exchange.
Here are the infos about the cost, nothing has changed, the amount of coins is the same
When i bought my artfull lvl 10, I knew how many coins i had to spare for lvl 15, and the amount of coins is still the same.
Just depend of what you have to exchange.
Here are the infos about the cost, nothing has changed, the amount of coins is the same
When i bought my artfull lvl 10, I knew how many coins i had to spare for lvl 15, and the amount of coins is still the same.
Just depend of what you have to exchange.
correct as far as I can see only rings and amulet prices have decrease. helmets still the same
what is the definition of insanity?

I might be wrong but...are you sure you checked the same ones as before?so ..maybe it was me , but 2 or 3 months ago when i looked in the gnome-hop, exchange was for less valuables, i even thought i could this way give some valuables for clan quest level III because i had more than needed ...
anyway if things are like that then ..nothing more to say .
For example: level 15 helmet goes for 110 valuables or 100 valuables + blue 15 helm but you can also pay 75 valuables + level 10 artful helm
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
this is why our old admins stopped giving a care xD
if we want to jump to conclusions or fire at admins for simple changes that most likely wasnt soley her vote but the vote of the team of admins/ russian admins. then im sure lisad will be gone just as fast if not faster,
give lisad the credit for creating things in quick time that the community asked for, video/stream thread, memorial thread.. now we see she is pretty involved now instead of firing at her. lets see threads with polls and cool ideas or better suggestions.
if we want to jump to conclusions or fire at admins for simple changes that most likely wasnt soley her vote but the vote of the team of admins/ russian admins. then im sure lisad will be gone just as fast if not faster,
give lisad the credit for creating things in quick time that the community asked for, video/stream thread, memorial thread.. now we see she is pretty involved now instead of firing at her. lets see threads with polls and cool ideas or better suggestions.
this is why our old admins stopped giving a care xD
if we want to jump to conclusions or fire at admins for simple changes that most likely wasnt soley her vote but the vote of the team of admins/ russian admins. then im sure lisad will be gone just as fast if not faster,
give lisad the credit for creating things in quick time that the community asked for, video/stream thread, memorial thread.. now we see she is pretty involved now instead of firing at her. lets see threads with polls and cool ideas or better suggestions.
do you really have to stick you nose in every possible post on forum? take a break every now and then, we already know every dream and thought you had since birth.. give us some room for new ideas
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.
Double valor was working correctly during the last event. The problem is that it was working incorrectly during the one before and was x4 instead of x2, so last one we returned it back to x2, as it should be.Yeah our admins are awesome. Last gb event they forgot to put double valor, cost eveyrone a ton of valor (700k for myself) then just completely ignored it. Can't wait to see what they will surprise us with next.
Lisad | Community Manager
Battlefield hardly happen anymore because no one needs them with 1.5x or 4x valor at plat and other easier valor options. Which in turns fuels whining about those dead battlefields. Prompting a need for hiatus of such event to force play on the dead-fields. Then of course followed by counter whining to bring back said events because no one really liked the dead battlefields in the first place
Rinse and repeat.

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