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Update Thread + Info Log
Hi warriors,
Now its finally done. As you may know, the time after a huge update is always very sensitive and there might be little things that are not supposed to be.
So if you find anything strange or even buggy, please report it here.
"Please do not discuss the update here but only put issues up!"
Thank you
And here is everything that is new and open:
Update Changelog
We will soon make many more new features available for you. Keep your eyes open and find soon more on our news page.
Now its finally done. As you may know, the time after a huge update is always very sensitive and there might be little things that are not supposed to be.
So if you find anything strange or even buggy, please report it here.
"Please do not discuss the update here but only put issues up!"
Thank you

And here is everything that is new and open:
Update Changelog
- Positive and negative effects are now directly shown in the user interface (UI), between life and mana.
- After the registration players receive a bonus when they remain in the game for a while.
- The clan leader can send a message that all clan members can read after logging in. When a message has been created the clan icon will flash.
- Some graphical changes have been made on the UI
- Eldives and Kroffdors act differently in fights. The buff “Balance of Strength” appears when 5 or more called bots are in a fight.
- Only a maximum of five items can break after death.
- Tradable runes from the Cave of War Mages (Magmars) and the Tower of war Mages (Humans) have been removed from the game. The attributes that these runes gave have now been added permanently to all mage armor, so that it is not necessary to buy these runes.
- The clan fee can also be paid by clan members that have the right to apply for the siege of a fortress.
- Several letters can be edited at the same time in the post.
- The character display has been changed so that there are new slots for the bows which will soon be introduced.
We will soon make many more new features available for you. Keep your eyes open and find soon more on our news page.
Tradable runes from the Cave of War Mages (Magmars) and the Tower of war Mages (Humans) have been removed from the game. The attributes that these runes gave have now been added permanently to all mage armor, so that it is not necessary to buy these runes.
we still got the runes in our gear so we got more mana now. Bug?
we still got the runes in our gear so we got more mana now. Bug?