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Monday, November 22nd 2021, 8:07pm


From now, there is an outright ban on attacks in the Ruins of Khor-Abselon. If a player is found to attack, use negative effects or intentionally stall other players' fights in this location, they will be punished with the same severity as that of the Attack Rules.

haha lvl 10 need protecion while hunting, but screw everyone else, who writes this stuff, someone biased it would seem, just remove attack rule altogeher


Monday, November 22nd 2021, 8:09pm

lvl 20 i mean lol


Monday, November 22nd 2021, 8:22pm

who cares level 10 ??? ?( ?( ?( ?(

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Nov 23rd 2021, 1:54am) with the following reason: Defamatory comment


Monday, November 22nd 2021, 8:35pm

I was thinking the exact same thing. I really don't know who comes up with these ideas and also what are those ideas based on. Did guards/support teams receive feedback from mages that they are tired of killing eachothers and they want to try some fresh lvl7 blood.
I suspect people that take this decisions aren't really bothered by this rule.

As far as I can see this game is put on auto. Nobody cares what do players think, no admin interaction with the player base and solely relies on filtered informations.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Nov 23rd 2021, 1:45am) with the following reason: Defamatory remarks.


Monday, November 22nd 2021, 8:40pm

lol true hurt


Monday, November 22nd 2021, 8:41pm

better make all spots free of atacks


Monday, November 22nd 2021, 8:45pm

The post is no longer seen as deleted, any trace of it completly erased. are you allowed to do that ? Arent you supose to write a reason you deleted it for?
Ive seen the message and i can say im familiar with the forum and game rules. That message had no reason to be deleted. unless it was personal...


Monday, November 22nd 2021, 8:47pm


I do not understand the proceedings of the Administration
regarding non-magical levels. You lost your server (PL) because you managed it
badly! Now decisions completely detached from reality. Why aren't you
consulting the players? Only when the players quit or play less (20lv) do you
start doing something.

Nobody will play against players who have everything and
only come in to spoil the game. As 5 years ago it was written on the forum of
the Polish server about the guard that will support the weaker, this is
"Administration"this is what you have come to this year;).
Congratulations on your speed .....

Such wrong decisions, or a complete lack of reaction, could
be described here. An example from the Polish server was that at some point
there were x3 less on the side of magamras. It was the Administration, after
2/3 years, that offered the transition for free. :D

Rybak Traslator :)


Monday, November 22nd 2021, 8:51pm

And no one even has an opinion?
where are you ?
there are rules that are suddenly added to someone's benefit?

why only for levels 19-20?

I can't hunt in the white castle area. Invsibles always use negative every time (zara etc.) why is there no change for this?

or for the serpagon ?

A new rule is added just because someone wants to hunt more comfortably. Why is 8-9-10 free to attack? Is someone behaving outside of what you want?

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Monday, November 22nd 2021, 10:27pm

Another day, another drama. Here we go.
I am also for the idea of removing attack rule altoghether, however, the same people who are against the high levels being protected are the same biased, hypocritical bigots who didn't say anything when the attack rule was first introduced or when it was changed to protect level 10 and below because it served their interests. None of you think about others, it's all me me me. And right now all you're doing is showing your hypocrisy and nothing else. I, for one, was one of the people who wanted the attack rule (No, I don't have the moral high ground for that, I don't want your props, I don't care about anything you have to say) here for one simple reason: high levels thinking they can bully anyone without any repercussions. Unfortunately that rule gave birth to people constantly talking smack. Who were those people? Lo and behold: the very same people we felt remorse for because they were bullied as a low level.

Why I support the idea to remove attack rule?

It's simple, lower level people are feeling a lot more confident nowadays. Instead of everyone minding their own business, they tend to be all up in other peoples' grill and just keep yapping. It's a game, enjoy, stop trying to be a self centered grade A a hole. If you don't, then maybe a little bit of bullying will help.

Should it be removed now?

No. It's a new thing, let's give it a spin, let's see how it's gonna work out and how many low levels I can bully.

As for Nefertiti's comments: Yes. The "filtered information" has been around for a while and if you realized it now, I feel sorry for you. But I agree with you, that HAS to change. Best way to do it is to expand that filter instead of giving full democracy nonsense (we know how it ends up, people who want one thing just keep making new accounts and smash that like button, subscribe, follow on twitter, reblog on tumblr, whatever). Have new channels of bringing information to the admin (>2021 >thinking admin will listen to the playerbase lmao) instead of just x amount of people bringing that info on behalf of others. For example I don' tremember anyone asking the opinions of people playing in, idk, Drunkards or let's say Conquistadors, or us. That has to change. People who are playing for 5 years, 10 years are the core playerbase. Their opinions matter as much as the new players opinions.

As for the other thing, no, you're wrong. It actually bothers everyone, a lot. Nobody wants to wait in lines to hunt, did you try it? No? Maybe you should ask around, see how level 20 players are holding up.

As for other comments, it doesn't benefit only one clan or its players, it benefits every level 20 who have to go and hunt in ruins peacefully because there is a long line of players hunting level 21 scorpolions.


Attack rule bad, but attack rule no remove. Attack rule stay. We see first. We talk later attack rule.
Attack rule no protect one clan, attack rule protect everyone.
Lower level need care what say, or they get attack.
Lower level no more protect. Very good.
No be hypocrite. Be good person who care all. After all, this only game.
Admin must listen all. We all have opinion. We all want good game.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Monday, November 22nd 2021, 11:00pm

Why I support the idea to remove attack rule?

It's simple, because i am lvl 20 with nothing to do in the game and i don't care of other people who play in this game. Hope this new rules make your game hell too :)


Monday, November 22nd 2021, 11:03pm

in reality Lv 7-14 are safer than ever, but what do I know, I am just a normal player


Monday, November 22nd 2021, 11:11pm

Cahal, as you probably saw, your clannie made the same remark as I did, so did Deathwish. Don't be that guy that takes every chance to attack on every post I make on forum. As you can see, I couldn't care less.
I'm sorry that you think the core of my post was that lvl20 should not have a safe place to hunt. If indeed admins want to help lvl20 players they can offer them more locations to hunt or even make the current hunt locations so that you can't attack (like rainbow lands, but with hunting screen available).
What I hinted was that mages and, as of now, lvl20 players go hunting undisturbed, get tons of easy gold and can come now (after the new rule) attacking low level players while they hunt. And this is not happening just in human land. Both races do it.

If this rule was indeed fair to ALL players that would mean the in places that have lvl7 mobs, lvl7 players can't be attacked. In places where there are lvl8 mobs, lvl8 players can't be attacked, and so on. Thats never going to happend.


Monday, November 22nd 2021, 11:45pm

Lvl 7-14 are safer than others? really? do u think a lvl 7-8 attacked by a lvl 20 is safe? come on please let's use brain....

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Tuesday, November 23rd 2021, 12:22am

I thought I was pretty clear. Anyways, take two:

When attack rule didn't exist, people were bullied constantly. The reason for the attack rule isn't the "raiding players can't attack me anymore" but "my own race players can't bully me anymore" and frankly, players like Sir Kay are giving me more and more reasons to just be the biggest bully this game has ever seen.

Are you guys 100% sure that you read what I posted or just picking the parts you don't like? I'm not a level 20 who has nothing left to do, I'm a level 20 who has a lot to do, it's all fun and games when lower level players are asking for prices like 2k golds for 100 diamonds because "BuT BrAh YoURe a LeVeL TEhWeEnTeE YoU GeT 102301230213*23901293123 GoLdS EvErY SecOnD" but now that level 20 players have protection from attacks, it's not OK? That's confusing. It was also totally fine when level 10 and below were protected, I didn't see any one of you complaining about that, but now you are complaining because it doesn't protect you? And let's say all of it is true, are you guys really not playing this game that much? Even if nobody is there, the elite guards are there, these guys have a whopping 200k hp per guard and hit like a truck, so you can hunt safe anyway.

The main point you both are missing is the fact that the game has always been about higher levels, it's always been about moving forward and not staying in the same place for years. Just this past 2-3 years the lower levels got some attention and now look at you. You're all acting like spoiled little children. There is literally nothing you can back up your claims with. Everything you are saying is just empty. It was always about going to the next level, killing the next bigger paying monster, scalping the higher level enemy, killing the next boss, getting the next level armor, spending more money, the money you got from that next level monster I told you about. If you, with your own free will, choose to stay in lower levels, be my guest. But don't be so ungrateful for the gifts you got. Attack rule was a gift to you, the events, the diamond certificates, everything was gifts just for you, the lower levels to earn more money and stay there and play however they want. Don't be mad now that at least level 19-20 players also got it. If anything, if you guys are really scared of being attacked, either never level up from level 6 and keep the attitude or lose it and be decent human beings. Nobody is out there to get you, learn to be kind, learn to treat others well. Otherwise be prepared to fight anyone who comes at you.

Anyways, you guys both proved me right with your posts. You also showed exactly why we have to get rid of attack rule so that everyone knows their place. Giving you guys something means you will always ask for more and take it for granted instead of being thankful for it. It was the same with the magic storm in battlefields, it was the same with events kicking in a regular basis and now it's the same with attack rule. It's just sad.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Tuesday, November 23rd 2021, 12:43am

Might aswell change the title to farmville. Y'all been raiding and killing people that dont expect just fine but when the fire touches you,you simply change the rule.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "T-DeAdLY-J" (Nov 23rd 2021, 1:49am) with the following reason: Defamatory comment


Tuesday, November 23rd 2021, 1:20am

dont worry lvl 20 can hunt now in peace from atack of other race in game about war betwen these 2 races lol, and low lvls not, they can be atacked.

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Tuesday, November 23rd 2021, 9:22am

Usurper +1


Tuesday, November 23rd 2021, 9:38am

my opinion has always been the same, protect everyone or no one, simply keep it fair, i havent changed this position.
as for lvl 20 getting protection to hunt, im sure lower lvls would like to do chaos rep on faygo with protection too, but its a war game so they dont, im sure lvl 11+ would like protection in mage lands, but they dont get it.
and its not just a attack rule, it als protects from negative effects (which players can actually protect themselves from, and even being stalled, since when did ppl ever have protection from negatives and ppl stalling them, its a rule designed by a few to protect the few, my point stands, rules should protect everyone equally, anyhing else is a travisty of fairness, and shows only bias owards some


Tuesday, November 23rd 2021, 11:02am

I cannot understand the problems described by some mags here in lv 18+ lands coz I'm still a lvl 10, but everyone has its own right to make money safely and in peace both you are a lv 1 with no armor and a lv 20 with red sets.

So if you, hi-lvls mages, get pissed because an invisible curses you while you're hunting, you can understand what, someone like me, can feel to be attacked by a mage who leaves me wounds for at least a day, maybe while i'm in my rainbow hour, just to ruin my game; yep it's a pvp game, nothing to say, but these situations are just griefing not funny and fair fights.

From a low level perspective, this rule update try to makes up the lack of fun and fulfilling events which allows everyone, especially bored hi-lvls to vent desire of making scalps or killing humans just for own fun.
The only event which I think, makes everyone happy right now, is magic storm in plateau, the numbers of player who participates every time confirm this (There was over 100 players last time for several hours), the rest are just for people who have chances to spend a lot of gold / diamonds in blessings and so on and by that I don't mean that the game should boost noobs and nerf pro players/paypallers but simply offer everyone equal opportunities, so +1 if mages get protection against attacks in their lands but totally disagree with the other changes.