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 LE LOUP [17] 


  • "LE LOUP" started this thread

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Tuesday, December 4th 2018, 2:29am


wooooooaaaw ... COM admins, why didnt u invite us ? :lol: :lol:


Tuesday, December 4th 2018, 5:54am

They met in Moscow as they are all fro, Russia, and where would me meet if we are all from different countries? :)
I would go if it took place on New York, I wouldn't fly to other country :)

  • "Kayser Soze" has been banned

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Tuesday, December 4th 2018, 9:24am

Yvil did this once in Hamburg i think, since the majority of the playerbase was from Europe it'd be understandable. Now? All servers are shut down, there are players from Turkey, Pakistan, India, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, The US you see my point here? This is a multicultural server, Taking a train from Krasnodar to Moscow or a plane from let's say Kazan to Moscow is not the same of taking a plane from Glasgow to Islamabad. If administration tried to hold a player-admin meeting event the price difference would be the main problem, then we have the place of the event, let's say it'll be Istanbul, yeah sure everyone in Australia would love to take 18 hour flight to Turkey just to come see some people, or South Africans were dying to come here just to meet, have an after party and go back. Not mentioning everyone has to take care of their own stuff in the meanwhile.

Bad idea, only could work if all the players had their own national server and the admins from those servers tried to organize it in their own way in their own countries.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.

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Wednesday, December 5th 2018, 6:11am

:lol: i wouldn't be surprised if people actually kill each other in real life because "you mirrored me the other day":lol:


Wednesday, December 5th 2018, 4:26pm

:lol: i wouldn't be surprised if people actually kill each other in real life because "you mirrored me the other day":lol:



Wednesday, December 5th 2018, 4:26pm

:lol: i wouldn't be surprised if people actually kill each other in real life because "you mirrored me the other day":lol:



Friday, December 7th 2018, 12:08pm

This is a fricken Browsergame. I wouldn't even go there if it was in my town.

  • "Kayser Soze" has been banned

Posts: 1,998

Location: Turkish Paradise

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Friday, December 7th 2018, 12:28pm

You don't meet with people because of what kind of game you play, you meet with people to spend time and have fun together you uncultured asocial swine.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Friday, December 7th 2018, 4:04pm

when Yvil did it in Germany a handful went, i remember seeing the pics she posted. Grahf!!! lol Imagine everyone turning up as clans ready to fight LMAO


Friday, December 7th 2018, 7:47pm

we could finally settle once and for all - who actually has the bigger pecker

I am in


Tuesday, December 11th 2018, 9:52am

when Yvil did it in Germany a handful went, i remember seeing the pics she posted. Grahf!!! lol Imagine everyone turning up as clans ready to fight LMAO
In that case i would probably change my mind ;D