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 Sequana [10] 


  • "Sequana" started this thread

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Tuesday, April 11th 2017, 12:53pm

April Update

Update has been done, here is a recap about the preview in March - see link above. You can also add here all the additional changes and finds, which have been brought with the new update.

Thank you :drink:

Premium Account

Having a premium account will give permanent valour bonus, received according to the carried battles. (Details see in link above)

Especially important it will be to the participants of the «Crossed swords» event and warriors preparing for the new Clan Wars season. Fighting for your clan is now very beneficial while having a premium account!

Time to rob Caravans

From Aplil in Faeo «is possible to rob caravans»! The signal for the beginning of the event, joyful for all hunters for the others' goods, will be given by the Raiders Horn. It only requires to blow in it and on the enemy's land a caravan will start its way, loaded with valuable goods!

Caravan follows from the docks to the capitol, alternately passing three locations. In each of them it will stay for 40 minutes, in the period of which you can attack the Caravaneers, that are found in hunt mode. Regardless of the attackers' level, victories promise valuable goodies: gold, rubies, trade fair items, precious chests and quest resources.

You can not rob your own merchants, but you can protect them and receive coins and Merchant Marks. For this you need to join the caravaneer's fight with the thieves. In attack or in defense, the reward is being given to the warrior or spread between the group of several wariors, that did the most damage. You can receive Raiders Horn with low probability while increasing Trophy Hunters reputation.

New properties of the accessories

We all know that in Faeo, a world full of magic, not only weapons and armors are required for victory, but also the magical power of jewelry. With the update, magic powers that define the properties of many accessories will change by enhansing most kinds of jewelery (only applies to the new items, purchased or received in battle from the update), by making them unbreakable and along with that giving some other features:

• Purple Gnome rings and amulets will become unbreakable;
• Ephemeral Gnome rings and amulets will as well become unbreakable, but they will also have a lifespan of 30 days;
• Rings and amulets purchased for Shiass substances will also become unbreakable;
• All rings and amulets green, blue or purple, received as drop from monsters or superbeings, will as well be unbrekable, but after their first equip, the ones that were transferrable will become non-transferrable.

Besides jewelery, the changes will affect the properties of important accessories like belts:
• Gnome Ephemeral belt will become unbreakable with lifespan - 30 days, analogous to the ephemeral jewelry;
• Geen and blue belts and slings, bought from the shops, will as well be unbreakable.

Once again we specify that all of these changes affect only newly purchased (or received in the form of trophies in battle) accessories. The items from the above mentioned categories, that are already in possesion of warriors, will remain with their old properties.

We remind you that the accessories that you already have in your posession can be made unbreakable with the help of resins. As for the new jewelry and belts, as is clear from the text above, almost all of them will now have a convenient feature of being unbreakable by default.

Enhanced Guards

Sheara decided to help Soldiers and Patrols of the both continents. The defenders will go on duty with renewed strength, gleam in their eyes and joy in their hearts. The gift from Sheara brought new skills and enchantment to equipment of each Soldier and every Patrol around Faeo.

New characteristics of Otherworld runes

Now Otherworld Gviur Rune in addition to the bonus valour received at the Fault fights will also provide protection against negativities. Аnd Otherworld Argur Rune will not only increase the durability, but also protect from the effect of lost soul.

We remind you that the essence of the Otherworls runes strength is snown only at the edge of Faeo world - in the Faults, at the Hand of Sky and the Hand of Abyss. In other locations the runes will not show their powers at all. This applies as well on the new protective features.

Other changes that are expected:

  • The maximum character level is increased to level 19.
  • Experience essences now can be used by players up to level 19.
  • Hand of the Sky and Meridian vaults are available for warriors level 19.
  • You will be able to purchase items and bezels for warriors of level 19 in Arsenal.
  • New level groups are introduced in the Chaotic battlefields: levels 16-17 and levels 18-20.
  • At the Meridian lands were added new monsters level 18 and level 19, in connection with the monsters' distribution their locations have been changed.
  • The process of attacking a monster is optimized. This change have greater impact on high level players, as due to the large parameters, sometimes their fight could have taken much more longer to load.
  • Monsters killed in the «Kennels» will now count in Clan quests.
  • The rewards for level 17 Maurins and Zarlogs are changed. Previously all the rewards from the main and summoned monsters were handed out with 50% probability. Now the reward from the main monster is given with 100% probability, while the summoned one will give only money drop. So now when Kennels are being used the rewards will be for all the monsters killed in the Kennel.
  • Now when you activate Treasury Hunter Maps, in the chat you will be able to see the name of the location. By clicking on it, the navigator will automatically guide the way to the location.
  • Changes in the layout, display of prices and discounts in shops has been made.
  • In «Miscellaneous» section of the Backpack «Gifts» tab will be added.
  • The quests' interface now has the ability to sort them by level (sorting type can be changed by clicking on the special button at the top of the quests' section).
:!: Guards open their doors for new members. Interested? Please apply here! :!:

 Sequana [10] 


  • "Sequana" started this thread

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Location: Square of Fire, Khair

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Tuesday, April 11th 2017, 2:14pm

Patch notes - Changes:

Freshly baked from translation team:
(no guarantees that ALL topics actually have been implemented)

  • Spell «Seal of Anti-Magic» can be used only during your turn.
  • Banners and totems in the backpack now display as a tip the time remaining until the moment when they will be available again for use (if they are ready for use the line with time is missing).
  • Rarities filter is added for resources in “Hunt” mode; you can choose what rarity resources you wish to see.
  • The use of Pet Food is changed, the non-transferrable ones will be taken at first.
  • In the interface of «Accepted» and «Completed» Quests was added a filter for the type of quests.
  • Purchase of 10 random Essays and Stories is now available at the Exchange Tent (the purchase of 1 piece still remains)
  • Short-cut key for use of banners during fight is now available [P].
  • Now as well as the usual Short-cut key numbers used for elixirs, NumLock will also be available for use (1-6).
  • The rewards of Maurina and Zarlog level 17 are changed. Previously all the rewards from the main and summoned monsters were 50% guarantee. Now the reward from the main monster is with 100% probability, while the summoned one will give only money drop. So now when Kennels are being used the rewards will be for all the monsters killed in the Kennel.
  • In the fight for «Abyss» now the armor will break, pay attention.
  • Now the applications in «Exchange» can not be placed for lower price than the price you would get if selling to the shop.
  • Now while constructing a building in your estate you will be able to move the cursor only up to your available Energy and Riolite (earlier you could move up to your available energy only and your riolite was not taken into consideration).
  • Now when you activate Treasury Hunter Maps, in the chat you will be able to see the name of the location. When clicking on it the navigator will automatically guide the way to the location.
  • Other Race’s «Bank» will update automatically at 17:00 Server time, independent of being robbed completely or not.
  • Changed layout in the store interface, «Cards» section has more items added, prices and location etc. Also changed of the color and the name of «Premium Shop» .
  • Adjusted area in the Kennel’s «Hunt» button in order to avoid accidental clicks.
  • With the help of Elt’s Cube you can now turn 5 of the same type Silver New-year coins (2014-2017) into «One Piece of Gold Coin».
  • In the «Battlefield of the Day» no longer applies protection of armor breaking. has not been applied.
  • Medium Shiass fragments will now be combined into one cell, similar to other fragments.
  • Now after resurrection the time of movement to another location will be reset.
  • In «Miscellaneous» section of the Backpack was added a group «Gifts».
  • When clicking on the word «fight», in the chat's system message for the start of «Abyss» or «Sky» fights, new window with the fight's information will open.
  • Confirmation window of resurrection is now removed for when Altar at the Battlefields is being used.
  • Now, with the help of the «Compass», magmar race representatives can see the route to the previously missing «Gryphon Crossing», but not just to the «Wyvern Crossing».
  • The monsters' hunting icon (displayed as <i>) will no longer gives reference of their battle.
  • The quests' interface now has the ability to sort them by level (sorting type can be changed by clicking on the special button at the top of the quests' section).
  • Now the elements' particles that are received in the «Hands of the Sky» and «Hands of the Abyss» will be transformed into «charged» by the full pack, not just by 1 as it was previously.
  • To preview the list of effects on a character, now is available only when you are logged in the game.
  • In connection with the approaching «Trade Journey» event, changes of the properties on some of the rewards have been made.
  • The effect of «Dawn luck charm» will now last for 1 hour (before it lasted for 2 hours). Amulets with old properties will be renamed as «Antique» and will remain untouched (in case any available). In Elt's cube will be provided the availability of transforming «Antique Dawn luck charm» and «Scroll of Crushing» into 2 charms with the new properties. Also changes were applied over «Dusk luck charm», duration of which now will be 3 hours, instead of the 2 hours it lasted previously. The updated data will be placed in the event's section.
:!: Guards open their doors for new members. Interested? Please apply here! :!:

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Apr 11th 2017, 5:57pm)

 Sequana [10] 


  • "Sequana" started this thread

Posts: 574

Location: Square of Fire, Khair

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Tuesday, April 11th 2017, 2:17pm

Patch note - Bug fixes

Bug fixes:
If you find any of the mentioned bugs NOT fixed, please add it to the actual Bug thread:

  • Monsters killed in the «Kennels» will now count for Clan quests.
  • A number of reasons, that were causing a problem with switching between magical and physical stands in battle, are now fixed.
    It's fixed the bug with the impossibility to transfer an item during a trade, despite the available backpack space of the recipient.
  • The bug of adding links to the clan news is now fixed. Earlier it led to problems with the layout of the clan news window at the clan's profile.
  • The bug of searching in completed battles by nickname at the Meridian Vaults was fixed (was required to be included search between the inter-server battlefields).
  • Now the bow skill «Glaze break» can not be used on a player that is already under the influence of a similar bow skill.
  • Correction was made over the issue that was causing the notification, regarding the beginning of preparation for the Cahotic battle in chat, sometimes not to be periodically displayed.
  • The problem of taking incorrect amount of Pet food for pet training was eliminated.
  • The bug for incorrect display of very large clan ratings based on their valour and experience has been fixed.
  • The bug of that, where there was no automatic change of the character's nickname in the statistics of «Meridian vaults» after their end, is now fixed.
  • Changes in the layout, display of prices and discounts in shops has been made.
  • Changed interface of the Backpack's layout for the button «Settings».
  • A number of improvements have been made to correctly display the list of alive/dead players in combat, as well as layout changes of the window with the list of participants in the combat.
  • The process of attacking a monster is optimized. This change have greater impact on high level players, as due to the large parameters, sometimes their fight could have taken much more longer to load.
  • A number of amendments were made to the function «Special lots», errors that were discovered during its placement were corrected. As well was added display of the remaining time before the auction lot time ends and the notice can be set in section «Personal», notifications about «Special lots» in Auction.
  • Several bugs with the display of super-blows hints were fixed. For example, the combination of hits looks like this: «Up» > «Up» > «Down». After doing the 2 hits «Up» and hitting as well 3rd time «Up» - the hint will just reset to the beginning of the combo, but at the same time, after making the 4th hit «Down» the super-blow will be successfully completed. Now the hint will not be reset to the beginning but will suggest as correct hint to do a hit «Down».
  • The bug for appearance of additional spirits, in some cases, at the Clan Wars is now fixed.
  • Clan Wars system was revised, in particular was fixed the bug where in some case clan from Gold league will meet an enemy from the Bronze league
  • The bug, of due to which player who was riding a mount and is already in a battle but can not summon a mount via the button ("horseshoe") on the right side menu, is now fixed.
  • The error of rounding the values for «Experience» and «Valour» in the upper left character window, is now fixed
  • Fixed error for saving the changed data on the quantity of goods in the shop's basket after their edition, in the cases of removing or adding items.
  • Fixed the bug for the disappearing message line sent in the chat for the browsers based on Chrome.
  • Fixed bug of when cancellation of a friendship on the associated with the game social network accounts did not lead to removal from the game's friend list. Now only the players that you have added as friends and the ones that have added you, within the same social network, will be displayed
  • Fixed incorrect display of equipped Style banners, particular in the cases where the character has already an item from the section «Banners». Now the Style banners are always displayed.
  • Fixed errors in the layout of the «Skills» in the interface of the own «Shadow».
:!: Guards open their doors for new members. Interested? Please apply here! :!:


Tuesday, April 11th 2017, 3:18pm

Now the applications in «Exchange» can not be placed for lower price than the one noted on them

This was a bad move for example

items that sells for lower than the face value

all blue rings and amulets =166 gold
pots been years we dont buy pots from shops
blue transferable used armour who the hell is gonna pay full price for these? 20s face value but ppl only pay 8s so for me to buy this ill have to ask every soul if they can sell it to me for 50g

would have been better if u Tds remove the exchange auction from the game if that how u are thinking to make things better

to me u guys look stupid for doing this


Tuesday, April 11th 2017, 3:26pm

Seems like it's just bad translation, the whole exchange minimum price thing isn't as it says. Minimum price is given by the amount the item sells for when you press the little sell button at the bottom right in backpack, not the number on the item. You can test this yourself if you like, since all encased chess is 30s from the sell button. Try an exchange offer for 30s and one for 29s and you'll see.


Tuesday, April 11th 2017, 3:37pm

oh yea i see now :lol: :lol:

items with face value of no more than 3 gold minimum bid price is 10% the face value
items with face value of 3 gold and more minimium 30s bid price

 Sequana [10] 


  • "Sequana" started this thread

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Tuesday, April 11th 2017, 3:56pm

Sorry guys, Liam is right. Items cannot be added for a lower price than you would get if you sell to shop. Translation above has been missleading, will edit that now.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
:!: Guards open their doors for new members. Interested? Please apply here! :!:


Tuesday, April 11th 2017, 4:05pm

Is there a bugs thread for this update? The label for the new filter for the quests list is in Russian, as are two of the filter options.

 Sequana [10] 


  • "Sequana" started this thread

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Tuesday, April 11th 2017, 4:07pm

Game Update Bug Report Thread April 2017 post the bugs you find here pls.

Thank you!
:!: Guards open their doors for new members. Interested? Please apply here! :!:


Tuesday, April 11th 2017, 5:20pm

the whole Battlefeild description in all arena temple cc etc are in russian.. every single update, and still so far behind being updated

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Tuesday, April 11th 2017, 5:38pm

so youre bacicaly saying i can sell for example a lv 6 pcs of blue magish armour for 30s......
Instert credit to continue


Tuesday, April 11th 2017, 8:03pm

so youre bacicaly saying i can sell for example a lv 6 pcs of blue magish armour for 30s......

No, that patch notes says that the minimum price they can be requested is this one. Other than this - trade rules and threshold apply.

To clarify, so you all can understand this change easier: No more 21 'cheap' exchange purchasement for expenssive lots.

For instance many used exchange to kick-out taxes on expenssive items. Now still, if the tax is higher than the amount for which the item/s are sold, exchange is good option. Else - use trade.
:angel: Choose me for your Consecrator :kiss2:


Tuesday, April 11th 2017, 8:06pm

the whole Battlefeild description in all arena temple cc etc are in russian.. every single update, and still so far behind being updated

Please use the assigned topics to report bugs or incorrect/missing translations.
:angel: Choose me for your Consecrator :kiss2:


Wednesday, April 12th 2017, 4:26am

Can we get our interserver back ? .well:


Wednesday, April 12th 2017, 9:21am

Can we get our interserver back ? .well:

Expected in Friday to be up.
:angel: Choose me for your Consecrator :kiss2:


Wednesday, April 12th 2017, 3:50pm

and what's with higher exp from mobs :) new feature to push people for lvl up ?

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Wednesday, April 12th 2017, 3:55pm

if u didnt notice we have allrdy that mobs give more exp now
:angel: Pay for your sins or you will ✞R.I.P✞ :sarcastic:

 Sequana [10] 


  • "Sequana" started this thread

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Location: Square of Fire, Khair

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Wednesday, April 12th 2017, 6:31pm

Change: experience, valor!

After the Update we could discover some increase of valor and experience in fights.

Basic values ​​of experience and valor for characters from level 8 have been increased. This means that now for killing monsters and other (higher level) players you will get more experience and valor, and, the higher the level, the more significant the bonus. Thus, for level 8 characters, the base values ​​of experience and valor were increased by 5%, level 9 - by 10%, etc. The experience for killing monsters and level 18 characters is increased by 100%, and the valour for killing characters of level 18 is increased by 160%

Information from the project administration:

Percent change experience gain and valor:

7 Level: 0% + experience + 0% valor.
8 Level: + 5% experience, + 5% valor.
9 level: + 10% of experience, + 10% of valor.
10 level: + 20% of experience, + 20% of valor.
11 Level: + 30% of experience, + 20% of valor.
12 level: + 40% of experience, + 40% of valor.
13 level: + 50% of experience, + 60% of valor.
14 level: + 60% of experience, + 80% of valor.
15 level: + 70% of experience, + 100% of valor.
16 Level: + 80% of experience, + 120% of valor.
17 level: + 90% of experience, + 140% of valor.
18 Level: + 100% experience, + 160% of valor.

Please, don´t kill the messenger for that :P

:!: Guards open their doors for new members. Interested? Please apply here! :!:

This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Apr 13th 2017, 12:19pm)


Wednesday, April 12th 2017, 10:17pm

since update, my saved armor setting does dress me up. it strips me down but doesnt dress me..


Wednesday, April 12th 2017, 10:29pm

since update, my saved armor setting does dress me up. it strips me down but doesnt dress me..

If you have read the bug report topic you would know that it was mentioned already. As once already pointed to you, please use the correct topics as mentioned above in post #13.
:angel: Choose me for your Consecrator :kiss2:

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