This forum should be used to report issues of high urgency, such as technical problems, foul and offensive character names and other extreme issues that aren't covered by other forum sections.
We can not answer any issues regarding your payment in the forum. For payment questions you need to write to
Please review previous messages from the front page of that forum carefully to know if your problem is already known and was recently reported. Please use previous topic as a guideline for your posting behaviour.
You must name your topic subject appropriately, e.g.
"Can't talk to Baguron - javascript error"
instead of
and write detailed post with a problem description.
Please contact
CrossKnight (Human) or
Malle and
Yvil (Magmar) in the game chat in case of extremely URGENT issues only, else please use the forum.
We will try to address your issues as soon as possible during work days in European GMT +0100 time zone.
There are some admin characters that you may encounter during the game, but they are inside the game to make sure it works properly and investigate development issues, so you might not get answers from them.
Magmars Admins:
Human Admins:
In case of Lost attributes:
You should mention the date and the time of each event when any loss of attributes, e.g. valor, occurred.
We reserve the right not to answer your message if it does not follow these guidelines.
Spam and non-sense answers by other players in this forum will be viewed as infraction and punished as such.