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Friday, March 25th 2011, 9:16pm

ST Pat ale became unstackable?

I earned a number of St Patrick's day ale. I used some but had saved the rest, till today. when I went to refresh my stack of 4 ales they would no longer stack. Looks like I will now have to use them today or lose them. In fact I'm guaranteed to lose some of them as the life is down to 5 hours as I write this.


Friday, March 25th 2011, 9:31pm

turns out 3 of the ales time got reset to 24 hour, but since they no longer stack will be gone by this time tomorrow unless they are made stackable again


Friday, March 25th 2011, 10:07pm

yeah happened to me too thanks for the warning :((


Saturday, March 26th 2011, 11:02am

yea, the modified some things :(( i lost a bless becouse if this. Had a flask bless from Flask event, 3g wasted + G life elixirs i used to get it :((


Saturday, March 26th 2011, 2:16pm

I lost my bless to :devil: admins this sux.... 3g just out the window. its crap and we cant say any on it..


Monday, March 28th 2011, 10:00am

The St Patrick's ale had a duration of 1 day. That has not been changed. It does not matter if an item is stackable or not for the duration.