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Thursday, May 19th 2011, 10:29am

Clover quest

Dear Mr Cross Knight. Actually I completed the quest (went back to Ostap, etc.) so I did indeed click on the confirm button at the herbo or else I wouldn't be able to do that.

So, why is the clover quest still showing as unfinished on my list?

(PS, gunglXOs also don't poo apparently):beeee:


Thursday, May 19th 2011, 10:39am

You completed the main clover quest ("The Four-Leaved Clover"), this should be shown as completed on your list. However you didn't properly complete the counterfeit clover quest ("Creating a counterfeit clover-leaf"). You should be able to do so by talking to the herbologist or you can just resign that quest as you don't need it any more.

You are becoming an expert in monster excrements now. :smile:


Thursday, May 19th 2011, 10:52am

Ah, I see the Four Leaved Clover quest as completed on the other list, so have resigned the other one. Now, about this monster poo...


Friday, May 20th 2011, 1:26am

762 ... still not have Four-Leaved Clover ....


Friday, May 20th 2011, 9:20am

I recommend speaking to the Herbologist.


Friday, May 20th 2011, 9:29am

Quoted from "-Kroshka-;88248"

762 ... still not have Four-Leaved Clover ....

I got it .. on 831 ...


Friday, May 20th 2011, 9:44am

i got on 363 :D


Friday, May 20th 2011, 10:06am

This is not a competition on how many three leaved clovers you get and this part of the forum is only for reporting issues with the game. Four-leaved clovers are rare, it is not an issue if it takes you lang to get them and you can avoid searching for them by visiting the herbologist.