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Wednesday, July 27th 2011, 4:28pm

Pet Problem

:hi: , imm a few days ago my pet reached it's lvl 5 , it had 2 exp on it ,

today i raged when i started my rage it had 2exp and when my rage ended it also had 2 exp :( it didnt move

i killed alot of mobs on my rage yet my pet is still 2exp and lvl 5 ,

can u plz tell me if this is a bug ?


Wednesday, July 27th 2011, 4:43pm

when your pet reaches the same level as you it stops gaining experience. when you level up it will start learning again. this is not a bug.


Thursday, July 28th 2011, 9:17am

That'sthe correct answer. Level up and your pet will gain xp agian.