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Hi, guards.
I have the figurines 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 but Antiquarian do not talk to me. I check him daily for 4 days and nothing
My accepted quest page shows:
The Rare Collector’s Figurines
An unbelievable power lies in these rare collector’s figurines that can be found all over Faeo.
Passed: The antiquarian will do further research about the collector’s figurines and try to find out what they are all about. When you have found the figurines 1, 2, 3, and 7, return to the Antiquarian.
Passed: Travel to the city square and speak with the elder. Maybe he is able to reveal the secret of the Collector’s Figurines.
Passed: Go to the port and try to find out if anyone is willing to sail to the Polar Badlands.
Passed: Keep your eyes open. The collector’s figurine can appear at any time at the most unusual places.
Current goal: Return to the Antiquarian when he has finished reading the Ancient Book.
I have the figurines 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 but Antiquarian do not talk to me. I check him daily for 4 days and nothing

My accepted quest page shows:
The Rare Collector’s Figurines
An unbelievable power lies in these rare collector’s figurines that can be found all over Faeo.
Passed: The antiquarian will do further research about the collector’s figurines and try to find out what they are all about. When you have found the figurines 1, 2, 3, and 7, return to the Antiquarian.
Passed: Travel to the city square and speak with the elder. Maybe he is able to reveal the secret of the Collector’s Figurines.
Passed: Go to the port and try to find out if anyone is willing to sail to the Polar Badlands.
Passed: Keep your eyes open. The collector’s figurine can appear at any time at the most unusual places.
Current goal: Return to the Antiquarian when he has finished reading the Ancient Book.
Quoted from "Mahtan;106739"
I also have figurines 1,2,3,6 and 7 and the antiquarian dosent want to talk to me
If I am not misstaken you missing the Yeti Figurine. Go to Bair at Virgiya District, so he can take you to the Badlands, will cost you 2g unless you have 5 Shiz Beer on you. There, talk with Little Yeti and then fight the Yeti until you have 3 toys droped, talk with the little Yeti again and he will want you to have a word with his Evil Uncle. Once you defeated him, you will recieve the Yeti Figurine. Once you have all 6, go to the Swindler at Sadness, he will give you a Ancient Book, then go to Samary, then the Elder and then continue for the Chugga Figurine.
Same for you, but don't know what your sailor guy is called.
Hope that helps.

Checked with Baird - there's nothing.
Current goal: The antiquarian will do further research about the collector’s figurines and try to find out what they are all about. When you have found the figurines 1, 2, 3, and 7, return to the Antiquarian.
Problem is I have those figurines but no quest from Samary.
Current goal: The antiquarian will do further research about the collector’s figurines and try to find out what they are all about. When you have found the figurines 1, 2, 3, and 7, return to the Antiquarian.
Problem is I have those figurines but no quest from Samary.