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Key Missing from Backpack
I took some time off from game to heal from an illness and upon my return I find I can't get into my chest in Manor of Bud.. It says please use key in backpack, but it is not in backpack. How can I open my chest and get my stored items out?
Thank you Platypus(
Can you give the approximate time when you last had the key?
This server is heaven, admins are angels
I've not been in game since Christmas and some time before that.
Here is what Shevek suggested:
07:51 Shevek » Platypus : explain that it was before the last update that you last saw the key. ask if they can fix the same issue they fixed for the rest of us then. suggest Malle do it.
07:52 Platypus » Shevek : ok I'll try that
You should now be able to access the chest without hascving the key.
This server is heaven, admins are angels