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Tuesday, September 27th 2011, 12:43pm

There is no crystal in the game :stesn:

The bottom line is that I came to tobs of kings to the shadows that would exchange their thing on Chrome Cuisses Jaguar Cuisses, but he has asked me 52 glittering Turquoise fragments, which I did not find this game anywhere ... Please help with this problem, replace the crystal or something else please do!


Tuesday, September 27th 2011, 2:20pm

This section of the forum is for reporting issues, not for complaining that some things are not easy to get.

Quoted from "Fairy Tale;104974"

This server is heaven, admins are angels


Tuesday, September 27th 2011, 4:54pm

Quoted from "Cross Knight;112414"

This section of the forum is for reporting issues, not for complaining that some things are not easy to get.

Well, answer the question where to get the crystals glittering Turquoise fragments??? :dragon:

Posts: 244

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Occupation: Shuffle people

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Tuesday, September 27th 2011, 5:54pm

Quoted from "Sidha;112432"

Well, answer the question where to get the crystals glittering Turquoise fragments??? :dragon:…ments/fragments

The above link will show you all types of Fragments and how to obtain them.
