I was in arena today and was kicked out due to the client crashing in this fight
as soon as i entered the battlefield it was laggy and once in a fight it was taking 20secs from me clicking to hit and it being able to do it. Then it completly froze up, i had to restart my computer, by the time i was back, the arena had been finished.
This also happened yesturday between 15:15 and 15:17 in the Derlict House as i entered lings room, it completly froze up the only thing i was able to do was to restart my computer.
As well as the 2 occasions when ever i use the forum,libary or news i am unable to get back to the main game screen as it has crashed i have to shut down the client and reopen as refrehing does not work. These problems have only appeared since the last big update. I hope u are able to provide a solution as at the moment i have a loss valor and i am unable to attempt my arena feat.