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Pilsbury Dough Boy

  • "VAMPXIII" started this thread

Posts: 812

Location: Forum Hell

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Wednesday, November 23rd 2011, 1:59am

Fights not loading

23:38 You have attacked Veteran Demon Hound [4][>[href=].
23:38 The battle "Attack on Veteran Demon Hound[href=]" has begun.

23:41 The battle "Attack on Veteran Demon Hound[href=]" has ended.
23:41 Some of your items have been damaged: Unicorn Dagger (-1), Unicorn Bracers (-1), Wanderer's Belt (-1).

00:14 You have attacked Wild Hound [1][>[href=].
00:14 The battle "Attack on Wild Hound[href=]" has begun.…573&server_id=0

00:17 The battle "Attack on Wild Hound[href=]" has ended.
00:17 Some of your items have been damaged: Unicorn Cuisses (-1), Unicorn Dagger (-1), Northern Wind Helmet (-1).

Please give my 1 belt durability back and fix it so fights load. This is not a lag issue else I'd blame crappy connection. Also note 0second fights ending in draw but damaging things. :(


Friday, November 25th 2011, 11:19am

If thinhs like that happen the first thing to do is to clear your cache, In most cases this helps. Also check if you have the latest full versions of the client, the flash player and the internet explorer (if you are playing on the client).