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Tuesday, January 10th 2012, 11:27pm

curious about 2 questions.

1st question.
this dates back to the rainbow event, i had completed the quest and received my rewards for the completion but it shows up in my quest log as not completed. now is there a way to correct this? also is there any loss of achievement or benefit if i decline this quest?

quest reads:
The Journey to the End of the Rainbow

The goblins Mukhmor and Grildo have asked you to start an expedition to the end of the rainbow to find out which enormous treasures can be fdound there.

Current goal: Travel along the rainbow until you have reached its end and look for a treasure there. In order to open all magical portals and to overcome all enemies the herlp of many warriors of different levels is necessary.

2nd question, my account has paypaled in the past and when i select the option to borrow from the money lender it confirms that I have payed money and I have access to credit to borrow, but it does not give me a max limit as to how much i am allowed to borrow, IE: say i wished to borrow 5 diamonds against the 10 diamond limit Im allowed, or 50 diamonds to the 150 diamond limit Im allowed.

Money changer box reads:
Greetings, traveller!
I am happy to see you in my bank. I know that you have already used the services of my bank many times and have changed diamonds. My savings are great and I would like to give you some diamonds on credit for 10 days.
If you pay them back early, I will only be happy, but if you fail to return them on time, I will place a Curse of Poverty on you until the debt is repaid. The more diamonds you buy, the more I can give you on credit. My trust in you and the sum you can borrow will increase with every diamond that you buy here.

Ive discussed this to other mentors and guards and they found this weird and have mentioned that it describes a limit they are allowed. so Im wondering as to how to fix this on my account so I know my limit and can plan accordingly.
Unless i earned the unlimited gold account which would be a wowsers :)

Thanks for your time CK


Thursday, January 12th 2012, 11:11am

You can declijne the quest without any loss of achievements.

I am not sure quite understands your second question. Can you please explain again?

Quoted from "Fairy Tale;104974"

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