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Monday, March 5th 2012, 12:12am

Missing items

I noticed that I had the following around 3 months ago and was still collecting them - now they have disappeared from my backpack and never sold them:

23:20 Sum of received Encased China Pawn 3 pcs, Encased China Rook 2 pcs, Encased China Queen 1 pcs

Please Help!


Monday, March 5th 2012, 11:38am

When did you last have them and when did you realise you are missing them? Please try to minimize the time when they could have dissappeared as much as possible.


Monday, March 5th 2012, 11:56pm

I noticed they were not there on Monday 4th March - I last logged on Saturday 2nd and it was on my backpack. I also noticed the brand new dodger pauldrons were missing on the same day.


Tuesday, March 6th 2012, 11:24am

Don't forget that you have items stored in the bank. :smile:


Wednesday, March 7th 2012, 12:58am

Ah u saved me Cross Knight - I nearly totally forgot about the 1 bank I had purchased. As u get older - u tend to forget where u misplace some items - yes I have found my items :D

God bless u Cross Knight and the rest of u admins for doing a fantastic job - You all are angels in the heavens indeed.