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General guide for new players into mob hunting. Levels 1-3. Includes quests, drops and prices.
So, this guide is because i see lots of new players going round at the moment, generally in full hunter/cutthroat gear. The aim of this guide is to get people with around 10 golds worth
The main aim of this guide is to give you a good idea of how the game works by letting you play it out, and to give you a very usable account in terms of gold gained.
I also notice a lot of underbidding, i hope this educates players especially about ludial links/other items and their value. Spoke with a player whom his "friend" purchased it off him for 20 silver, i told him the price it would sell at was easily over 95 silver. He was not amused. Seriously the problem we have is a lack of players, we do not need to cheat new players to reduce the new player count even more.
Please read the full guide before getting started!
So, new account, where do you start?
Start with some quests,
Quests to do: (generally quests which give some potions/moneyz)
level 1:
The Journey Begins
Where: Chief Kort @ Settlement of Klesva
First Blood
Where: Chief Kort @ Settlement of Klesva
Big Hunt for Wild Hounds
Where: Elder Baguron @ O'Delvays Square
For fun consider this one:
City In Peril
Where: Baird the Seafarer @ Virigiya District
You get to see all sorts of crazy creatures faeo has to offer and smash them all in
You get a club as a reward which is nice too 
level 2:
Damirus's Heartbreak
Where: Elder Baguron @ O'Del'vays City Square
Hated Zigreds
Where: Chooray the Warden @ Outskirts of Silent Steppe
General Alarm
Where: Elder Baguron @ O'Del'vays Square
Leader's Belt
Where: Centurion Mekden @ Free Meadows
Magmar Beast
Where: Arnica @ Wirgold Estate
Talking Bones
Where: Thanos the Necromancer @ Vassals' Tombs
Undoing Death
Where: Baird the Seafarer @ Virigia District
Level 3 there's a few more to do more than this, but hopefully i'll talk to you again whilst you're at level 3.
Lets begin with the ludial link, go buy it now, go to settlement of klesva, put it on auction for bid price: 90s, buy it now: 99s (s short for silver, c = copper, g = gold).
This is the easiest 90 silver (after tax) you will ever make. It also is recurring every fortnight. If you buy on 12/11/12/16:00 (d/m/y/time), it will be ready to buy again on 26/11/12/16:00,
Stolen Wallet
Where: Veslav the Ranger @ Lights Edge (DO NOT TAKE HIS BAT UNTIL YOU REALLY NEED IT (gizdor's quest))
give the wallet to gloum, not to vaslav. 1 gold is more useful (reward from gloum) than boots and city reputation.
Experimental Armour
Where: Stavros @ Luan Coast
I would recommend bonecrusher, as this lets you kill faster than the other 2, the other 2 mean you take less damage though. So all work fairly well.
So, what should you be doing if you have some exp left to gain? kill level 2 mobs!
My suggestions for things to kill are:
Kretch leaders (settlement of buimar)
these guys i find drop pretty well, there's also a chance you'll get a "captured kretch" which you can give to chief kort at klesva, who will give you a potion for it, the point sells on auction for 6 silver easily. so a nice bonus!
Decrepid skeletons (royal tomb)
I find these guys drop nice stuff too, especially chests, quite a lot, so worth trying.
Yes those capitals are needed.
So, the aim of mob hunting is to gain as much items/coppers as quickly as you can. Generally, the best way of doing this is avoiding potions unless they are REQUIRED due to lucky opponent with dodges/crits. 90% of the time when you are fighting the mob, you should kill it without needing potions.
You should be in block and use the best superblow you can. If you're using a +damage (i.e the first 2 superblows) blow, remain in block until you are 100% sure you can kill it without being in block. If you are using level 3 superblow, you should consider coming out of block for the final hit of the superblow.
So, item drops and what to do with them.
2.5s = 2s 50c
elixirs of giant: (DO NOT USE THESE IN FIGHTS)
Weak: bid: 2.5s |bin (buy it now) 3s
green (no prefix): bid: 3.8s|bin: 4.3s
strong: bid: 5.5s|bin: 6.2s
great: bid: 8s|bin: 9.8s
Elixirs of life/power/vampire:
Use them, great elixirs of life and power can be sold on auction, but they're rare enough that this is unlikely to happen.
Leather items:
Vest/Cuisses (worth 1s) sell them to shop for 10c or destroy them. (barely worth the inventory slot to take them to shop)
club/light shield (worth 3s) sell them to shop or destroy.
boots/vest/pauldrons/gauntlets (worth 45/90s): These get "destroyed" by using a special scroll bought at wolf wasteland to the roadside store. When you have ~60 silver, go over there and buy 5 "scrolls of destruction" (NOT CRUSHING), 10 if you can afford 1 gold. So any time one of these drops, use the scroll on it.
You will receive a flickering crystal for doing this.
Flickering Crystals
Small flickering: bid: 20s|bin:25s
flickering: bid: 30s|bin: 40s
large flickering: bid: 75s |bin: 80s
This is a LOT LOT more profitable than selling leather items on auction.
Jeweller recipes:
Sell them to vendor with one exception, if they have "element" in the name. i.e recipe for ELEMENT Strong rune byal. or something along those lines. element recipes are rarer so you probably won't find one. Talk to -leilong- if you find one. I know it says they're worth 5gold for blue ones, they're common though, i've sold roughly 30 of them.
Gnome rune (COUNTERFEIT!) make sure it says counterfeit, and is non transferrable.
Just throw it away, the reward is very rarely worth it.
Gnome rune Argo/kagazz (or something along those lines)
This is the transferrable version, and does not have "counterfeit" after the name.
a suggested price: bid:60s|bin:1g
It's best to put these on the auction house UNOPENED.
Possibly the best way is going without buy it now prices, as the prices for these change regularly.
bronze chest: bid: 30s
bronze casket: bid: 50s
Metal chest/casket: try asking mentors. Prices are currently roughly 2 gold plus. i received 4.4gold not so long ago for one.
Gnome Powder:
This is used in crystalline caves and currently worthless to you, basically worthless in there also.
Worn Through Cutthroat boots/phials:
Throw these away, you'll find them in various events and such. Phials do have a use, but the reward is useless to you at the moment.
green vest/cuisses
Keep them and use them or put them on auction for a similar price to what's up there.
Suggested prices:
Executioner: bid 3.5g|bin: 4.2g
green bow:
Sell on auction, bid price 2g|bin: 2.5g
You can also destroy bows using scrolls of destruction. Bows are unlikely to sell at 2.5g in the current market.
Whilst you receive a sparkling crystal for destroying the bow. This is actually the recommended option (or you can use it of course!)
Make it look pretty, currently I have a wall of text.
Warlord blessing.
I also realise the prices are roughly ~5-10% under market average, but literally if 3 people did this, it would be enough to flood the market with small flickering crystals.
Information on wand
Continutation to levels 4 and 5.
City Charters
Superblows finding techniques in a very simply manner (most sites are difficult to understand for new players)
Valor (not sure what i wish to mention about it)
Locations of secret stashes. I'll put a small guide to a few which i remember off hand:
Plateau of silence, ruins to the left on the great big portal. This refreshes every 24 hours and can give you some nice items.
Daylight Square, 2cm under tree on the left: 3 silver? you'll need to move mouse really fast over the general area, it's REALLY small (the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen)
Wirgold Estate, above trees on the left somewhere: cuddly kretch (just something to give to people, give it to me maybe saying my guide is AWESOME!?)
Quests left out on purpose but very much worth looking into:
Quests which give city reputation. There should be guides on this about, if not it's easy enough to work out, if needed i can write a short guide to those quests also.
Gizdors task (green chainmail for the cost of a small sparkling crystal and a little help)
If you notice anything i should add to this, or any mistakes, please post below.
I wish you the best of luck and many green drops for you!
Thanks to the mentor info site. There is a LOT of information there, and i suggest you do check it out:
The main aim of this guide is to give you a good idea of how the game works by letting you play it out, and to give you a very usable account in terms of gold gained.
I also notice a lot of underbidding, i hope this educates players especially about ludial links/other items and their value. Spoke with a player whom his "friend" purchased it off him for 20 silver, i told him the price it would sell at was easily over 95 silver. He was not amused. Seriously the problem we have is a lack of players, we do not need to cheat new players to reduce the new player count even more.
Please read the full guide before getting started!
So, new account, where do you start?
Start with some quests,

Quests to do: (generally quests which give some potions/moneyz)
level 1:
The Journey Begins
Where: Chief Kort @ Settlement of Klesva
First Blood
Where: Chief Kort @ Settlement of Klesva
Big Hunt for Wild Hounds
Where: Elder Baguron @ O'Delvays Square
For fun consider this one:
City In Peril
Where: Baird the Seafarer @ Virigiya District
You get to see all sorts of crazy creatures faeo has to offer and smash them all in

level 2:
Damirus's Heartbreak
Where: Elder Baguron @ O'Del'vays City Square
Hated Zigreds
Where: Chooray the Warden @ Outskirts of Silent Steppe
General Alarm
Where: Elder Baguron @ O'Del'vays Square
Leader's Belt
Where: Centurion Mekden @ Free Meadows
Magmar Beast
Where: Arnica @ Wirgold Estate
Talking Bones
Where: Thanos the Necromancer @ Vassals' Tombs
Undoing Death
Where: Baird the Seafarer @ Virigia District
Level 3 there's a few more to do more than this, but hopefully i'll talk to you again whilst you're at level 3.
Lets begin with the ludial link, go buy it now, go to settlement of klesva, put it on auction for bid price: 90s, buy it now: 99s (s short for silver, c = copper, g = gold).
This is the easiest 90 silver (after tax) you will ever make. It also is recurring every fortnight. If you buy on 12/11/12/16:00 (d/m/y/time), it will be ready to buy again on 26/11/12/16:00,
Stolen Wallet
Where: Veslav the Ranger @ Lights Edge (DO NOT TAKE HIS BAT UNTIL YOU REALLY NEED IT (gizdor's quest))
give the wallet to gloum, not to vaslav. 1 gold is more useful (reward from gloum) than boots and city reputation.
Experimental Armour
Where: Stavros @ Luan Coast
I would recommend bonecrusher, as this lets you kill faster than the other 2, the other 2 mean you take less damage though. So all work fairly well.
So, what should you be doing if you have some exp left to gain? kill level 2 mobs!
My suggestions for things to kill are:
Kretch leaders (settlement of buimar)
these guys i find drop pretty well, there's also a chance you'll get a "captured kretch" which you can give to chief kort at klesva, who will give you a potion for it, the point sells on auction for 6 silver easily. so a nice bonus!
Decrepid skeletons (royal tomb)
I find these guys drop nice stuff too, especially chests, quite a lot, so worth trying.
Yes those capitals are needed.
So, the aim of mob hunting is to gain as much items/coppers as quickly as you can. Generally, the best way of doing this is avoiding potions unless they are REQUIRED due to lucky opponent with dodges/crits. 90% of the time when you are fighting the mob, you should kill it without needing potions.
You should be in block and use the best superblow you can. If you're using a +damage (i.e the first 2 superblows) blow, remain in block until you are 100% sure you can kill it without being in block. If you are using level 3 superblow, you should consider coming out of block for the final hit of the superblow.
So, item drops and what to do with them.
2.5s = 2s 50c
elixirs of giant: (DO NOT USE THESE IN FIGHTS)
Weak: bid: 2.5s |bin (buy it now) 3s
green (no prefix): bid: 3.8s|bin: 4.3s
strong: bid: 5.5s|bin: 6.2s
great: bid: 8s|bin: 9.8s
Elixirs of life/power/vampire:
Use them, great elixirs of life and power can be sold on auction, but they're rare enough that this is unlikely to happen.
Leather items:
Vest/Cuisses (worth 1s) sell them to shop for 10c or destroy them. (barely worth the inventory slot to take them to shop)
club/light shield (worth 3s) sell them to shop or destroy.
boots/vest/pauldrons/gauntlets (worth 45/90s): These get "destroyed" by using a special scroll bought at wolf wasteland to the roadside store. When you have ~60 silver, go over there and buy 5 "scrolls of destruction" (NOT CRUSHING), 10 if you can afford 1 gold. So any time one of these drops, use the scroll on it.
You will receive a flickering crystal for doing this.
Flickering Crystals
Small flickering: bid: 20s|bin:25s
flickering: bid: 30s|bin: 40s
large flickering: bid: 75s |bin: 80s
This is a LOT LOT more profitable than selling leather items on auction.
Jeweller recipes:
Sell them to vendor with one exception, if they have "element" in the name. i.e recipe for ELEMENT Strong rune byal. or something along those lines. element recipes are rarer so you probably won't find one. Talk to -leilong- if you find one. I know it says they're worth 5gold for blue ones, they're common though, i've sold roughly 30 of them.
Gnome rune (COUNTERFEIT!) make sure it says counterfeit, and is non transferrable.
Just throw it away, the reward is very rarely worth it.
Gnome rune Argo/kagazz (or something along those lines)
This is the transferrable version, and does not have "counterfeit" after the name.
a suggested price: bid:60s|bin:1g
It's best to put these on the auction house UNOPENED.
Possibly the best way is going without buy it now prices, as the prices for these change regularly.
bronze chest: bid: 30s
bronze casket: bid: 50s
Metal chest/casket: try asking mentors. Prices are currently roughly 2 gold plus. i received 4.4gold not so long ago for one.
Gnome Powder:
This is used in crystalline caves and currently worthless to you, basically worthless in there also.
Worn Through Cutthroat boots/phials:
Throw these away, you'll find them in various events and such. Phials do have a use, but the reward is useless to you at the moment.
green vest/cuisses
Keep them and use them or put them on auction for a similar price to what's up there.
Suggested prices:
Executioner: bid 3.5g|bin: 4.2g
green bow:
Sell on auction, bid price 2g|bin: 2.5g
You can also destroy bows using scrolls of destruction. Bows are unlikely to sell at 2.5g in the current market.
Whilst you receive a sparkling crystal for destroying the bow. This is actually the recommended option (or you can use it of course!)
Make it look pretty, currently I have a wall of text.
Warlord blessing.
I also realise the prices are roughly ~5-10% under market average, but literally if 3 people did this, it would be enough to flood the market with small flickering crystals.
Information on wand
Continutation to levels 4 and 5.
City Charters
Superblows finding techniques in a very simply manner (most sites are difficult to understand for new players)
Valor (not sure what i wish to mention about it)
Locations of secret stashes. I'll put a small guide to a few which i remember off hand:
Plateau of silence, ruins to the left on the great big portal. This refreshes every 24 hours and can give you some nice items.
Daylight Square, 2cm under tree on the left: 3 silver? you'll need to move mouse really fast over the general area, it's REALLY small (the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen)
Wirgold Estate, above trees on the left somewhere: cuddly kretch (just something to give to people, give it to me maybe saying my guide is AWESOME!?)
Quests left out on purpose but very much worth looking into:
Quests which give city reputation. There should be guides on this about, if not it's easy enough to work out, if needed i can write a short guide to those quests also.
Gizdors task (green chainmail for the cost of a small sparkling crystal and a little help)
If you notice anything i should add to this, or any mistakes, please post below.
I wish you the best of luck and many green drops for you!

Thanks to the mentor info site. There is a LOT of information there, and i suggest you do check it out:
up... this is a very good guide! really nice for new players. I want to add that some quests for low lvls are quite difficult, such as
Magmar Beast
Where: Arnica @ Wirgold Estate
So hunting in groups can be helpful for demon hound / veteron demon hound / giant zigred / purple zigred / etc, also hunting in groups is a lot of fun! though it is a bit hard to find a group to hunt these days (with a growing population of valor players...). but always give it a try if got stuck on a quest, by shouting in the city square, main chat.
Talking about groups, it is useful to know that some fights are "restricted fights", meaning others can not join your fight, even if when they are in the same group. such restricted fight includes the one in quest "magmar beast", and a lot of recurring quest (city charter quest) fights, and the one in Graveyard light.
Point here is: if you called for help, but no one helps you, it is probably not because no one wants to help you, but they cannot join the fight.
OK, I guess I also have some other things to share (and to make this post lengthy...) for calling for help. The easiest way is to type "help" or whatever variant of that. But to make it easier for others to join your fight, type "/help" instead, so a link will appear in the chat window, for others to click on.
I guess I've said too much, though still have some thought in my minds that I want the new players to know: loot distribution (what happens if you leave group before distribute loot; what does "random distribution" do to our loot; why we should not join others' fight unless asked), events (graveyard light / contraband), summons (when you cannot find a group, summons will be your best friends against strong mobs...)... I'll leave those to Bighead-
Also a question: what can we do with phials?
Magmar Beast
Where: Arnica @ Wirgold Estate
So hunting in groups can be helpful for demon hound / veteron demon hound / giant zigred / purple zigred / etc, also hunting in groups is a lot of fun! though it is a bit hard to find a group to hunt these days (with a growing population of valor players...). but always give it a try if got stuck on a quest, by shouting in the city square, main chat.
Talking about groups, it is useful to know that some fights are "restricted fights", meaning others can not join your fight, even if when they are in the same group. such restricted fight includes the one in quest "magmar beast", and a lot of recurring quest (city charter quest) fights, and the one in Graveyard light.
Point here is: if you called for help, but no one helps you, it is probably not because no one wants to help you, but they cannot join the fight.
OK, I guess I also have some other things to share (and to make this post lengthy...) for calling for help. The easiest way is to type "help" or whatever variant of that. But to make it easier for others to join your fight, type "/help" instead, so a link will appear in the chat window, for others to click on.
I guess I've said too much, though still have some thought in my minds that I want the new players to know: loot distribution (what happens if you leave group before distribute loot; what does "random distribution" do to our loot; why we should not join others' fight unless asked), events (graveyard light / contraband), summons (when you cannot find a group, summons will be your best friends against strong mobs...)... I'll leave those to Bighead-

Also a question: what can we do with phials?
Decided to make a magmar account a month back just to test out how good this was, sadly there isn't all the info on the mentor site about the mag side, so i'm unable to properly transfer it across without proceeding to complete quest to see which are worthwhile.
At the beginning of level 4 (0% exp), i reached 6 green items + bow. As well as 3.3 gold and ~70 silver worth in items. I'd value all i had at ~28 gold, which is more than 99% of new players i find.
Think that's a bad example, i managed that one in grey uniform with maybe one potions due to sitting in block and watching it die to it's wounds, hitting at last second. Considering if done correctly, by level 4 most players should be in full green for level 3. If unlucky maybe 5 greens + bow.
I haven't seen group hunting for literally 2 years+. There is a lack of new players for this to be effective, instead players whom know what they're doing.
I will add a section of requesting help perhaps if i get the time to revamp this. Thanks.
For these days, the main way of completing difficult quests (such as gizedors request for green armor requring the death of 10 veteran demon hounds) is to request help of players with mounts.
Some things i need to leave out as it will just be TOO big. Loot distribution can be figured out by players and probably wont be added.
Indeed i should have added about not joining fights.
events are in list of things to add.
Summons are to be added with city rep quests.
I've not done it myself, but apparently if you collect 20 of them, they can be changed into marvelous glass used the scroll of dilution.
Thanks for the support!
At the beginning of level 4 (0% exp), i reached 6 green items + bow. As well as 3.3 gold and ~70 silver worth in items. I'd value all i had at ~28 gold, which is more than 99% of new players i find.
Quoted from "glegolas;154325"
up... this is a very good guide! really nice for new players. I want to add that some quests for low lvls are quite difficult, such as
Magmar Beast
Where: Arnica @ Wirgold Estate
Think that's a bad example, i managed that one in grey uniform with maybe one potions due to sitting in block and watching it die to it's wounds, hitting at last second. Considering if done correctly, by level 4 most players should be in full green for level 3. If unlucky maybe 5 greens + bow.
So hunting in groups can be helpful for demon hound / veteron demon hound / giant zigred / purple zigred / etc, also hunting in groups is a lot of fun! though it is a bit hard to find a group to hunt these days (with a growing population of valor players...). but always give it a try if got stuck on a quest, by shouting in the city square, main chat.
Talking about groups, it is useful to know that some fights are "restricted fights", meaning others can not join your fight, even if when they are in the same group. such restricted fight includes the one in quest "magmar beast", and a lot of recurring quest (city charter quest) fights, and the one in Graveyard light.
Point here is: if you called for help, but no one helps you, it is probably not because no one wants to help you, but they cannot join the fight.
OK, I guess I also have some other things to share (and to make this post lengthy...) for calling for help. The easiest way is to type "help" or whatever variant of that. But to make it easier for others to join your fight, type "/help" instead, so a link will appear in the chat window, for others to click on.
I haven't seen group hunting for literally 2 years+. There is a lack of new players for this to be effective, instead players whom know what they're doing.
I will add a section of requesting help perhaps if i get the time to revamp this. Thanks.
For these days, the main way of completing difficult quests (such as gizedors request for green armor requring the death of 10 veteran demon hounds) is to request help of players with mounts.
I guess I've said too much, though still have some thought in my minds that I want the new players to know: loot distribution (what happens if you leave group before distribute loot; what does "random distribution" do to our loot; why we should not join others' fight unless asked), events (graveyard light / contraband), summons (when you cannot find a group, summons will be your best friends against strong mobs...)... I'll leave those to Bighead-![]()
Some things i need to leave out as it will just be TOO big. Loot distribution can be figured out by players and probably wont be added.
Indeed i should have added about not joining fights.
events are in list of things to add.
Summons are to be added with city rep quests.
Also a question: what can we do with phials?
I've not done it myself, but apparently if you collect 20 of them, they can be changed into marvelous glass used the scroll of dilution.
Thanks for the support!