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need ur few secs pls
hello friends, i just making this forum to get pray for my little puppy who was of 2.8 months and died yesterday night in my arms... pls pray for his soul,i m just trying my best to get as much as pray possible for his soul...R.I.P. he died just because of one do he gave him overdose of medicines and thn got typhoid due to those overdose of medicines......taffy...good bye my son..., i luv u and will still miss u alot...
please just pray for his soul
so tht he will also remember me....just cant stop crying pls i beg u all
please just pray for his soul
here is little song that help me when i am sad...
god bless and my he help you in your loss
here is little song that help me when i am sad...
god bless and my he help you in your loss
I'm so sorry for your loss... I'll be praying for u and your family and little taffy's soul... I can tell how much you really loved him... I hope more people who care about dogs and people in general will post on this thread like we all did... RIP Taffy....
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