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Thanks for the old emote's back but a slight problem, 2 of them have same "code" so to speak, and the new old one overides the previous ones. It is the below ones.
.. both have the "code" : cool :
.. both have the "code" : dance :
I know, just minor details but hopefully easy to change for those that like either of the emotes it would be appreciated.
Thanks once again for brining the old emotes back, together with the new ones.

I know, just minor details but hopefully easy to change for those that like either of the emotes it would be appreciated.
Thanks once again for brining the old emotes back, together with the new ones.

CK, you're a class act as always. Thank you man for taking the time to respond and add the cool emotes back to game 
ps. Can you have that forum troll and resident whiner Vampxiii jailed for a week just for shits and giggles?
pss. Hey, thought i'd ask, since you're in a "gift giving" mood

ps. Can you have that forum troll and resident whiner Vampxiii jailed for a week just for shits and giggles?
pss. Hey, thought i'd ask, since you're in a "gift giving" mood

You really know its "game over" when the most fun we have is talking in forums...
Male mount
Now we share our ideas I like to share mine about a MALE MOUNT. We male people are too
long without a male mount. Womans got their anglarissa. I asked in clan
which they had in mind and these came out:
Scorpion like in the movie clash of titans
Gryphon that one before the castle:
A special mount came from fusioning two animals the elephant and the scorpion: Two horns
and claws and a sting can someone imagine that
I just find its time for a male mount and like to hear your ideas about this too.
Cheers Martinni93
long without a male mount. Womans got their anglarissa. I asked in clan
which they had in mind and these came out:
Scorpion like in the movie clash of titans
Gryphon that one before the castle:
A special mount came from fusioning two animals the elephant and the scorpion: Two horns
and claws and a sting can someone imagine that

I just find its time for a male mount and like to hear your ideas about this too.
Cheers Martinni93

I actualy have never checked if your tigers and zorbs are male or female, but I am sure some of them are male, so there you have your male mount. 
With regards to the Anlagrissa, the mount that is only for the ladies, well there are some advantages the fair sex has. We could also complain that it is regarded as appropriate for them to wear skirts, wheras it isn't for men in most cultures. But I guess most of you wouldn't. So be a man, fight for your race and don't dream of things you will never get.
By the way, if there will ever be a mount for male warriors only, it might be a pnik cat, too.

With regards to the Anlagrissa, the mount that is only for the ladies, well there are some advantages the fair sex has. We could also complain that it is regarded as appropriate for them to wear skirts, wheras it isn't for men in most cultures. But I guess most of you wouldn't. So be a man, fight for your race and don't dream of things you will never get.

By the way, if there will ever be a mount for male warriors only, it might be a pnik cat, too.

ok, i have an idea too... won't be very popular, i am aware of that and i'll probably never see it introduced either but i know it would get a few players pretty mad
how about a new tab in every persons info where we can see some if not all multies that person uses on daily basis (would be neat to see chars from other servers too), might be an education boost for some and an embarassing moment for most others

Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.
I actualy have never checked if your tigers and zorbs are male or female, but I am sure some of them are male, so there you have your male mount.
With regards to the Anlagrissa, the mount that is only for the ladies, well there are some advantages the fair sex has. We could also complain that it is regarded as appropriate for them to wear skirts, wheras it isn't for men in most cultures. But I guess most of you wouldn't. So be a man, fight for your race and don't dream of things you will never get.
By the way, if there will ever be a mount for male warriors only, it might be a pnik cat, too.![]()
Best admin response EVER!!!
Trust your instinct to the end, though you can render no reason.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~