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Tuesday, April 29th 2014, 5:06pm


I am Turkish servırından, English, or reuse of the past, but there is a human character here 4 lvl 1 lvl magi was:((can you help :( :( :(


Tuesday, April 29th 2014, 6:40pm

are you sure your character be transffered?
if your clan's leader approved the transffering process then your character will be transffered.
i think you just created a new character. you should read them…&threadID=15608
(konuyu okudun mu bilmiyorum ama ekranına taşınma uyarısı gelmediyse burda 1.seviyeden başlaman pek normal. birde dikkatimi çeken ordaki profilinde hanlık rütben yok. sanırım bugda kaldın)


Friday, May 2nd 2014, 12:14am

Thank you for your concern, Yes, I created a new character, but Thomas
played characters on the server gecemiyorum tell an error occurred
during the move says
I need to assign to contact, I need to remember what it communicates
with if I'd be grateful if you would tell the old managers still don't
know idahosa ilgileniyorlarmı