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Tuesday, May 6th 2014, 12:19pm

Bought wrong Article

First of all:
I´m sorry if i am wrong in that forum. I actually don´t know where to write that issue. If i´m wrong, i would be glad if you tell me whom to write. (Support?)

I bought some things today but as i was in a hurry, now i feel like i am kind of "fool of the day".

10:36 You have bought the following items from the shop: Legendary Pickaxe 1 pcs, Scroll of Advanced Resurrection Magic 1 pcs. Thank you for your custom!

As i am Herbologo i need the THICKLE of course! :drop: ;-(

I would be glad if that problem could be solved with changing article in my backpack.

Thanks a lot,



Wednesday, May 7th 2014, 5:12am

You will need to contact Support for this...
Just a Thorn in the Heads of all those awesome Humans.. I grow bigger in their heads everyday.. I love them all.. :lol: :lol:


Wednesday, May 7th 2014, 2:48pm

actually just contact admin through in game post His name is Threepwood and Im sure he would be happy to help you out :)


Thursday, May 8th 2014, 3:01pm

First of all:

Thanks for your answer here in forum!

I tried to contact him, see below how communication was:

14:44 Klopper » Threepwood : Hello Threepwood! May i contact you that way?
14:45 Threepwood » Klopper : what's up
14:45 Klopper » Threepwood : i wrote my problem in forum and they told me to contact you... :Bought wrong Article
14:46 Klopper » Threepwood : i never wrote support ticket or something like that, does not know how i can solve my problem...
14:52 Klopper » Threepwood : you are that Person i shall contact?

i did not receive further answer....

Are you sure that this is the right person?
Player Level 2 and no mentor, no guardian? :truce:


Sunday, May 18th 2014, 8:32pm

May i ask again how i can reach support or someone else who could help me?

I also wrote a ticket "" which is now 9 days old - with NO response at all.

Or am i really not patient enough?

I think 12 days in forum and 9 days ticket should be enough time to get any answer...


Sunday, May 18th 2014, 9:47pm

Normally I think your expectations would be correct, but with recent merge support is very backlogged :( so waiting really is all you can do at this point.

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