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Friday, July 4th 2014, 9:23pm

Help with a quest

Would someone please help me or tell me how to talk to Warlord Damirus while he is in his shop? He keeps asking if I want to buy something or sell something. I need to talk to him about the bone and the secret message.

 Raik [10] 

Forum Noob

Posts: 4

Location: Deutzen/ Saxony/ Germany

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Saturday, July 5th 2014, 5:26pm

you dont need to go in the shop: just click on Damirius Reception Room at O`Delvais Arena location
Nicht nur das ein Krieg gewonnen wird macht uns zu Helden, sondern auch wie wir den Sieg erringen
Not only that a war is won makes us heroes, but how we achieve victory

The Few, The Proud. Semper Fi, til I die