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How to earn gold in WoD?
Weekly knowledge test: 31-10- 06-11-2014
How to earn gold in WoD?
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How to earn gold in WoD?
Post your answers here.
For all who do not know the game yet some simple rules:
- Every week (Friday morning) we publish one question to our game:
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Good game and good luck for all!

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Nov 14th 2014, 4:55pm)
1. The better way to gain gold it's by killing mobs. You can go to hunt screen (bear):
There you can attack monsters. All them give money, but also there's a chance of receiveing a drop ( equipment pieces or elixirs). Notice you can only get drop of monsters maximum 1 lvl below, but you can get gold from all (reduced as much as you are higher lvl than monster)
2. Selling rare resources. Some of them you can get by killing that monsters. If you use rage bless for example to kill, you can get evil eyes, which are sell quite good. You can get also fossils or runes by killing. On the other hand, another rare item could be crystaline coals that you can get going to instances (temple or crystaline cave) by droping crystals in base.
3. Another way and maybe the most important one when you are low lvl is professions. There are 3 types of primary professions, herbologist, fisherman or geologist, all them to extract resources on the hunt mode that I explained before. With those ones you can sell the resources you get, or you can use them as a ingredient used in receipes of the secondary profession. That ones can be jeweller, sorcerer or alquemist. Each one has their own receipes and products. It's a non-experience way of making gold, if you like to extract resources.
4. Selling resources of superbeings. Like spider egg, scropion bile, dead run, fiery heart, etc... all of them are tradeable, and you can do most at least twice a week.
5. Selling chess. From derelict hourse, palace or fortress (depending on your lvl). There are several types of Singing Chess sets in Faeo: Wooden, Copper, China, Jasper, Graphite, Mahogany, Silver, Marble, Malachite, Obsidian, Rosewood, Gold, Dugrkharg Ivory, Emerald and Eldorill. A full set consists of 16 pieces, you can try to complete them and sell.
I think it's all.
Good luck

There you can attack monsters. All them give money, but also there's a chance of receiveing a drop ( equipment pieces or elixirs). Notice you can only get drop of monsters maximum 1 lvl below, but you can get gold from all (reduced as much as you are higher lvl than monster)
2. Selling rare resources. Some of them you can get by killing that monsters. If you use rage bless for example to kill, you can get evil eyes, which are sell quite good. You can get also fossils or runes by killing. On the other hand, another rare item could be crystaline coals that you can get going to instances (temple or crystaline cave) by droping crystals in base.
3. Another way and maybe the most important one when you are low lvl is professions. There are 3 types of primary professions, herbologist, fisherman or geologist, all them to extract resources on the hunt mode that I explained before. With those ones you can sell the resources you get, or you can use them as a ingredient used in receipes of the secondary profession. That ones can be jeweller, sorcerer or alquemist. Each one has their own receipes and products. It's a non-experience way of making gold, if you like to extract resources.
4. Selling resources of superbeings. Like spider egg, scropion bile, dead run, fiery heart, etc... all of them are tradeable, and you can do most at least twice a week.
5. Selling chess. From derelict hourse, palace or fortress (depending on your lvl). There are several types of Singing Chess sets in Faeo: Wooden, Copper, China, Jasper, Graphite, Mahogany, Silver, Marble, Malachite, Obsidian, Rosewood, Gold, Dugrkharg Ivory, Emerald and Eldorill. A full set consists of 16 pieces, you can try to complete them and sell.
I think it's all.
Good luck

Magmar Consecrator

There are basically 4 ways of getting gold on players account. Every one of them has some pros and cones.
Hunting monsters
Most common way of getting gold. It can be also divided to more subgroups.
- Old fashion hunting – it is way when ppl hunt down monsters of one level below of players. On level 5 and up it is mostly with rages.
- Naked hunting – there is lower gold income as is necessary to feed mount but ppl who doing this are basically scared of experience more than of enemy race standing on one level for eternity
- Looting naked hunters – easy and fast way to get gold but group of ppl mentioned above will not like u and maybe even dress to armor to hunt u down. They don’t like it a lot.
Classical “get cheap, sell expensive” way. Almost everything can be sold and most of it has buyers. It is possible to sell resources or products made from it for gold, quest items, reputation items, armors weapons. Or even mounts for some quest can be hired for gold. No limits for imagination. If ppl can buy new re re re release of star wars in RL, why would any1 hold your business plan down here?
Buying staff and selling more expensive is also way to make profit but certain ppl can look at it very bad and it can even cause to persons dead. Everyone’s choice…
Most of quest rewarding players for finishing them by gold. Some gives also nice item or bless…
For new level or after reaching 33,33% and 66,66% are players rewarded by gold depending on level.
Events like one armed bandit, gnome gold machine etc. can let ppl lose all gold they have or make them win fortune. Feeling lucky? Give it a try. If u loses everything, don’t cry…
Pay to win
Pay-pal and other methods including real money converting into diamonds and then to gold. Need 1000 gold fast? No problem, but it will cost part of your real life wealth. It is also possible to borrow diamonds to pay them back in 2 weeks. If it is good way or not, it’s up to you to decide.

You can try to put your time and effort into your proffesions.. you can make nice money by simply stay and work .. and selling what you've got in auction or simply trade them to whoever needs it.It is a rather slow process and it will cost you your time but still.. you won't have to give experience for it. only time
Your 3rd Profession and bandit
You can also gain gold by your third profession: Locksmith, Healer, or Executioner. The higher your profession increases, so does the cost of scrolls and other items. I've heard Executioners charge 5g for each execution. Locksmiths have to replace their broken picks if they are asked to pick a lock on a certain chest and healers have to buy scrolls to heal you with. Also, you can try your luck with the One Armed bandit and earn gold that way as well! Happy playing all!
Dark Princess aka Darkie
Dark Princess aka Darkie

You have to avoid experiment, at least to limit the experiment that you gives the monsters when you kill them. You have to reflect before attacking a monster, which monster, and especially to avoid the quests.
your goal is to avoid to take experiment.You can attack monsters which, according to you gives each other less experiment, on the occasion,you multiply your chance to receive drops which you will sell them at the auction. Never forget that, to avoid the experiment and to maximize the drops
, before you can use your mount to farm with.Make differente event = most drops.Use your profession in lvl 3 and take your time.
your goal is to avoid to take experiment.You can attack monsters which, according to you gives each other less experiment, on the occasion,you multiply your chance to receive drops which you will sell them at the auction. Never forget that, to avoid the experiment and to maximize the drops

1 - kill the monsters of the events to gain less experiment and to have a lot of drops ( for lvl 1) example : the event "Stockpile thieves"
2 - Sell the objects which you drop in these events at the auction (for lvl 2) example : "boots" and "linens" in the "Stockpile thieves"
3 - Choose your "primary profession" (Geologist,Herbolorist and Fisherman) and your "secondary profession" (Alchemist, Jeweler Sorcerer) (From the lvl 3) and take orders between the players.
4 - Use your mountings to kill out of the monsters and receive drops and sell them at the auction, don't forget the trades
(From the lvl4 )
2 - Sell the objects which you drop in these events at the auction (for lvl 2) example : "boots" and "linens" in the "Stockpile thieves"
3 - Choose your "primary profession" (Geologist,Herbolorist and Fisherman) and your "secondary profession" (Alchemist, Jeweler Sorcerer) (From the lvl 3) and take orders between the players.
4 - Use your mountings to kill out of the monsters and receive drops and sell them at the auction, don't forget the trades

There are 3 broad categories of earning Money in game. (Not including any kind of Paypal or similar stuff)
1. Hunt Monsters.
2. Trade.
3. Quest Rewards
First we tackle the Monster hunting bit.
For each monster you kill, at least 1 level below your level. You get the full payout from that monster. The amount of silver you get is randomized between a low and high limit for that particular monster. For example, a Maverick Gungl at level 5, for a level 5 player, will drop between 7.50 to 12s each win.
The more the number of monsters, the more your reward.
If you're level 5 or above and have an estate bought, every monster you kill not less than 1 level below you, will also drop 2 energy per kill. (Energy has different uses which are beyond the scope of this question)
Monsters also have a chance of dropping items. ( Check them here http://warofdragons.com/info/library/index.php?obj=cat&id=45)
These items, can be wither used, or traded to other players.
Which brings us to...
2. Trading:
Trading with other players, is the other major way of making money in game. You have a lot of options this way. You can use
1. Your primary or Secondary Professions to collect raw materials/make finished goods. Trade these to people in need directly, or through the Auction House.
2. Sell the drops you get from Monsters.
3. Use your third profession and charge people for your services. (healing wounds, paying for executions, opening locked Chests and Trunks)
4. Charge people for Brotherhood of Virture blessings and protections.
All this, obviously depends on your ability to scrounge out a price from the others.
On the course of your mighty journey, you'll find that there are few ridiculously cheap people who want stuff as cheap as is possible, and will not hesitate to criticize you in their own private or clan chats if you do them a favor like blessing them, and asking for compensation. (Don't let these dum-dums get you down, charge the world for your services)
Which brings us to the third way of earning money -
3. Quests rewards.
Usually quests in WoD, reward you with experience, items, or game currency.
Finish quests for you level to earn this gold.
Also, players can get a set amount of silver or gold after reaching points in their levels.
You get money when you level up, on 33% and also on 66% of your level.
Live long and Prosper.
1. Hunt Monsters.
2. Trade.
3. Quest Rewards
First we tackle the Monster hunting bit.
For each monster you kill, at least 1 level below your level. You get the full payout from that monster. The amount of silver you get is randomized between a low and high limit for that particular monster. For example, a Maverick Gungl at level 5, for a level 5 player, will drop between 7.50 to 12s each win.
The more the number of monsters, the more your reward.
If you're level 5 or above and have an estate bought, every monster you kill not less than 1 level below you, will also drop 2 energy per kill. (Energy has different uses which are beyond the scope of this question)
Monsters also have a chance of dropping items. ( Check them here http://warofdragons.com/info/library/index.php?obj=cat&id=45)
These items, can be wither used, or traded to other players.
Which brings us to...
2. Trading:
Trading with other players, is the other major way of making money in game. You have a lot of options this way. You can use
1. Your primary or Secondary Professions to collect raw materials/make finished goods. Trade these to people in need directly, or through the Auction House.
2. Sell the drops you get from Monsters.
3. Use your third profession and charge people for your services. (healing wounds, paying for executions, opening locked Chests and Trunks)
4. Charge people for Brotherhood of Virture blessings and protections.
All this, obviously depends on your ability to scrounge out a price from the others.
On the course of your mighty journey, you'll find that there are few ridiculously cheap people who want stuff as cheap as is possible, and will not hesitate to criticize you in their own private or clan chats if you do them a favor like blessing them, and asking for compensation. (Don't let these dum-dums get you down, charge the world for your services)
Which brings us to the third way of earning money -
3. Quests rewards.
Usually quests in WoD, reward you with experience, items, or game currency.
Finish quests for you level to earn this gold.
Also, players can get a set amount of silver or gold after reaching points in their levels.
You get money when you level up, on 33% and also on 66% of your level.
Live long and Prosper.

Ahh the old, how to make money problem.
There are several ways to earn money in this game, and here i will go over them.
Alot of quests when completed will now give a monetary reward, some will also give items as well, and a few will give just items. This is an easy way to make some money from doing quests of your lvl or below as they are usually fairly easy to do. You can also sell some of those items gained from rewards too if you wish, which brings me to my next area.
You can use the game system to trade/sell items that you gain from killing mobs or from quests to make money. There is a trade channel in chat which you can use to seek players looking to buy certain stuff or you can advertise what you sell there.
There is also the auction where you can place items to sell over a period of 2, 8 or 24hrs, and an exchange feature there where you can look at requests players have made for items they wish to buy and how much they will pay.
You can use your professions to pick, mine or fish resources which you can then sell to players to make good money, this is the most common way to earn money, especially from low lvl players. You can also use your secondary profession to make scrolls or options or amulets depending on profession with some items you can pick/mine/fish yourself and a few others you would neeed to buy. Then you can sell the items you make for a little profit.
Another common way to earn money is to hunt mobs for money. Each mob killed will drop money depending on its lvl and relative lvl compared to yours. If a mob is more than 1 lvl below yours it will drop reduced money which will get lower and lower the more lvls it is below yours. you can also if lucky recieve items from mobs when killed, you can either use these or sell them for money. But once a mob is more than 1 lvl below yours the items it can drop are normally reduced to either nothing or just 1 or 2 things.
There are several ways to earn money in this game, and here i will go over them.
Alot of quests when completed will now give a monetary reward, some will also give items as well, and a few will give just items. This is an easy way to make some money from doing quests of your lvl or below as they are usually fairly easy to do. You can also sell some of those items gained from rewards too if you wish, which brings me to my next area.
You can use the game system to trade/sell items that you gain from killing mobs or from quests to make money. There is a trade channel in chat which you can use to seek players looking to buy certain stuff or you can advertise what you sell there.
There is also the auction where you can place items to sell over a period of 2, 8 or 24hrs, and an exchange feature there where you can look at requests players have made for items they wish to buy and how much they will pay.
You can use your professions to pick, mine or fish resources which you can then sell to players to make good money, this is the most common way to earn money, especially from low lvl players. You can also use your secondary profession to make scrolls or options or amulets depending on profession with some items you can pick/mine/fish yourself and a few others you would neeed to buy. Then you can sell the items you make for a little profit.
Another common way to earn money is to hunt mobs for money. Each mob killed will drop money depending on its lvl and relative lvl compared to yours. If a mob is more than 1 lvl below yours it will drop reduced money which will get lower and lower the more lvls it is below yours. you can also if lucky recieve items from mobs when killed, you can either use these or sell them for money. But once a mob is more than 1 lvl below yours the items it can drop are normally reduced to either nothing or just 1 or 2 things.
There are a few ways to earn gold in this game.
1-Buy diamonds through bank to convert them into gold
2-Hunt monsters to get a few scraps, the amount is better as the level goes up
3-Work on professions, collect plants, fish or rocks. You can either sell them as raw materials or transform the ressources into usefull potions, scrolls or runes to sell them and make more gold
4-Finish quests, they now give a little amount of silvers or gold on completion
5-Do instances and sell the products, like blue armors from DH, Magish or Fortress or the blue bows from elvish instance.
1-Buy diamonds through bank to convert them into gold
2-Hunt monsters to get a few scraps, the amount is better as the level goes up
3-Work on professions, collect plants, fish or rocks. You can either sell them as raw materials or transform the ressources into usefull potions, scrolls or runes to sell them and make more gold
4-Finish quests, they now give a little amount of silvers or gold on completion
5-Do instances and sell the products, like blue armors from DH, Magish or Fortress or the blue bows from elvish instance.
Thanks to all advices
and here are the winners:
Codes as usual via private message in forum

Codes as usual via private message in forum