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auction and tchat and fight and .....
after clic on auction:
- tchat don't work
- when equip stuff or change pots in belt, need refresh ti see the change
- when attacked during picking a plant message on tchat... sure tchat work no more ... but picking go at end--> fail ... try a other flower ... message: you are in fight ... ah? wait wait nothing, clic on location ... oh fight start
Please fix this crap problem with auction !!!!
after clic on auction:
- tchat don't work
- when equip stuff or change pots in belt, need refresh ti see the change
- when attacked during picking a plant message on tchat... sure tchat work no more ... but picking go at end--> fail ... try a other flower ... message: you are in fight ... ah? wait wait nothing, clic on location ... oh fight start
Please fix this crap problem with auction !!!!
scrolls of magic
i yesterday buy a scroll of meal magish and put it on the sword:…ct_id=202522275
but today i see only 1 use, and not 100...
56 gold, for the scroll is much money, please, fix it.
but today i see only 1 use, and not 100...
56 gold, for the scroll is much money, please, fix it.
"Do good and dont look to who"
Silver Hurricane Bezel III cannot be inserted in red dodge weapons lev 12…ct_id=246956060…ct_id=201846576…ct_id=246956060…ct_id=201846576

is another day... why I can not hunt???
Game bug for Auction Exchange section
(21.12.2014) You have cancelled your bid on the exchange. The remaing funds and items purchases have been sent to you by mail.
Got 0 pcs when cancel 8 from 10 request. Loses 8 pcs of Closed Precious Trunk.
(25.12.2014) 01:40 You have cancelled your bid on the exchange. The remaing funds and items purchases have been sent to you by mail.
Got 1 pcs when cancel 8 from 10 request. Loses 7 pcs of Closed Precious Trunk.
Please restore it for me. Thanks.
(21.12.2014) You have cancelled your bid on the exchange. The remaing funds and items purchases have been sent to you by mail.
Got 0 pcs when cancel 8 from 10 request. Loses 8 pcs of Closed Precious Trunk.
(25.12.2014) 01:40 You have cancelled your bid on the exchange. The remaing funds and items purchases have been sent to you by mail.
Got 1 pcs when cancel 8 from 10 request. Loses 7 pcs of Closed Precious Trunk.
Please restore it for me. Thanks.