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Decided to finally do a quest that required me to go underwater since the update, got all the way to the spot to teleport. And my amulet to teleport underwater is missing.…ct_id=120997436 Please fix this.
Just after update I wrote about bug that exec. runes with scrolls of attack in my armour are converted from 50 to 1. It happened with bow, pauldrons bracers and chainmail. Many ppl had some problem. Now its fixed in all, armour execept. chainmail: that still having 1 attack left. please fix it too and thanks.
Still without been solved. Please fix it.

i can not equip this amulet! please can you fix this.
Initiation into the Brotherhood of Virtue quest bug
why i cant get the wiseman permission???
According to mentor guideline i will receive a quest to kill gordts but i dont receive at all....please do help me T.T
i wnt to be BoV long time ago now i finally get my healer to lvl 2...but stuck on getting the wiseman permission
According to mentor guideline i will receive a quest to kill gordts but i dont receive at all....please do help me T.T
i wnt to be BoV long time ago now i finally get my healer to lvl 2...but stuck on getting the wiseman permission

Secrets of the deep amulet
This is my second request to please restore amulet that vanished during the update.…ct_id=120997436
I have quest that I would like to finish underwater please and thank you.…ct_id=120997436
I have quest that I would like to finish underwater please and thank you.
All the summoned kroffdors dont appear no matter how long you wait
All the summoned kroffdors dont appear no matter how long you wait
team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with the situation.
Clan Totem
Can't equip clan totem -…ct_id=201844032
Gives this error - To use this totem spirits exorcists reputation of your clan should not be less than 35,000.
35k rep is for lvl6 totem. I have lvl5 totem which should need 4k rep.
also I can not put it in the bank and I occupy space in backpack
Can't equip clan totem -…ct_id=201844032
Gives this error - To use this totem spirits exorcists reputation of your clan should not be less than 35,000.
35k rep is for lvl6 totem. I have lvl5 totem which should need 4k rep.
also I can not put it in the bank and I occupy space in backpack