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I get achievements for Vision Interpreters medal and I have the correct rep, but I don't get the actual medal.
Vision Interpreter Reputation1011 1011
Vision Interpreter Reputation1011 1011
Game Update Bug Report Thread
I bought Expert Chest 1 pcs from September event
00:45 You open the chest and inside you find Filling Sandwich 50 pcs, Puzzle Cube 3 pcs, Scroll of Capacity 3 pcs, Books About Drops 1 pcs, Stack of Books 1 pcs
There is no achivment as listed .
Please fix it.
Thank you
00:45 You open the chest and inside you find Filling Sandwich 50 pcs, Puzzle Cube 3 pcs, Scroll of Capacity 3 pcs, Books About Drops 1 pcs, Stack of Books 1 pcs
There is no achivment as listed .
Please fix it.
Thank you
Dragon blessings
I buy 5 pcs dragon blessing (2.50g each) from special shop (30 days lifespan), then I get 4 dragon blessing from dragon because it's 23th (3 days lifespan).
What happens?…ct_id=308859847
<img src="" alt="c6sxJJZ.png" title="c6sxJJZ.png" style="font-size: 0.8em;" />
All my dragon blessings dropped down to 3 days! Please fix back to 30 days or I lost 12.50g!
What happens?…ct_id=308859847
<img src="" alt="c6sxJJZ.png" title="c6sxJJZ.png" style="font-size: 0.8em;" />
All my dragon blessings dropped down to 3 days! Please fix back to 30 days or I lost 12.50g!
I buy 5 pcs dragon blessing (2.50g each) from special shop (30 days lifespan), then I get 4 dragon blessing from dragon because it's 23th (3 days lifespan).
What happens?…ct_id=308859847
All my dragon blessings dropped down to 3 days! Please fix back to 30 days or I lost 12.50g!
that's not bug, shop dragon's 3 day too.Need check carefully befıre buying
Not sure if this is a bug or an aspect of the treasure maps for treasure hunters rep, but the last two half-decayed treasure maps I received just disappeared when I used them, without activating the treasure hunt.
if i am not wrong it is bug and if happens it again open world map and look locations one by one you sill see at chest this map location
Since the last update my client is regularly bugging with auto-shut down.
This can happen any time anywhere ... in the middle of a conversation / in the middle of a trade / in the middle of a fight ... this is very anoying.
Client used to bug before ... but never to such extent ... it happens many times a day ... not to mention screen freeze ... many times a day as well ...
Please ... please ... please ... do something to radically improve on this very inconvenient situation.
Many thanks for your attention and your dedication to this game
This can happen any time anywhere ... in the middle of a conversation / in the middle of a trade / in the middle of a fight ... this is very anoying.
Client used to bug before ... but never to such extent ... it happens many times a day ... not to mention screen freeze ... many times a day as well ...
Please ... please ... please ... do something to radically improve on this very inconvenient situation.
Many thanks for your attention and your dedication to this game

The special shop he is currently mentioning is the previous Hunter Trade Fair. I remeber they sell Dragon Blessing which is this one
But then comes the 23rd warrior day when players could get 4 DGA for free with 3 days lifespan. He took the amulet, both the 30 days and 3 days amulet merged into 3 days.
But then comes the 23rd warrior day when players could get 4 DGA for free with 3 days lifespan. He took the amulet, both the 30 days and 3 days amulet merged into 3 days.
I buy 5 pcs dragon blessing (2.50g each) from special shop (30 days lifespan), then I get 4 dragon blessing from dragon because it's 23th (3 days lifespan).
What happens?…ct_id=308859847
All my dragon blessings dropped down to 3 days! Please fix back to 30 days or I lost 12.50g!
that's not bug, shop dragon's 3 day too.Need check carefully befıre buying
Same here!!! 1-3 times per hour for me unless I'm afk... So basicly, if I do nothing at all, the client is fine, if I do anyting, even move to different locations, it will freeze and shut down.
Since the last update my client is regularly bugging with auto-shut down.
This can happen any time anywhere ... in the middle of a conversation / in the middle of a trade / in the middle of a fight ... this is very anoying.
Client used to bug before ... but never to such extent ... it happens many times a day ... not to mention screen freeze ... many times a day as well ...
Please ... please ... please ... do something to radically improve on this very inconvenient situation.
Many thanks for your attention and your dedication to this game
If you don't like something I post in forums, go to this website: www.magrareallydoesn't care.troll and fill out a frankie got his feelings hurt report

i have a problem in cave of equals... it's been like that since i was lvl 11(since it came on) but i never bothered much with this untill i've hit a dead level for anything else so... my problem is tht i cannot mine in equls cave... everytime i try to do it i get of these two errors : 1. a messege apears saying "unknown error" or 2. i try to mine and nothing happens at all; after a few seconds of frozen screen i go nback to where i started.. i hve print screens on this error from tonight's cave but i will use an older image of the same bug
i hope this will be solved soon cause from what i experienced so far, lvl 14 will be a very boring one
i hope this will be solved soon cause from what i experienced so far, lvl 14 will be a very boring one
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.
My clan did castle today,…16&server_id=10 , as you can see we got the tower loot and also got the msg saying, 23:01 Lonely_hunter: 22:54 You have crushed the Guard Elemental! Your team has scored 25 points. But we are unable to use teleport to Castle or access it. Is this a bug? If so anyway to fix..
My clan did castle today,…16&server_id=10 , as you can see we got the tower loot and also got the msg saying, 23:01 Lonely_hunter: 22:54 You have crushed the Guard Elemental! Your team has scored 25 points. But we are unable to use teleport to Castle or access it. Is this a bug? If so anyway to fix..
Thanks temple please! We overkill magmars and they resurrect, go center and give spheres, what?
When I kill a magmar I pretend they lose all crystals in backpack. Otherwise what is sense of fighting? I just go for crystals.
Fix this bug please...
We lost winning valor because of a bug, please give us back