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Game guide / Walkthrough
True is, for having arsenal armour it is essential to do valour instances and working hard on your valour. But game has developped and is time to re-think as well about this mania in feeling forced to work on valour to the maximum in each level. It can become boring and you might loosing the fun - UK feats do not have to be done necessarily in lower levels ... there is many new possibilites to do them in higher levels as well. [/size]Valour and battlefields just should add up to the rest and you should do when you are in the mood and if there are instances going them get an idea how they work, but no need to put yourself under huge pressure, just because some tell you to. Main thing always should be having fun!
Level 1 and 2:
Exploring Faeo: In those early beginner levels just explore Faeo (Ogrey and Khair) to get
Achievements: Easy to do in low levels, as your transfer time is very low. Like that you also can manage to get all the location achievements in enemy territory.
Quests: Do your quests to get your teleporter back to city and start deblocking other important quests. Please always try to be uptodate with your red main quests as those will help you to get access to new areas during your progress.
Minievents: Click on the yellow flag in game and discover all the funny minievents and rewards you can gain.
Reputation: If you like gambling, go to the Tavern and start on your very first reputation: Hunters of Fortune.
Superblow: Every new level (up to level 10) will offer you a new superblow. Every superblow has a special effect.So take the time to find your own combo in each level. There is also 3 quests with special combos coming up later.
Summary: Having fun, exploring the world of Faeo and discover the mobs
Level 3
- City Reputation - This reputation you need to ride a mount from level 4 as well as having access to other nice features.
- Relic Seekers reputation. So if you should drop grey fossil hand them in to the Antiquarian and try to reach at least 100 reputation in this rep before level 4. With 100 Relic hunter rep you can start the quest for picking fireflowers (from level 4). This is a nice way to earn some gold.
- Trophy Hunter Reputation, when participating in Battlefields. This reputation though has no influence on your reputation rating, only gives you access to nice new features such as purple chainmail.
- Derelict house: With a good group and after having done the quest "Fighting the Undead level 3" you also can start getting Undead Reputation and can collect chess pieces for blue armour. Derelict House Guide
- Elfin Sanctuary Another instance you can start on level 3 to collect pieces for your own blue bow. Sanctuary Guide
Professions: But level 3 also is important for learning your first professions: Primary profession such as fisherman , herbologist or geologist . Second profession: sorcerer , alchimist and jeweller . Make sure your first and second profession do match as you have to use the resources you gain with your first profession also for your second.
Important links: Professions, Chess guide, Reputations and Battlefields
Instances: Derelict House / Elfin Sanctuary
Reputations: Hunters of Fortune, City Reputation / Underknight reputation / Relic seekers / Hunters of the Undead / Trophy Hunters
Level 4:
Mounts: In this level 4 you can start riding your mount, if you have enough gold and city reputation.
Reputation: Further you should start working on your
- Mercenaries reputation up to 1000 rep (green badge) to upgrade your mount to level 5. But be aware, you have to choose only one mercenary to start off with and can change to the other gang after having reached purple or red badge.
- Juggernaut reputation:If you have your level 5 mount, a good group and enough city rep you can start with the Wolfer event (after having passed the Hunting the hunter quest for the Wolfer book).
- Kretches´ Lair and the
- Zigred Hive . Those superbeings also drop quest resources you can exchange for mercury - if you have bought the required book. The books you can buy at Brughilde or from level 5 in the ols library in Fay-Go, depending on your Secret Knowlegde . Mercury is important to charge and open Gnome Runes.
Reputation: Hunters of Fortune, City Reputation / Underknight reputation / Relic seekers / Hunters of the Undead / Mercenaries reputation / Juggernaut reputation / Trophy Hunters
This post has been edited 57 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Nov 15th 2017, 4:51pm) with the following reason: linking
Level 5-10
In level 5 your third profession is important for further reputations:
Third profession: Locksmith , Healer or Executioner. You can start locksmith in level 3 or healer in level 4 but need to be level 6 for executioner.
Reputations:You cannot do both (Virtue and Evil) at the same time.
- Brotherhood of Virtue:To become a member of the Virtue you need to be at least Healer level 2 or Locksmith level 30.
- Bringers of Evil: To become a member of the Evil you need to talk to the NPC and pass a quest.
- Destroyers of Chaos. Guide
Estate:The Estate will give you many advantages. Try to build it to the maximum per level.
Dropping Evil Eyes: important and rare resource. To be able to drop them from mobs you need to see the Druid in Wolf Wasteland in Ogrey or the Monk in Budrimakh in Khair to pass a quest.
Fay-Go: Level 5 also gives you access to the Isle of Fay-Go, where you can start picking the dangerous Cuckoo flower. This one will help to gain gold and also raise your Relic Hunter reputation up to 2000. Start level 5 main quest (red quest

Chaotic BFs
Instances: Derelict House / Elfin Sanctuary / Kretches´Lair / Zigred Hive / Gurraldy Korr´s Grotto / Abode of Eternal Ice
Reputation: Hunters of Fortune, City Reputation / Underknight reputation / Relic seekers / Hunters of the Undead / Mercenaries reputation / Juggernaut reputation / Brotherhood of Virtue / Bringers of Evil / Destroyers of Chaos
Level 6:
Reputation: Level 6 opens you a new world and reputation under water: Flaundin Reputation .
Profession: Also you can start your executioner profession, if that has been your chosen third profession.
Instances: You also will have access to several new instances such as the
- Bog Elf Swamp
- Sunken Ship (New Underwaterworld - Flaundin)
- Abandoned Smithy (if having the full set of gnome cards) and the
- Palaces of King Magish: Pass a quest at Chiko for access. In palace you can continue working on your Undead Rep and collecting chess pieces for blue armour 6-10.
Reputation: Hunters of Fortune, City Reputation / Underknight reputation / Relic seekers / Hunters of the Undead / Mercenaries reputation / Juggernaut reputation / Brotherhood of Virtue / Bringers of Evil / Destroyers of Chaos / Flaundin Repution
Level 7-10:
From level 7 you will work hard on your professions and also will have access to a new battlefield. Level 8 will take you to a new location.Level 9 and 10 give you time to work on your reputation and gain some money. Try to get as many reputations to red as possible. From level 11 there will be a lot of new reputations.
Your shadow: From level 7 you can win your own shadow to support you in fights. For more details click here . Shadow instance here
PvP/Battlefield: Tallaars (from level 7) is a battlefield where only one tactic is required: Fighting quick. It does not really matter id you win your fights or loose them. Also is not important how good your armour is or how well you are buffed. Ancient Hero feats come as well on level 7
Reputations: Now as announced the "hardworkers" reputations (from level 7)
- Goddess Aladeya: If the Lady smiles on you, she might come and heal you during fighting.
- God of the Cursed and the Dead: He can curse your unlucky opponent in taking of life points.
- Great Dragons: If the great dragon appears and make your hits stronger, but at the same time the hits of your opponent weaker.
- Great Battles
- Treasure Hunters: (level 9) Adventurous treasure hunt all over Faeo.
- Plateau of Scorpions:Goal is killing the Emperor scorpion in between 15 minutes. After 15 minutes there will be some more scorpions joining and will be harder to kill him.
Instances: Derelict House / Elfin Sanctuary / Kretches´Lair / Zigred Hive / Gurraldy Korr´s Grotto / Abode of Eternal Ice / Bog Elf Swamp / Sunken Ship / Abandoned Smithy / Palaces of King Magish / Plateau of Scorpions
Reputation: Hunters of Fortune, City Reputation / Underknight reputation / Relic seekers / Hunters of the Undead / Mercenaries reputation / Juggernaut reputation / Brotherhood of Virtue / Bringers of Evil / Destroyers of Chaos / Flaundin Repution / Goddess Aladeya / God of the Cursed and the Dead / Great Dragon
This post has been edited 44 times, last edit by "muffin" (Feb 17th 2017, 5:04pm) with the following reason: linking
Level 11-15
Level 11:
To become mage you need to learn you school of magic. Go to the Cave/Tower of war mages in Square of fire/Daylight Square and talk to the mage who offers the magic for your armour style:
Bonecrusher -School of Magic: Fire / Air
DodgDodger -School of Magic: Shadow / Light
Heaveweight -School of Magic: Earth / Water
Beginner´s guide
New reputations and instances as well as a new location and the battlefields of equals are waiting for you.
Isle of Swirling Mist: Once again you need to pass a series of quests to get access to this new location. It should be your priority to get access just after having received your magic. Quests Guide here.
- Exiles´Fortress: As Derelict House and Palace of King Magish this instance also give you access to blue armour: Level 11-15
- Resurrected Ghoul´s Crypt
- Cloister of Visions: To access this instance you need to go to the Isle of Swirling Mist. This instance can be done once a day for one hour to drop special quest items you need for your new reputation.
- Shadow Catchers: Quest item Shadow (Gloomy, Sinister or Deadly) need to be handed in to the NPC in White Castle.
- Nymph Water God: The Goddes might be generous and refill your mana during a fight.
- Sylph Air God: After offering the Goddess grants you with more mana during 2h. Also she might help you in fight in taking off mana from your opponent. Nymph/Sylph Guide here.
- Eldives: Quest item centrido. With 3-5 centridos you can get 5 reputation point and whether an additional blessing for 1h or a curse for your enemy. Guide here. Best way for shifting between eldive/kroffdor reputations here.
- Kroffdors: Quest item incarnum. With 3-5 incarnum you can get 5 reputation point and whether an additional blessing for 1h or a curse for your enemy. For guide ref. to elfive guide above.
- Pet Petrons: Red bagde will allow you to train your pet to the maximum. Guide here
- Custodian of magic: An evil troll is waiting for you inside a forgotten library.

- Equals: In CC, temple or arena of equals you will enter the instance completely naked. All you need for the battlefield you have to buy inside the instance in the shop. Advantage: all participants have the same armour, nothing of your own items can break.
- Hands of Abyss: A new instance in Great Battle style. Every three hours you can enter the fight from Frontieres or Domaine of Winds (with Premium account from everywhere). Advantage: Short (about 15-20 minutes in total), no armour break and no injury.
Reputation: Hunters of Fortune, City Reputation / Underknight reputation / Relic seekers / Hunters of the Undead / Mercenaries reputation / Juggernaut reputation / Brotherhood of Virtue / Bringers of Evil / Destroyers of Chaos / Flaundin Repution / Goddess Aladeya / God of the Cursed and the Dead / Great Dragon / Shadow Catchers / Nymphea / Sylphea / Eldives / Kroffdors / Pet Petrons / Custodian of Magic
Level 12-15:
These levels give you time to work on valour and reputation. Only few new things which need to be added to the other workload

- Lands of Oblivion: Recommended for players that have reached level 12 and have 500 Eldive or Kroffdor reputation.
- Enchanted Forest: Meet Edera and her friends. Instances from level 12
- Creature of Filth Lair: The secret lair of the Shiass enslaved Daigon Armakhton is located at Tainted Cove in the Isles of Swirling Mist. Recommended for players that have reached level 14.
- Dancing Shadow Cave: The secret lair of the Shiass enslaved Scolopendra Essvesh is located at Tainted Cove in the Isles of Swirling Mist. Recommended for players that have reached level 15.
- Original Wind Rose: You need a medal of 1000 reputation from one of the races or an Eldive/Kroffdor Medal of Worship if you have both reputations. From level 15.
- Fighters against Shiass: From level 14. To talk to this hero you need to have Sacral knowledge of level 3.
Reputation: Hunters of Fortune, City Reputation / Underknight reputation / Relic seekers / Hunters of the Undead / Mercenaries reputation / Juggernaut reputation / Brotherhood of Virtue / Bringers of Evil / Destroyers of Chaos / Flaundin Repution / Goddess Aladeya / God of the Cursed and the Dead / Great Dragon / Shadow Catchers / Nymphea / Sylphea / Eldives / Kroffdors / Pet Petrons / Custodian of Magic / Fighters of the Shiass
This post has been edited 33 times, last edit by "muffin" (Feb 17th 2017, 5:24pm) with the following reason: linking
Level 16
Be prepared to enter a completely new era of fighting. Now we will need all our nice superblows again from previous level 1-10. Those will be combined and strenghtend with magical power. New locations and reputations will challenge you, so make sure that you have been working well on your reputations in former levels. Access to level 16 lands.
- Tomb Raiders: No restrictions. No initiation.
- Vision Interpreters: No restriction. Initiate: The Faceless.
- Order of the Triads: No restriction. Initiate: Ulvarno. Guide here.
- Tailsime Protectors: No restrictions. Initiates: Tiu Mia or Lea Miu. Guide
- Miuri Tao reputation: Available: from level 16 at the Maurin Idol. Absence of reputation Zurkhass Followers. Guide
- Zurkhass followers reputation:Available: from level 16. Absence of Miuri Tao reputation Guide
- Meridian Vaults: Best human and magmar warriors will clash in a furious battle which is accessible to warriors that have reached level 16. Alternative cover of quests for Ancient Hero feats available
- Sky of the Abyss: A new instance in Great Battle style. Every three hours you can enter the fight from Frontieres or Domaine of Winds (with Premium account from everywhere). Advantage: Short (about 15-20 minutes in total, no armour break and no injury.
Reputation: Zurkhass followers, Miuri Tao, Hunters of Fortune, City Reputation / Underknight reputation / Relic seekers / Hunters of the Undead / Mercenaries reputation / Juggernaut reputation / Brotherhood of Virtue / Bringers of Evil / Destroyers of Chaos / Flaundin Repution / Goddess Aladeya / God of the Cursed and the Dead / Great Dragon / Shadow Catchers / Nymphea / Sylphea / Eldives / Kroffdors / Pet Petrons / Custodian of Magic / Fighters against Shiass / Tomb Raiders / Vision Interpreters / Order of the Triads / Tailsime Protectors
This post has been edited 20 times, last edit by "muffin" (Jun 8th 2017, 8:45am) with the following reason: linking

I know some of you might miss the focus on valour and PvP. But I do not consider this as a main aspect. And I explained my thoughts to that in the opening of that poste.
Thanks to all mentors and guards who were giving me already their constructive feedback before publishing. And a big Thank you in advance to any constructive feedback from player side

later peeps…9221&highlight=

The general reasons why most opt to stay one level is to accomplish a goal they deem crucial to their development. While some players might take this decision based upon their own limited understanding of game. Others take this approach due to advise by other players. The problem is this does not work for everyone. I have seen more low level stallers quit the game than carry through with their grand goals of X amount of red badges, full purple, whatever mount etc by lvl6. That approach easily renders the game stale due to doing the same thing over and over for too long periods of time.
There are certain things players will only understand once they are at a higher level looking down. Stalling is pointless. Mounts become pointless based on your battlfieild choices once you hit level 7. Reps are beneficial but much much much easier and faster to get later. The ideal approach for regular players is to take reps in stages. Get all gray-green badges at lvl5-6. Blue at lvl7-8 and then purple at lvl9-10. With that approach you can get all red badges in a matter of weeks at lvl10+. The end result is you still spend the same amount of time as a staller but miles ahead of them at that point. Of course valor ranks will natually requires its own level of unavoidable stalling so that helps buy you the time to get goals done at each level.
Understand that approach does in no way intrude on someone like yourself who has made the concious decision to slow your pace. But you do not want to be selling your approach to regular/casual players. If someone decides on that based on their playtime, then okay. But you need to recognize that different strokes work for different folks. The most important thing is to enjoy the game as you said. Lots of enjoyment can be had by getting more power which comes with sensible and natural level gain. Higher level has way more to offer and is not dead or harder like most low levels i met love to mistakenly think.
"Understand that approach does in no way intrude on someone like yourself who has made the concious decision to slow your pace. But you do not want to be selling your approach to regular/casual players. If someone decides on that based on their playtime, then okay. But you need to recognize that different strokes work for different folks. " ....well said

That post is for lower level players to offer them a view of higher levels. The problem is that some clans preach slowing experience gains and maximizing reputations and valor at each level. And most of those clans are the clans that new players usually end up joining or getting caught up into. So if those clans are preaching, causing peer-pressure, or giving a negative look of higher levels into new players. That just shuts their eyes, biases them, etc to what is waiting for them at higher levels.
Most players, not all, but most players, want to be strong, have good armor, reputations, valor, etc, and they're only being taught that the path to that is to slow experience and get everything at the earliest level that it is available. This I believe is the general idea of players who play this game. Idea of Fun can get twisted, maybe even forgotten if they are getting caught up into thinking that, the only way to get strong is as this.
That post and this post is to remind players that they can still get what they want at higher levels, and do not have to follow the slow, and boring paths that some lower level clans are advocating, and with which many players stop playing sooner or later, because they were expecting to get "Fun" later AFTER they went through this boring phase.

Suppose you have just testing up-up-up-up-up.
You can then do a middle blow, and this means you would have tested up-up-up-up-mid as well.
Doing this sort of thing is how I've always done it. I go naked and punch spiders/kretches for a while to try and give myself as many hits as possible per fight so I can test 2-3 combinations each fight if not more.

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