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Conlegret Cards are collection items that, when put together, can provide players some extra advantages. Each deck has their own property; some decks can summon wraiths, and some can give people blesses. They can be obtained from Pack of Cards, which is usually sold at trade fairs and can be received from a Gift of Heaven super game. Also 3 of the same cards can be changed for another pack at the Old Library. Speaking of the Old Library, once you have gathered all cards from a collection, you are going to need to buy the proper sheath for that set.
And here are some of the rare cards:
Frex the Knight card (from Underground Knights set)
King Magish card (from Legacy of King Magish set)
Hombre the Shadow Mage card (from Great Mages set)
Giant card and General UyarrMO card (from Chaos set)
Necrasphodel Card (from Magical Flora of Faeo set)
Fey Card (from Gnome Rones set)
Marcus Aurelius card (from Legendary Humans set)
Valey Card (from Legendary Magmars set)
Harvadus Card (from Exiles' Fortress set)
Uborg Card, Bone Dragon Card and Fazgrod Cards (from Superbeings set)
Phosphorite Card (from Magical Rocks of Faeo set)
Armor-plated Dinichthys Card (from Magical Fish of Faeo set)
As for my favorite card sets, I particularly like the Underground Knights set because I really like anything related to Agudar for some reason
And another favorite is definitely the Gnome Runes set since the Smithy is definitely a great instance to farm Quicksilver. But the Great Mages deck is definitely my favorite, in terms of aesthetics.
Hope my answer was fulfilling & helpful and hope you all have a nice game!
And here are some of the rare cards:
Frex the Knight card (from Underground Knights set)
King Magish card (from Legacy of King Magish set)
Hombre the Shadow Mage card (from Great Mages set)
Giant card and General UyarrMO card (from Chaos set)
Necrasphodel Card (from Magical Flora of Faeo set)
Fey Card (from Gnome Rones set)
Marcus Aurelius card (from Legendary Humans set)
Valey Card (from Legendary Magmars set)
Harvadus Card (from Exiles' Fortress set)
Uborg Card, Bone Dragon Card and Fazgrod Cards (from Superbeings set)
Phosphorite Card (from Magical Rocks of Faeo set)
Armor-plated Dinichthys Card (from Magical Fish of Faeo set)
As for my favorite card sets, I particularly like the Underground Knights set because I really like anything related to Agudar for some reason

Hope my answer was fulfilling & helpful and hope you all have a nice game!
Conlegret cards are an old game created by giants to spend their free time.
Every set of cards have a different use, some invoice moroks, some give buffs, ecc....
Specifically we can see:
Buff set:
- Magical flora of feo set - rare card:
- Magical rock of feo set - rare card:
- Magical fish of feo set - rare card:
- Power of Winter set - rare card:

- Military Ranks of Faeo I set - rare card:
- Military Ranks of Faeo II set - rare card:
- God of the Cursed and the Dead set - rare card:
- Goddess Aladeya set - rare card:
- Great Dragons set - rare card:
- Sylph set - rare card:
- Nymph set - rare card:
For these 5 last sets, at the moment, it's supposed to be rare also this card:
Morok set:
- Chaos set - rare card:
- Exiles' Fortress set - rare card:

- Underground Knights set - rare card:
- Legendary Magmars I set - rare card:
- Legendary Humans I set - rare card:
- Great Mages set - rare card:
- Snow deck set - rare card:

- Mounts of Faeo set - rare card:
Special deck:
- Gnome Runes set - rare card:
- Superbeings set - rare card:

These decks are active right now, soon will be added more as second legendary human/magmar pack and the monthly event pack.
Best card sets are of course the ones of the "Buff" part, chaos, superbeings and Mounts of Faeo.
The first ones allows you to recive a buff once at week, chaos invoice a defiller that cast at the same time 15 opponets doing a lot of damage, superbeings allows you to fight a superbeing (depend on your level) once at week, and last one let you invoice a secondary mount during fights once at week.
Every set of cards have a different use, some invoice moroks, some give buffs, ecc....
Specifically we can see:
Buff set:
- Magical flora of feo set - rare card:

- Magical rock of feo set - rare card:

- Magical fish of feo set - rare card:

- Power of Winter set - rare card:

- Military Ranks of Faeo I set - rare card:

- Military Ranks of Faeo II set - rare card:

- God of the Cursed and the Dead set - rare card:

- Goddess Aladeya set - rare card:

- Great Dragons set - rare card:

- Sylph set - rare card:

- Nymph set - rare card:

For these 5 last sets, at the moment, it's supposed to be rare also this card:

Morok set:
- Chaos set - rare card:

- Exiles' Fortress set - rare card:

- Underground Knights set - rare card:

- Legendary Magmars I set - rare card:

- Legendary Humans I set - rare card:

- Great Mages set - rare card:

- Snow deck set - rare card:

- Mounts of Faeo set - rare card:

Special deck:
- Gnome Runes set - rare card:

- Superbeings set - rare card:

These decks are active right now, soon will be added more as second legendary human/magmar pack and the monthly event pack.
Best card sets are of course the ones of the "Buff" part, chaos, superbeings and Mounts of Faeo.
The first ones allows you to recive a buff once at week, chaos invoice a defiller that cast at the same time 15 opponets doing a lot of damage, superbeings allows you to fight a superbeing (depend on your level) once at week, and last one let you invoice a secondary mount during fights once at week.
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the cards.
the congrelet cards are obviously cards. the cards give buffs that can help you in battle, along with other aspects of the game. though they mostly give mounts, such as a powerful magic elemental.
there are special christmas packs that you can only buy near christmas time, from a special store.
some rare cards are the, frex the knight card,
king magish card
hombre the shadow mage card
generall uyarr MO card
defilerDO card
Giant card
necrophasdel card
fey card
marcus arulias card
valey card.... etc
i like anything that has to do with chaos so i like all the chaos set cards, i.e. the general uyarrMO cards and the giant cards. but i also like anything that has to do with mounts, and most summon mounts. so i like most of the sets.
most pack of cards summon mounts or things, but some give seeds of strengths or other things.
hope iv explained some of the congrelate cards
there are special christmas packs that you can only buy near christmas time, from a special store.
some rare cards are the, frex the knight card,
king magish card
hombre the shadow mage card
generall uyarr MO card
defilerDO card
Giant card
necrophasdel card
fey card
marcus arulias card
valey card.... etc
i like anything that has to do with chaos so i like all the chaos set cards, i.e. the general uyarrMO cards and the giant cards. but i also like anything that has to do with mounts, and most summon mounts. so i like most of the sets.
most pack of cards summon mounts or things, but some give seeds of strengths or other things.
hope iv explained some of the congrelate cards

I just wish... that everyone could get along, shut up, and not talk to me.
I just wish... that everyone could get along, shut up, and not talk to me.
Konlegret Cards
There are many konlegret cards. Those cards can be collected and if you get enough of them for one specific deck, you can combine them with a sheat, normally this: universal sheat
(can be bought in o'delvais shop for 1 gold)
They can be get specially from auction or pack of cards:
Pack of cards can be gained from those 3 principal methods:
- Bought at Special Trade Fair for 5 gold each;
- Bought from other players that bought packs and wants to resell (might be more than 5 gold);
- Made by using 3 equal cards (for example 3 cuckoo flowers cards = 1 pack).
There are 3 kind of cards: common cards (1.50g...10g), rare cards (can be from 40g to 100g) and super rare card/cards (can be from 200g up to 1500g depending on decks). Price intervals are referring to today, can change in future, so I'm talking general about prices, but you got the structure of the thing.
There are many strategies to complete deck: the common is to buy all common cards then wait for superrare card, this way in the moment you get superrare you completed deck and can use its benefits, or waiting for superrare cards and then buy common cards, this way you can decide in any moment what deck to do without wasting money on other common cards from other decks.
There are also some principal categories of decks, I'll describe here with superrare cards:
- Summoning decks (those decks summons powerful wraiths that helps you):
> Frex the Knight card
/// Underground Knights deck
(3000 hp, 80-100 blow, use purifications, fires sometimes -180 in 80 sec)
> Hombre the Shadow Mage card
/// Great Mages deck
(elemental, 2792 hp, 75-100 blow)
> King Magish card
/// Legacy of King Magish deck
(deadman, 1218 hp, 20 hits 150crit and 100% vampirism, then 40 blow)
> Giant card
/// Chaos deck
(defilerDO, 1943 hp, 50-70 blow, before die casts to 10 enemy poison -700 dmg in 90 sec)
> Marcus Aurelius card
/// Legendary Humans deck
(2792 hp, always crit if you block 80-90 crit)
> Valey card
/// Legendary Magmars deck
(same as legendary humans)
> Harvadus card
/// Exile Fortress deck
(around 1000 hp, across 150 cast, difficult to kill with magic damage)
> Burial Mound Dzerug card
/// Faeo Mounts
(if you summon steed, you can summon 3 times/week a steed from the next upgrade, if maximum the same, of the same kind, for example if you have endagar10, you can summon it then use deck and summon endagar13)
- Superbuff decks (those decks gives you 1h each week a powerful buff, depending on the level):
> Necrasphodel card
/// Magic Flora of Faeo deck
(more crits, damage-based, example: http://www.warofdragons.com/artifact_inf…artikul_id=4382)
> Phosphorite card
/// Magic Rocks of Faeo deck
(chance of stun, protection-based, magic protection for mages, example: http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=10479)
> Armor-plated Dinichthyz card
/// Magic Fish of Faeo deck
(little vampirism, vitality-based, magic penetration for mages, example: http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=12299)
NOTE: There is also "Power of Winter" deck that gives this effect: http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=16097, rare card is Yeti Shaman
, but seems cannot be assembled anymore to get buff, because needs special sheat, in this category; if you use universal sheath, you get summon deck
, that summons 3 yetis.
- Littlebuff decks (like superbuff decks, but buffs are not as great as superbuff decks, that's why it's called littlebuff
> Hero card
/// Military Ranks of Faeo I
(+50 trauma, +50 antitrauma, invisibility for 2h, more valour)
> Chosen by Gods card
/// Military Ranks of Faeo II
(same as Military Ranks of Faeo I)
NOTE: There is also "Season decks" that can be get by collecting 12 cards each month from this deck, gives you a very small buff each day, like money increased, chance of successful procurement resources, etc.
- Stendard decks (those decks gives you 1 time each week a stendard that if used in 6h let you summon the powers of the gods or the dragon to gives you advantage in a specific battle):
> Altar of Life card
+ Idalle
/// Adaleya deck
--- need adaleya worship medal! (you and 2 allies +50% hp in 100 sec.)
> Altar of Darkness card
+ Idalle
/// God of the Cursed and Dead deck
--- need god of the cursed worship medal! (your opponent and 2 of his allies -45% hp in 90 sec.)
> Dragon Altar card
+ Idalle
/// Great Dragons deck
--- need great dragons worship medal! (you and 2 allies +6% damage inflicted, +5% damage resistance)
> Nymph Water goddess card
+ Idalle
/// Nymph deck
--- need nymph worship, so level 11+ too! (restore 102% mana in 60 sec.)
> Sylph goddess card
+ Idalle
/// Sylph deck
--- need sylph worship, so level 11+ too! (remove 82% mana from enemy in 10 secs.)
- Special decks (those decks gives you a particular benefit):
> Fey Card
/// Gnome Runes deck
(you can access gnomes instance each week to kill a Fire Golem that gives you many things, most important are golem fragments that can be exchanged for 30 gnome coins, useful for gnome rings)
> Uborg
(1500g!) + Bone Dragon
+ Fazgrod
cards // Superbeings deck
(can fight each week against a superbeing, most rewardable on mage levels because you can be attacked from uborg (nice loot), edera, emperor scorpion or others...)
I described almost basics of each deck actually in game, personally I'd prefer invest my money on something that gives me a return, so I'd invest in superbeing and gnome runes deck. But if you prefer to be strong even in hunting, go instead to buff deck section. If you want to do instance easily, summoning decks are for you (and in this case I'd prefer chaos deck, great mages, UK deck or faeo mounts, because I think in instances they're the strongest).

They can be get specially from auction or pack of cards:

Pack of cards can be gained from those 3 principal methods:
- Bought at Special Trade Fair for 5 gold each;
- Bought from other players that bought packs and wants to resell (might be more than 5 gold);
- Made by using 3 equal cards (for example 3 cuckoo flowers cards = 1 pack).
There are 3 kind of cards: common cards (1.50g...10g), rare cards (can be from 40g to 100g) and super rare card/cards (can be from 200g up to 1500g depending on decks). Price intervals are referring to today, can change in future, so I'm talking general about prices, but you got the structure of the thing.
There are many strategies to complete deck: the common is to buy all common cards then wait for superrare card, this way in the moment you get superrare you completed deck and can use its benefits, or waiting for superrare cards and then buy common cards, this way you can decide in any moment what deck to do without wasting money on other common cards from other decks.
There are also some principal categories of decks, I'll describe here with superrare cards:
- Summoning decks (those decks summons powerful wraiths that helps you):
> Frex the Knight card

> Hombre the Shadow Mage card

> King Magish card

> Giant card

> Marcus Aurelius card

> Valey card

> Harvadus card

> Burial Mound Dzerug card

- Superbuff decks (those decks gives you 1h each week a powerful buff, depending on the level):
> Necrasphodel card

> Phosphorite card

> Armor-plated Dinichthyz card

NOTE: There is also "Power of Winter" deck that gives this effect: http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=16097, rare card is Yeti Shaman

- Littlebuff decks (like superbuff decks, but buffs are not as great as superbuff decks, that's why it's called littlebuff

> Hero card

> Chosen by Gods card

NOTE: There is also "Season decks" that can be get by collecting 12 cards each month from this deck, gives you a very small buff each day, like money increased, chance of successful procurement resources, etc.
- Stendard decks (those decks gives you 1 time each week a stendard that if used in 6h let you summon the powers of the gods or the dragon to gives you advantage in a specific battle):
> Altar of Life card

> Altar of Darkness card

> Dragon Altar card

> Nymph Water goddess card

> Sylph goddess card

- Special decks (those decks gives you a particular benefit):
> Fey Card

> Uborg

I described almost basics of each deck actually in game, personally I'd prefer invest my money on something that gives me a return, so I'd invest in superbeing and gnome runes deck. But if you prefer to be strong even in hunting, go instead to buff deck section. If you want to do instance easily, summoning decks are for you (and in this case I'd prefer chaos deck, great mages, UK deck or faeo mounts, because I think in instances they're the strongest).

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