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September event questions
What is the title of the dead Elfin queen that made a deal with a cursed god and with her loyal followers protects the ancient sanctuary of her people in the mountain gorge?
You see, warrior, over my long life I have studied all the languages of this world! I can speak fluently with the Flaundins and Eldives, I can recognise the sound of the Kretches and the growl of the Krogans... But these days warriors use terrible slang! All I hear around me is: “Ahh, help, plz, zoo!!!,” and then “Ta!” What is this foreign dialect? How did it get to Faeo?!
Oh, there is nothing difficult in that! The warrior is simply surrounded by a crowd of monsters and is calling on comrades for help and then thanking them...
*She stares at you deeply.* Tell me... the odd one out... *She closes her eyes and starts to count out words.* Fire... Air... Darkness... Light... Earth... Water...
The old Daigon mentally transfers vague images to your mind. Tatlie awaits an answer to his riddle.* ...
Heavyweight Bow.
Name the terrible god that created the Magmar race.
What amazing flower can you find in the Kroffdor lands? Its petals are pure crystal, but a jeweller has not touched this creation.
Flickering Flower.
What do the mainland residents call the place where the best masters of different professions gather?
Guild of Artisans.
So answer me this, how do warriors increase their Executioner skill?
They inflict injury in battle with warriors whose level is no more than 2 below their own.
Please add any more you find
You see, warrior, over my long life I have studied all the languages of this world! I can speak fluently with the Flaundins and Eldives, I can recognise the sound of the Kretches and the growl of the Krogans... But these days warriors use terrible slang! All I hear around me is: “Ahh, help, plz, zoo!!!,” and then “Ta!” What is this foreign dialect? How did it get to Faeo?!
Oh, there is nothing difficult in that! The warrior is simply surrounded by a crowd of monsters and is calling on comrades for help and then thanking them...
*She stares at you deeply.* Tell me... the odd one out... *She closes her eyes and starts to count out words.* Fire... Air... Darkness... Light... Earth... Water...
The old Daigon mentally transfers vague images to your mind. Tatlie awaits an answer to his riddle.* ...
Heavyweight Bow.
Name the terrible god that created the Magmar race.
What amazing flower can you find in the Kroffdor lands? Its petals are pure crystal, but a jeweller has not touched this creation.
Flickering Flower.
What do the mainland residents call the place where the best masters of different professions gather?
Guild of Artisans.
So answer me this, how do warriors increase their Executioner skill?
They inflict injury in battle with warriors whose level is no more than 2 below their own.
Please add any more you find
Galash question:
II am putting together a letter. I want to ask the elder to allocate reliable warriors to guard my goods, but you must tell me how to end my letter to him. *He shows you a scroll.*
I thank you for your kindly assistance....I would like to express my sincere gratitude... or With the deepest respect I thank you for your help... or I am grateful for your help...
With the deepest respect I thank you for your help..<- that's NOT the answer
II am putting together a letter. I want to ask the elder to allocate reliable warriors to guard my goods, but you must tell me how to end my letter to him. *He shows you a scroll.*
I thank you for your kindly assistance....I would like to express my sincere gratitude... or With the deepest respect I thank you for your help... or I am grateful for your help...
With the deepest respect I thank you for your help..<- that's NOT the answer

Galash question:
II am putting together a letter. I want to ask the elder to allocate reliable warriors to guard my goods, but you must tell me how to end my letter to him. *He shows you a scroll.*
I thank you for your kindly assistance....I would like to express my sincere gratitude... or With the deepest respect I thank you for your help... or I am grateful for your help...
�With the deepest respect I thank you for your help..<- that's NOT the answer![]()
I would like to express my sincere gratitude... <--- not this either, darn that's 5 more hrs to get just 1 token

please use Font size at least 10 for better forum reading
Galash question: - check answers with others
Wednesday, September 7th 2016, 1:29am
Quoted from "-Anjiloh-"
Galash question:
II am putting together a letter. I want to ask the elder to allocate reliable warriors to guard my goods, but you must tell me how to end my letter to him. *He shows you a scroll.*
I thank you for your kindly assistance....I would like to express my sincere gratitude... or With the deepest respect I thank you for your help... or I am grateful for your help...
I am grateful for your help... is correct
01:25 For answering the question correctly you receive a Certificate of Omniscience.
Someone else tried that answer & didn't get it right , so NO IDEA OF THE ANSWER .........

Galash question:
II am putting together a letter. I want to ask the elder to allocate reliable warriors to guard my goods, but you must tell me how to end my letter to him. *He shows you a scroll.*
I thank you for your kindly assistance....I would like to express my sincere gratitude... or With the deepest respect I thank you for your help... or I am grateful for your help...
I am grateful for your help... is correct
01:25 For answering the question correctly you receive a Certificate of Omniscience.
Someone else tried that answer & didn't get it right , so NO IDEA OF THE ANSWER .........