This little dragon that appeared mysteriously in Faeo looks nothing like his bellicose fire-breathing relatives. An inquisitive and mischievous little fellow who is interested in everything around him and strives to learn as much as possible about the amazing world he has been destined to inhabit.
Every day the curious little dragon gives you to perfom a very easy task which get rawarded fair. Tasks are straight forward and do not cosume much of your play time. The raward you get is Urchi Sack. The tricky part is that if you perfom 5 tasks without opening the sacks upon completion of the 5th task you will receive the best sack with many goodies inside.
If Urchi do not talk to you is becasue he does give you a task each 20 hours. When next time Urchi task will be available you can find at Quests>Recurring>Little Dragon Urchi task.
Sacks colors and rewards:
Small Urchi Sack - Received upon completion 1st time task.
Contents: 5 pcs. Ripe Honeyfrruit , 5 pcs. Sign of Friendship, 10 pcs. Token of Fortune, 2 pcs. Quicksilver, 1 pcs. Various gift that when given to a player increase their Popularity attribute by +1.
Medium Urchi Sack - Received upon completion of 2nd time task IF the Small Sack was not open.
Contents: 10 pcs. Ripe Honeyfrruit , 11 pcs. Sign of Friendship, 21 pcs. Token of Fortune, 4 pcs. Quicksilver, 2 pcs. Various gift that when given to a player increase their Popularity attribute by +1.
Large Urchi Sack - Received upon completion 3rd time task IF the Medium Sack was no open.
Contents: 15 pcs. Ripe Honeyfrruit , 17 pcs. Sign of Friendship, 32 pcs. Token of Fortune, 7 pcs. Quicksilver, 3 pcs. Various gift that when given to a player increase their Popularity attribute by +1.
Rich Urchi Sack - Received upon completion 4th time task IF the Large Sack was not open.
Contents: 20 pcs. Ripe Honeyfrruit , 23 pcs. Sign of Friendship, 43 pcs. Token of Fortune, 10 pcs. Quicksilver, 4 pcs. Various gift that when given to a player increase their Popularity attribute by +1.
Luxury Urchi Sack - Received upon completion 5th time task IF the Rich Sack was not open.
Contents: 25 pcs. Ripe Honeyfrruit , 30 pcs. Sign of Friendship, 54 pcs. Token of Fortune, 13 pcs. Quicksilver, 1 pcs. Traveler Stone, 5 pcs. Various gift that when given to a player increase their Popularity attribute by +1.
Help Little Urchi and get well rewarded!