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Clan Citadel - Guide

The Citadel - a common clan stronghold in the Otherworld, the construction of buildings and development provide various clan bonuses and benefits (inaccessible for clans without citadel).
Quests can be accepted only by the Clan leader.
Step 1
1. Register at the Architect 15 warriors that have reached 7 Secred Knowledge. You can find the Architect at the Otherwold, accessible from the Cave of War Mages.
2. Bring to the Architect 50pcs. Log, 50pcs. Cobblestone and 50pcs. Iron Ore
3. The Clan leader must go to the Elder at City and ask for the First Sketch.
4. All clan members will receive random drop of Merchant Goods bags while hunting monsters no more than 1 level bellow theirs. Each 10 bags should be exchanged at the Elder for a Chest that randomly will contain Drawing. Drawings go directly to the Clan leader's bag. 8 different drawings must be collected.
5. Fighting in the Temple, in the Arena or in caves, you get a trophy for winning the lost archive drawings. Show to Elder the lost drawing. Take all the drawings to the Architect.
6. After the visit to the Architect access to Clan Citadel is possible. Sketch for Oracle received.
Stage 2
Otherwold is filled with many different creatures. To finally confirm it's ownership on the territory the clan must chase all the elementals away.
1. Using the Elementals Cube challange the elementals into fight. After 500 killed elementals the clan will be an owner.
- All clan members hold a summoning cube.
- To use the cube (start the fight) you must be at the Otherworld.
- Summoned elementals respond to the player's level.
- Summoning cube is located at the Combat's Backpack (left hand side menu) i.e. you can summon in fight as many as you want.
- Only a win of the fight count the number of killed elementals.
- You can not use summons or mounts in the fights.
- Killed elementals count is at the Leader's profile unter the attributes.
2. When done return to the Architect to receive your 2nd sketch - Warehouse
Warehouse must get build as Clan Bank can hold only 50pcs of each green resources and 250 energy. And for future steps you need more resources.
Step 3
Building a Town Hall
1. After building Warehouse the Architect will open new dialog for the clan leader. The task is to take Scroll with Drawing to the Sorcerer.
2. Clan must bring 6000pcs Quicksilver to the Sorcerer.
- The Quicksilver can be given on bulks of 100pcs, 500pcs and 1000pcs.
3. Clan leader to give 100 gold to the Sorcerer.
4. Collect 500pcs. Board, 500pcs. Construction Stone and 500pcs. Sheet of Iron then you will receive the Sketch and can use them to build the Town Hall.
You can now build new buildings at Clan Citadel by purchasing Sketches from the Architect's shop using Stone Architect Signs. They can be received from gatherring Stone Architect Artifacts collection in the Backpack under section "Clan".

Quest Sketch, 30 Boards, 30 Construction Stones, 30 Sheets of Iron.
Allow clan to do tasks in order to receive clan energy. Upon completing clan quest clan members receive energy for the clan and Clan Support tokens. There is also probability of receiving clan collection items upon completion of the clan quest.
You completed Oracle quest Maverick Gungl and earned XX Energy for the clan. Received: Clan Support Token XX pcs

Oracle 2 Sketch, Town Hall level 2, 1000 Clan energy, 200 Boards, 200 Construction Stone, 200 Sheets of Iron, 50 Elemental Amalgamation
More varieties of clan quests. (5)

Oracle 3 Sketch, Town Hall level 3, Clan level 2, 1250 Clan energy, 200 Boards, 200 Construction Stone, 200 Sheets of Iron, 100 Elemental Amalgamation
More varieties of clan quests. (7)

Oracle 4 Sketch, Town Hall level 4, Clan level 2, 1500 Clan energy, 200 Boards, 200 Construction Stone, 200 Sheets of Iron, 150 Elemental Amalgamation
More varieties of clan quests. (10)

Oracle 5 Sketch, Town Hall level 5, Clan level 2, 1750 Clan energy, 200 Boards, 200 Construction Stone, 200 Sheets of Iron, 200 Elemental Amalgamation, 25 Elm
More varieties of clan quests. (12)
Please note that if you do not like any of the clan tasks options you can reset them for 10 gold.
Town Hall

Quest Sketch, 1000 Clan energy, 500 Boards, 500 Construction Stones, 500 Sheets of Iron.
Increasing clan members' daily energy with 30 units.

Town Hall 2 Sketch, 1500 Clan energy, 600 Boards, 600 Construction Stones, 600 Sheets of Iron, 60 Elemental Amalgamation
Increasing clan members' daily energy on total of 50 extra units.
In case there is items bellow 3 days in Clan Bank Clan leader will receive a letter.

Town Hall 3 Sketch, Clan level 2, 2500 Clan energy, 800 Boards, 800 Construction Stones, 800 Sheets of Iron, 80 Elemental Amalgamation
Increasing clan members' daily energy on total of 70 extra units.
All clan members will receive daily note for Oracle quest and New clan notifications.

Town Hall 4 Sketch, Clan level 2, 4000 Clan energy, 1000 Boards, 1000 Construction Stones, 1000 Sheets of Iron, 100 Elemental Amalgamation
Increasing clan members' daily energy on total of 90 extra units.
Allow Clan tax to be paid trough the clan Icon, as well as it can be paid by assigned clan members. Guide HERE

Town Hall 5 Sketch, Clan level 2, 6000 Clan energy, 1200 Boards, 1200 Construction Stones, 1200 Sheets of Iron, 200 Elemental Amalgamation
Increasing clan members' daily energy on total of 110 extra units.
Clan Members with specified rank by the clan leader will obtain the ability to send letter to all clan members at one time.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "muffin" (Feb 17th 2017, 8:53am) with the following reason: Additional information

Quest Sketch, 250 Clan energy, 50 Boards, 50 Construction Stones, 50 Sheets of Iron.
Allow more resources to be stored at Clan Bank:
Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron x 600pcs
Elemental Amalgamation 400pcs
Elm, Spider Glue x 200pcs.

Warehouse 2 Sketch, Town Hall level 2, 500 Clan energy, 100 Boards, 100 Construction Stones, 100 Sheets of Iron.
Allow more resources to be stored at Clan Bank:
Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron x 1100pcs
Elemental Amalgamation 700pcs
Elm, Spider Glue x 300pcs.

Warehouse 3 Sketch, Town Hall level 2, Clan level 2, 750 Clan energy, 150 Boards, 150 Construction Stones, 150 Sheets of Iron.
Allow more resources to be stored at Clan Bank:
Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron x 1600pcs
Elemental Amalgamation 1000pcs
Elm, Spider Glue x 400pcs.

Warehouse 4 Sketch, Town Hall level 3, Clan level 2, 1000 Clan energy, 200 Boards, 200 Construction Stones, 200 Sheets of Iron.
Allow more resources to be stored at Clan Bank:
Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron x 2100pcs
Elemental Amalgamation 1300pcs
Elm, Spider Glue x 500pcs.

Warehouse 5 Sketch, Town Hall level 4, Clan level 2, 1250 Clan energy, 250 Boards, 250 Construction Stones, 250 Sheets of Iron.
Allow more resources to be stored at Clan Bank:
Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron x 2600pcs
Elemental Amalgamation 1600pcs
Elm, Spider Glue x 600pcs.

Warehouse 6 Sketch, Town Hall level 5, Clan level 2, 1500 Clan energy, 300 Boards, 300 Construction Stones, 300 Sheets of Iron.
Allow more resources to be stored at Clan Bank:
Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron x 5100pcs
Elemental Amalgamation 2100pcs
Elm, Spider Glue x 1100pcs.

Sanctuary 1 Sketch, Town Hall level 1, 750 Clan energy, 200x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 20 Elemental Amalgamation
Allow contact with Game NPCs and althars trough invisible portal.
Near by City Characters + Dragon Althar

Sanctuary 2 Sketch, Town Hall level 2, 1000 Clan energy, 250x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 50 Elemental Amalgamation
Allow contact with Game NPCs and althars trough invisible portal.
UK knights + Dead and Cursed Althar

Sanctuary 3 Sketch, Town Hall level 3,Clan level 2, 1350 Clan energy, 300x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 70 Elemental Amalgamation
Allow contact with Game NPCs and althars trough invisible portal.
Various characters that give daily quests, including rage/rainbow chars + Althar of Life

Sanctuary 4 Sketch, Town Hall level 4,Clan level 2, 1500 Clan energy, 350x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 90 Elemental Amalgamation
Allow contact with Game NPCs and althars trough invisible portal.
BOV, BOE characters, lvl 11 islands characters and althars

Sanctuary 5 Sketch, Town Hall level 5,Clan level 2, 1750 Clan energy, 400x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 130 Elemental Amalgamation, 25 Elm
Allow contact with Game NPCs and althars trough invisible portal.
Long dinstance characters + island guard, Nymphus althar

Market 1 Sketch, Town Hall level 1, 750 Clan energy, 200x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 20 Elemental Amalgamation
Allow clan buildings resources exchange.
Allow clan buildings resources purchase for energy:
300 clan energy = 20 x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron

Market 2 Sketch, Town Hall level 2, 1250 Clan energy, 350x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 35 Elemental Amalgamation
Allow clan buildings resources exchange.
Allow clan buildings resources purchase for energy:
295 clan energy = 20 x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron
440 clan energy = 30 x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron

Market 3 Sketch, Town Hall level 3, Caln level 2, 1500 Clan energy, 500x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 50 Elemental Amalgamation
Allow clan buildings resources exchange.
Allow clan buildings resources purchase for energy:
270 clan energy = 20 x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron
420 clan energy = 30 x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron
280 clan energy = 20 x Elemental Amalgamation

Market 4 Sketch, Town Hall level 4, Caln level 2, 2000 Clan energy, 700x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 70 Elemental Amalgamation
Allow clan buildings resources exchange.
Allow clan buildings resources purchase for energy:
255 clan energy = 20 x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron
400 clan energy = 30 x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron
265 clan energy = 20 x Elemental Amalgamation
370 clan energy = 30 x Elemental Amalgamation

Market 5 Sketch, Town Hall level 5, Caln level 2, 2500 Clan energy, 800x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 120 Elemental Amalgamation, 50 Elm
Allow clan buildings resources exchange.
Allow clan buildings resources purchase for energy:
245 clan energy = 20 x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron
380 clan energy = 30 x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron
250 clan energy = 20 x Elemental Amalgamation
625 clan energy = 10 x Elm

Shop 1 Sketch, Town Hall level 1, 750 Clan energy, 200x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 20 Elemental Amalgamation
Allow purchase for items from different shops in Faeo.
Have "Enchanted Shop" section which update every 6 days with 3 random items from Faeo. (Purchase might be in gold or diamonds)

Shop 2 Sketch, Town Hall level 2, 1250 Clan energy, 350x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 35 Elemental Amalgamation
Allow purchase for items from different shops in Faeo.
Have "Enchanted Shop" section which update every 5 days with 4 random items from Faeo. (Purchase might be in gold or diamonds)

Shop 3 Sketch, Town Hall level 3, Clan level 2, 1500 Clan energy, 500x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 50 Elemental Amalgamation
Allow purchase for items from different shops in Faeo.
Have "Enchanted Shop" section which update every 5 days with 5 random items from Faeo. (Purchase might be in gold or diamonds)

Shop 4 Sketch, Town Hall level 4, Clan level 2, 2000 Clan energy, 700x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 70 Elemental Amalgamation
Allow purchase for items from different shops in Faeo.
Have "Enchanted Shop" section which update every 4 days with 5 random items from Faeo. (Purchase might be in gold or diamonds)

Shop 5 Sketch, Town Hall level 5, Clan level 2, 2500 Clan energy, 800x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 120 Elemental Amalgamation, 50 Elm
Allow purchase for items from different shops in Faeo.
Have "Enchanted Shop" section which update every 4 days with 6 random items from Faeo. (Purchase might be in gold or diamonds)

Greenhouse 1 Sketch, Town Hall level 1, 1000 Clan energy, 300x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 50 Elemental Amalgamation
Clan can greate 3 gray resources that are being used for receipes from Magic Pot.
Spots to plant - 1 free, 1 for 3 gold, 1 for 3 diamons.

Greenhouse 2 Sketch, Town Hall level 2, 1500 Clan energy, 400x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 60 Elemental Amalgamation
Clan can greate 3 gray, 3 green, 1 purple resources that are being used for receipes from Magic Pot. Previous level ones are with reduced production time.
Spots to plant - 1 free, 1 for 3 gold, 1 for 3 diamons.

Greenhouse 3 Sketch, Town Hall level 3, Clan level 2, 1750 Clan energy, 500x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 70 Elemental Amalgamation
Clan can greate Faulty efril and 3 gray, 3 green, 3 blue, 1 purple resources that are being used for receipes from Magic Pot. Previous level ones are with reduced production time.
Spots to plant - 2 free, 1 for 3 gold, 1 for 3 diamons.

Greenhouse 4 Sketch, Town Hall level 4, Clan level 2, 2000 Clan energy, 600x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 80 Elemental Amalgamation
Clan can greate Faulty efril and 3 gray, 3 green, 3 blue, 3 purple resources that are being used for receipes from Magic Pot. Previous level ones are with reduced production time.
Spots to plant - 2 free, 1 for 3 gold, 1 for 3 diamons.

Greenhouse 5 Sketch, Town Hall level 5, Clan level 2, 2500 Clan energy, 700x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 150 Elemental Amalgamation, 75 Elm
Clan can greate Faulty efril and 3 gray, 3 green, 3 blue, 5 purple resources that are being used for receipes from Magic Pot. Previous level ones are with reduced production time.
Spots to plant - 3 free, 1 for 3 gold, 1 for 3 diamons.
Magic Pot

Magic Pot 1 Sketch, Town Hall level 1, Greenhouse 1, 1000 Clan energy, 300x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 50 Elemental Amalgamation
All clan members with given by the leader permission can create valuable items. When created Clan leader can see "Available for study" receipes. Receipes are being obtained by Otherworld Plants, Otherworld Insects and Otherworld Minerals collections at "Clan" section from collection tabs. Please note that only clan leader can use the collection items and single players do not get achievemets for creating them. Achievemets are for the clan.
(Otherworld vision pots, Food, Clan durability pots, Invisible shackles, Poisonus lotion, Greenhouse Nutrients, Small amulet of trinity)

Magic Pot 2 Sketch, Town Hall level 2, Greenhouse 2, 1500 Clan energy, 400x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 60 Elemental Amalgamation
More receipes for study added. Previous ones with reduced time.
(focus amulet, random collection fragment, pot for increasind the power of warlord bless, lvl 11+ resources that are able to be obtained from Enchanted forest instance, trinity amulets, heating lotion)

Magic Pot 3 Sketch, Town Hall level 3, Greenhouse 3, Clan level 2, 1750 Clan energy, 500x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 70 Elemental Amalgamation
More receipes for study added. Previous ones with reduced time.
(magical elements rithuals, pot lvl 2 for increasind the power of warlord bless, lvl 11+ resources that are able to be obtained from Enchanted forest instance, strong trinity amulets, bleeding lotion, antitraumatism pot)

Magic Pot 4 Sketch, Town Hall level 4, Greenhouse 4, Clan level 2, 2000 Clan energy, 600x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 80 Elemental Amalgamation
More receipes for study added. Previous ones with reduced time.
(transformation pots, lvl 11+ resources that are able to be obtained from Enchanted forest instance, great trinity amulet, draining lotion, elexir of Invulnerability)

Magic Pot 5 Sketch, Town Hall level 5, Greenhouse 5, Clan level 2, 2500 Clan energy, 700x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 150 Elemental Amalgamation, 75 Elm
More receipes for study added. Previous ones with reduced time.
(curses to be used on enemies, weakening lotion, freezing lotion, elexir of Invulnerability, scroll for increasing triads procurement)
Repair Workshop

Repair Workshop 1 Sketch, Town Hall level 1, Greenhouse 1, 1000 Clan energy, 300x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 50 Elemental Amalgamation
Clan members can create valueble artefacts.
(fertlizer, summons lvl 5, clan valour elexir, bag, 2 slot belts, purple quivers lvl 3, clan gifts) Note all items has expiry timer.

Repair Workshop 2 Sketch, Town Hall level 2, Greenhouse 2, 1500 Clan energy, 400x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 60 Elemental Amalgamation
Clan members can create valueble artefacts. Some of the previous ones with reduced time of production.
(lvl 6 summons, green tools) Note all items has expiry timer.

Repair Workshop 3 Sketch, Town Hall level 3, Greenhouse 3, Clan level 2, 1750 Clan energy, 500x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 70 Elemental Amalgamation
Clan members can create valueble artefacts. Some of the previous ones with reduced time of production.
(lvl 7-8 summons, bigger percentage clan valour pot, frame for otherworld pet) Note all items has expiry timer (execpt pet frame).

Repair Workshop 4 Sketch, Town Hall level 4, Greenhouse 4, Clan level 2, 2000 Clan energy, 600x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 80 Elemental Amalgamation
Clan members can create valueble artefacts. Some of the previous ones with reduced time of production.
(bag lvl 8, summons lvl 9, belt 3 slots) Note all items has expiry timer.

Repair Workshop 5 Sketch, Town Hall level 5, Greenhouse 5, Clan level 2, 2500 Clan energy, 700x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 150 Elemental Amalgamation, 75 Elm
Clan members can create valueble artefacts. Some of the previous ones with reduced time of production.
(bag lvl 11, lvl 11-14 summons) Note all items has expiry timer.
Summons Circle

Summons Circle 1 Sketch, Town Hall level 4, 1000 Clan energy, 100x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 150 Elemental Amalgamation
Summoning Spirits.
Summon of Astral Spirits ritual = 50 clan energy, 10 Elemental Amalgamation

Summons Circle 2 Sketch, Town Hall level 5, 1500 Clan energy, 150x Boards, Construction Stones, Sheets of Iron, 200 Elemental Amalgamation, 50 Elm
Summoning Spirits.
Summon of Dungeon Slaves ritual (sorry, not pretty sure for the exact translation) = 100 clan energy, 15 Elemental Amalgamation
Please note thatyou can hold only 1 rithual at a time.
Ritual - is the process of creating a portal to another dimension. Only the Clan leader can start the ritual, the clan need to spend a small amount of resources, and then for the further 3 hours clan warriors must confirm participation in the event.
Attention! Minimum number of participants for the Ritual: 4.
Attention! After confirming their participation in the ritual, the clan warriors are no longer required to be at the Citadel or in the game.
To create a portal requires a lot of time, but the rest of the clan can accelerate this process by joining the rituals and sacrificing a small amount of their energy.
After completion of the ritual, the head of the clan has 24 hours for the opening of the portal. If the head of the clan did not have time to activate the portal in the further 24 hours, the ritual have to be repeated. Portal will last a few days, and then closes.
Attention! After an unsuccessful completion of the Ritual or closing the portal, Summoning Circle can not be used for some time - from several hours to several days, depending on the complexity of the Ritual.
Hi, i have a question...
Current goal: After fighting in the Temple, Arena or the Caves, obtain the missing sketches as a trophy for your victory. Take all the sketches to the Architect.
Important! When moving within an alliance you need to obtain permission to erect building from the Architect.
We win maybe 7-8 bf ( temple, arena, chaotic battle ) and no drop the lost sketches. We need try some times more ? Or am I doing something wrong?
Current goal: After fighting in the Temple, Arena or the Caves, obtain the missing sketches as a trophy for your victory. Take all the sketches to the Architect.
Important! When moving within an alliance you need to obtain permission to erect building from the Architect.
We win maybe 7-8 bf ( temple, arena, chaotic battle ) and no drop the lost sketches. We need try some times more ? Or am I doing something wrong?
I just remember doing things for clan & the leader would say he got something drop in his backpack for the citadel so might have been something else we were doing. I also vaguely remember things dropping into the clan treasury.
Yet again, I could be totally wrong & thinking about a different game alltogether
Ask your leader if they have received anything for citadel in their backpack - never know, I might actually be right
Yet again, I could be totally wrong & thinking about a different game alltogether

Ask your leader if they have received anything for citadel in their backpack - never know, I might actually be right

Hi, i have a question...
Current goal: After fighting in the Temple, Arena or the Caves, obtain the missing sketches as a trophy for your victory. Take all the sketches to the Architect.
Important! When moving within an alliance you need to obtain permission to erect building from the Architect.
We win maybe 7-8 bf ( temple, arena, chaotic battle ) and no drop the lost sketches. We need try some times more ? Or am I doing something wrong?
Hi Starky,
II. For the victory on one of the battlefields (Arena, Crystalline Caves or Temple of the Chosen) obtain the lost archival draft - obtaining the drawing again is random, so it may require several wins in battlefields. If the drawing drops after a win, it will also go straight to the clan leaders backpack. (Registrar Office Sketch).
You have to keep trying. For detailed information, you can check HERE.
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact the Mentor team ! Have a good game.

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