Availability: This deck of cards is availavle for players from level 3 and above.
Action: Allow players once a day to receive either of the seasonal blessings.
The deck can be used once a day at every seasonal event. In December - every day. Use of the deck will bring Signs as for the on-going event and Seasonal blessing as mentioned below.

January Gift
Durability +100
2 extra space in Backpack
Prophecy +4 (under this effect you can receive crystals of truth, can be combined with Eye of Truth)

February Gift
Increasing Valour and coins received upon killing a monser with 5%.
Prophecy +4

March Gift
Antitrauma +15
Received energy in fight get increased with +10%
Prophecy +4

April Gift
Intuition +5
It decreases the failures while gathering resources.

May Gift
Reduce the amount of broken items upon defeat.
Increase the ability of creating double more artefacts from the secondary profession.
Prophecy +4

June Gift
Speed +15
Chance of success collecting resources +4%
Prophecy +4

July Gift
Durability +100
Increasing coins received upon killing a monser with 5%
Prophecy +4

August Gift
2 extra space in Backpack
Increasing valour received with +5%.
Prophecy +4

September Gift
Received energy in fight get increased with +10%
It decreases the failures while gathering resources.
Prophecy +4

October Gift
Antitrauma +15
Intuition +5
Prophecy +4

November Gift
Increase chance of success collecting resources
Increase the ability of creating double more artefacts from the secondary profession.

December Gift
Reduce the amount of broken items upon defeat.
Speed +15
Prophecy +1