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Professions - Guide

Professions can be considered as a means of attaining some extra income aside from constantly killing monsters. Although a bit mundane and tedious at times, your chosen profession can be very beneficial to you as a warrior. With a little hard work and dedication, you can increase you skill level and gain mastery points by practicing your selected trade. Soon enough you will not need to purchase particular items from the shop but you would be able to produce them yourself and sell them to other players.
The following is a small list of common questions asked pertaining to professions in the world of Faeo.
What are the available professions
First off before simply listing the professions, lets categorize them based on their attributes. There are three basic categories.
1. Extractive (Raw Materils)
--> Geologist - Mines stones
--> Herbologist - Picks plants
--> Fisherman - Catches fish
2. Productive (Manufacturing)
--> Jeweler - Creates Amulets, runes, and converts stones to dust
--> Alchemist - Creates Elixirs and converts plants to collected plants
--> Sorcerer - Creates Scrolls and converts fish to Magic Ink
3. Supplementary (Services - Not related to resources)
--> Healer - Heals players injuries by using Healing scrolls
--> Locksmith - Opens various chests for players
--> Executioner - Eliminates and Injures your enemy on request
That's simple enough right?
Now let get to know each one a little more.
We'll start off with the extractive professions. Of these listed here, you may only choose one. You cannot have two professions which belong to the same category.
This profession involves the exploration for useful minerals, the search, gathering, and study of various rock formations, minerals, and semi-precious and precious stones. They mine stones
This is the study of the flora of the world of Faeo, the compilation of herbaria, and the scientific handling of plants (grasses, flowers) for their later use in various areas. They pick plants
The profession of Fisherman provides the skills needed to catch fish, which is useful not only for food, but also for the preparation of various magic ingredients. They catch fish
Now for the Productive professions. These are the professions which make use of those raw materials that you have been gathering. Turning it into something valuable

The Jeweller profession is the study of gems, the processing and cutting of precious stones, and the charming of magic runes. Basically, Jewelers takes stones and other materials and produces dust, amulets and armour runes for purposes of upgrading armour.
The Alchemist profession is the study of alchemy and occult sciences, the search for the philosopher's stone, but above all the discovery and preparation of combat elixirs for use by fighters in combat
Sorcery is the art of preparing various magic scrolls that can save the life of a warrior in combat, and the preparation of other various magic ingredients (Magic inks).
And finally, we get to the supplemtary profession. These profession are in no way related to the natural resources found in Faeo. These professions provide a service to the other inhabitants of the land. All these jobs require a large sum of money to undertake and it is strongly advised that you save up some gold before attempting to enlist as one them.
Healers are those skilled warriors with the ability to heal another warriors wounds. A healer may only heal an injury that is on par or below his/her profesion level. Scrolls of healing wounds are required to get rid of a players injuries. The healer profession at level 2 is also required to be allowed into the Brotherhood of Virtue.
Players with the locksmith profession are vital to all those who find a chest or a casket after defeating a monster and also some closed precious Chests that can drop even a Cerrador. These items can not be opened without the assistance of a locksmith. Also, players inflicted with a ball and chain by their enemies would reaquire the assistance of a locksmith to have it speedily removed. 30 Locksmith master will be required if you with to join Broderhood of virtue path or none for Bringers of Evil.
These are players whom you can hire to eliminate and injure your enemies. Note, executioners are not limited to attacking the other race, if your have a dispute with someone of your own race they are eligable for execution. This profession goes Hand-to-hand with Bringers of Evil.
When, where and how can i get a profession?
When: Level 3
Where: City Square (Guild of Artisians)
NPC: Tiyery the Geologist (Magmars) | Gesteyn the Geologist (Humans)
When: Level 3
Where: City Square (Guild of Artisians)
NPC: Herbier the Herbologis (Magmars) | Foglio the Herbologist (Humans)
When: Level 3
Where: Mentaliya Foothills (Magmars) | Ridge of Kayar (Humans)
NPC: Vylis the Fisherman (Magmars) | Nathan the Fisherman (Humans)
When: Level 3
Where: City Square (Guild of Artisians)
NPC: Korundum the Jeweler (Magmars) | Esmeril the Jeweler (Humans)
When: Level 3
Where: City Square (Guild of Artisians)
NPC: Veddun the Alchemist (Magmars) | Cagliostro the Alchemist (Humans)
When: Level 3
Where: Gorge of Gondi (Magmars) | Barrow of Saddness (Humans)
NPC: Khorsungum the Mage (Magmars) | Arnabag (Humans)
When: Level 3
Where: Square of Fire (Magmars) | Daylight Square (Humans)
NPC: Soygura the Craftswoman (Magmars) | Ostap the Craftsman (Humans)
When: Level 4
Where: Manor of Budrimakh (Magmars) | Wirgold Estate (Humans)
NPC: Pymen the Monk (Magmars) | Samuel the Cleric (Humans)
When: Level 6
Where: Ridge of Darkness (Magmars) | Steppe Vista (Humans)
NPC: Black Knight (Magmars) | Agonnyy the Mad (Humans)
When: Level 3
Where: City Square (Guild of Artisians)
NPC: Tiyery the Geologist (Magmars) | Gesteyn the Geologist (Humans)
When: Level 3
Where: City Square (Guild of Artisians)
NPC: Herbier the Herbologis (Magmars) | Foglio the Herbologist (Humans)
When: Level 3
Where: Mentaliya Foothills (Magmars) | Ridge of Kayar (Humans)
NPC: Vylis the Fisherman (Magmars) | Nathan the Fisherman (Humans)
When: Level 3
Where: City Square (Guild of Artisians)
NPC: Korundum the Jeweler (Magmars) | Esmeril the Jeweler (Humans)
When: Level 3
Where: City Square (Guild of Artisians)
NPC: Veddun the Alchemist (Magmars) | Cagliostro the Alchemist (Humans)
When: Level 3
Where: Gorge of Gondi (Magmars) | Barrow of Saddness (Humans)
NPC: Khorsungum the Mage (Magmars) | Arnabag (Humans)
When: Level 3
Where: Square of Fire (Magmars) | Daylight Square (Humans)
NPC: Soygura the Craftswoman (Magmars) | Ostap the Craftsman (Humans)
When: Level 4
Where: Manor of Budrimakh (Magmars) | Wirgold Estate (Humans)
NPC: Pymen the Monk (Magmars) | Samuel the Cleric (Humans)
When: Level 6
Where: Ridge of Darkness (Magmars) | Steppe Vista (Humans)
NPC: Black Knight (Magmars) | Agonnyy the Mad (Humans)
How many professions can I have at the same time and can I change professions?
Simply put, a player can only have
one extractive profession (Geologist, Herbologist or Fisherman)
one productive profession (Jeweler, Alchemist or Sorcerer)
one supplemtary profession (Healer, Locksmith or Executioner)
How you decide to mix and match these options is completely up to you.
That is, a player can choose to be
Herbologist, Jeweler and Executioner
Herbologist, Alchemist and Locksmith
Geologist only
Fisherman Sorcerer
and so on
A player cannot be
Geologist, Alchemist
Jeweler, Sorcerer
Locksmith, Executioner and Alchemist
Remember that supplemtary profession rarely provide a player with any real source of income, as a matter of fact, they can cost you a great deal of gold. They are expensive to develop and care should be taken in choosing one (if you decide to take one at all).
As for the second part of the question "Can i change my profession"
When u decide upon a profession, you are not forced to keep that profession for the rest of your game life. You will be allowed to resign any profession if ever and whenever you deem it necessary. Professions can be resigned one by one without affecting the others that you currently have. You would not need to resign all the professions that you have if you wish to give up only one.
one extractive profession (Geologist, Herbologist or Fisherman)
one productive profession (Jeweler, Alchemist or Sorcerer)
one supplemtary profession (Healer, Locksmith or Executioner)
How you decide to mix and match these options is completely up to you.
That is, a player can choose to be
Herbologist, Jeweler and Executioner
Herbologist, Alchemist and Locksmith
Geologist only
Fisherman Sorcerer
and so on
A player cannot be
Geologist, Alchemist
Jeweler, Sorcerer
Locksmith, Executioner and Alchemist
Remember that supplemtary profession rarely provide a player with any real source of income, as a matter of fact, they can cost you a great deal of gold. They are expensive to develop and care should be taken in choosing one (if you decide to take one at all).
As for the second part of the question "Can i change my profession"
When u decide upon a profession, you are not forced to keep that profession for the rest of your game life. You will be allowed to resign any profession if ever and whenever you deem it necessary. Professions can be resigned one by one without affecting the others that you currently have. You would not need to resign all the professions that you have if you wish to give up only one.
Resign or Save my Mastery?
To resign a profession, simply click on the professions icon (multi-colored circle)
You can access this by: Knight icon (character icon) => Multi-colored circle (profession icon)
Once you are in the professions display, you can select the appropriate tab for the profession you wish to resign.
On the lower left of the screen, under the profession information, you will see a resign profession button. Simply click it and confirm your action.
NOTE: When you resign a profession, you lose all the mastery points that you gained for that particular skill. When u choose a new profession you start back at skill level 0. If you wish to go back to your old profession (the one which you resigned before) you would again need to start over from skill level 0.
Various events and Bank shop offer scrolls to save your mastery. When you use them your mastry will get saved and then you can start over with new profession. Whenever you want to go back to the profession you saved previously you can simple use the saved skill scoll and all will be like before!
Saved Herbologist Skill
Saved Fisherman Skill
Saved Geologist Skill
Saved Alchemist Skill
Saved Mage Skill
Saved Jeweller Skill
Saved Healer Skill
Saved Locksmith Skill
Saved Executioner Skill
To resign a profession, simply click on the professions icon (multi-colored circle)
You can access this by: Knight icon (character icon) => Multi-colored circle (profession icon)
Once you are in the professions display, you can select the appropriate tab for the profession you wish to resign.
On the lower left of the screen, under the profession information, you will see a resign profession button. Simply click it and confirm your action.
NOTE: When you resign a profession, you lose all the mastery points that you gained for that particular skill. When u choose a new profession you start back at skill level 0. If you wish to go back to your old profession (the one which you resigned before) you would again need to start over from skill level 0.
Various events and Bank shop offer scrolls to save your mastery. When you use them your mastry will get saved and then you can start over with new profession. Whenever you want to go back to the profession you saved previously you can simple use the saved skill scoll and all will be like before!
Saved Herbologist Skill
Saved Fisherman Skill
Saved Geologist Skill
Saved Alchemist Skill
Saved Mage Skill
Saved Jeweller Skill
Saved Healer Skill
Saved Locksmith Skill
Saved Executioner Skill
Does my profession affect anything else in the game or the development of my character?
The category the three Supplementary professions (Healer, Losksmith, Executioner) are linked to the Brotherhood of Virtue and Bringers of Evil Reputations.
To join the Brotherhood of Virtue, you will need to be either a level 2 healer or a level 30 locksmith. Without either of these professions, you can not be initiated into the brotherhood.
You do not need to be an Executioner to become a Bringer of Evil, however, the reputation does help with your profession. You can be an executioner and still be a healer or a locksmith, however such a combination may be viewed as disadvantage/handicap to your professions true potential. Taking on the roll of an executioner and enlisting in the Bringers of Evil enhances your abilities as an executioner. The ability to hex your opponents, as well as the summons that are made available to those with sufficient reputation within the Bringers of Evil can go a long way in helping you achieve victory in battle while carrying out an execution.
Aside from this, you professions are simply a means of making some extra income or creating items for your own use in battle. With this said, some players have developed the theory that certain professions go hand in hand with certain fighting styles. And there is a short info for you:
To join the Brotherhood of Virtue, you will need to be either a level 2 healer or a level 30 locksmith. Without either of these professions, you can not be initiated into the brotherhood.
You do not need to be an Executioner to become a Bringer of Evil, however, the reputation does help with your profession. You can be an executioner and still be a healer or a locksmith, however such a combination may be viewed as disadvantage/handicap to your professions true potential. Taking on the roll of an executioner and enlisting in the Bringers of Evil enhances your abilities as an executioner. The ability to hex your opponents, as well as the summons that are made available to those with sufficient reputation within the Bringers of Evil can go a long way in helping you achieve victory in battle while carrying out an execution.
Aside from this, you professions are simply a means of making some extra income or creating items for your own use in battle. With this said, some players have developed the theory that certain professions go hand in hand with certain fighting styles. And there is a short info for you:
Best Profession: Geologist/Jeweler
Because Bonecrushers will be creating for themselves Amulet of Destruction which fits for their combat style and will help them in fights.
Best Profession: FIsherman/Sorcerer
Because Heavyweights will be hreating for themselves Scroll of Rock Skin which fits for their combat style and will help them in fights.
Best Profession: Herbalist/Alchemist
Because Dodgers will be hreating for themselves Elixir of Wind which fits for their combat style and will help them in fights.
Whats the 'Best' professions for me?
that is very much up to you. best to choose the type of profession that you don't mind doing and doing often for many months to come. that said, there are some subtle considerations to keep in mind:
affinity: it usually pays to have paired extractive and processing professions, that is:
this allows you to process what you pick. people do change profession sometimes when picking resources for certain reputations, but usually come back to the above pairs.
armor: when you get to the level to rage it is convenient to make your own rage suppliment
jeweler makes BC amulets
alchemist makes dodger elixirs
sorceror make HW scrolls
note that these items are readily bought/sold on auction so it is not a big deal if that is not your style.
suplimentary: we already noted that these professions are expensive, but what are the advantages?
executioner: works well with BC for extra valor goes well with BOE reputation
lockpick: can get into some hidden stashes in palace and resurected goul's crypt.
healer: heal yourself and others. make some friends. can help your team in battlefields. goes well with BOV reputation.
that is very much up to you. best to choose the type of profession that you don't mind doing and doing often for many months to come. that said, there are some subtle considerations to keep in mind:
affinity: it usually pays to have paired extractive and processing professions, that is:
this allows you to process what you pick. people do change profession sometimes when picking resources for certain reputations, but usually come back to the above pairs.
armor: when you get to the level to rage it is convenient to make your own rage suppliment
jeweler makes BC amulets
alchemist makes dodger elixirs
sorceror make HW scrolls
note that these items are readily bought/sold on auction so it is not a big deal if that is not your style.
suplimentary: we already noted that these professions are expensive, but what are the advantages?
executioner: works well with BC for extra valor goes well with BOE reputation
lockpick: can get into some hidden stashes in palace and resurected goul's crypt.
healer: heal yourself and others. make some friends. can help your team in battlefields. goes well with BOV reputation.
I'll look that up...
How do i make dust/runes/collected plants/elixirs/magic ink/scrolls etc..
Lets tackle the basic products first. Raw materials are converted directly into
stones (Geologist) => dust (Jeweler)
plants (Herbologist) => collected plants (Alchemist)
fish (Fisherman) => magic ink (Sorcerer)
In order to produce these products, you simply have to acquire the ricipe which teaches you how to convert the raw material into the product state that you desire.
These recipes can be found at:
Professions Icon at the vertical menu on the left screen side. Then on top you have 3 sub-menus (Selected Recipes, All Recipes, Available Recipes)
Available Recipes
At this tab you can purchase the recipes you wish to use.
All Recipes
At this tab are all recipes you have learned already.
Selected Recipes
At this tab you have all recipes you want to work with.
To add receipes to "Selected" tab simply go to "Allrecipes tab" and click on the small red circle on the right side of the recipe. When it turn green it is done.
To remove recipes from "Selected" tab simply click on the green circle next to the recipe name and it will be removed (gone to All recipes tab)
Producing Runes, Elixirs or Scrolls
These products also require you to learn the skill by use of a recipe.
NOTE: You should be aware that your profession has a level limit based on your character level:
Level 3 - limit 29
Level 4 - limit 59
Level 5 - limit 89
Level 6 - limit 119
Level 7 - limit 149
And further on the count goes by 30 for each level.
The level limit restricts which raw materials you can extract as well as which items you can produce
This means that based on your character level, you will only be able to produce certain products related to your profession, regardless of the recipes that you have learnt (you will be restricted by the level limit).
Ok, so all of that has covered how your character learns to make items. To actually produce them you would need to
Click on the Profession Icon at the left side vertical menu, you should see a list of the recipes that you have learnt, simply click create and (as long as you have all of the required ingredients) the item will be produced. You can create more than 1 item and up to 10 as long as you have the resources for them.
stones (Geologist) => dust (Jeweler)
plants (Herbologist) => collected plants (Alchemist)
fish (Fisherman) => magic ink (Sorcerer)
In order to produce these products, you simply have to acquire the ricipe which teaches you how to convert the raw material into the product state that you desire.
These recipes can be found at:
Professions Icon at the vertical menu on the left screen side. Then on top you have 3 sub-menus (Selected Recipes, All Recipes, Available Recipes)
Available Recipes
At this tab you can purchase the recipes you wish to use.
All Recipes
At this tab are all recipes you have learned already.
Selected Recipes
At this tab you have all recipes you want to work with.
To add receipes to "Selected" tab simply go to "Allrecipes tab" and click on the small red circle on the right side of the recipe. When it turn green it is done.
To remove recipes from "Selected" tab simply click on the green circle next to the recipe name and it will be removed (gone to All recipes tab)
Producing Runes, Elixirs or Scrolls
These products also require you to learn the skill by use of a recipe.
NOTE: You should be aware that your profession has a level limit based on your character level:
Level 3 - limit 29
Level 4 - limit 59
Level 5 - limit 89
Level 6 - limit 119
Level 7 - limit 149
And further on the count goes by 30 for each level.
The level limit restricts which raw materials you can extract as well as which items you can produce
This means that based on your character level, you will only be able to produce certain products related to your profession, regardless of the recipes that you have learnt (you will be restricted by the level limit).
Ok, so all of that has covered how your character learns to make items. To actually produce them you would need to
Click on the Profession Icon at the left side vertical menu, you should see a list of the recipes that you have learnt, simply click create and (as long as you have all of the required ingredients) the item will be produced. You can create more than 1 item and up to 10 as long as you have the resources for them.
Can I increase the profession mastery beyond my level restriction?
Extracting professions:
Yes, you can!
There is several ways you can do that.
By gathering Collection items:
Backpack>Collections>Treasure Hunters
There the top 3 collections allow players above level 3 to increase their maximum skill with 5 points. Simply collect all the items and do the final collection product, then use is and gather freely.
Estate items for players from level 5 and above:
In the estates you can purchase for Energy various Balm of Skill potions that will increase your maximum skill. They goes from 5 to 25 points.
Reaching 2000 influence of Caves of Fear will earn you Book of Skill
Resource Gatherer Gloves - can be received during special events.
Productive Professions:
No, you can not!
But you can increase the amout of produced items. here are several ways.
While you work your professions you are able to randomly receive collection items for them. When a professional collection is done you can assemble it (Backpack>collections>professional) and receive ther responding symbol for it. (Sample Herbologist's Reward Statue) Then you cn just click "use" on it and receive 10 pcs. of Signs of the Master. For this signs you can purchase from Professional Shop at Guild of Artisants Success of the Artisan Elixir which increasec your chances of double production.
Enchanted Warrior's Handcrafted Bag and Enchanted Mage's Handcrafted Bag
They it will increase the chances of receiving double the amount of product made.
Supplementary Professions:
Only for Executioners.
By purchasing Raging Blow Elixir from Professional Shop, by gathering the Research Book of "Eclipse Thicket" Research or "Daylight Square".
Yes, you can!
There is several ways you can do that.
By gathering Collection items:
Backpack>Collections>Treasure Hunters
There the top 3 collections allow players above level 3 to increase their maximum skill with 5 points. Simply collect all the items and do the final collection product, then use is and gather freely.
Estate items for players from level 5 and above:
In the estates you can purchase for Energy various Balm of Skill potions that will increase your maximum skill. They goes from 5 to 25 points.
Reaching 2000 influence of Caves of Fear will earn you Book of Skill
Resource Gatherer Gloves - can be received during special events.
Productive Professions:
No, you can not!
But you can increase the amout of produced items. here are several ways.
While you work your professions you are able to randomly receive collection items for them. When a professional collection is done you can assemble it (Backpack>collections>professional) and receive ther responding symbol for it. (Sample Herbologist's Reward Statue) Then you cn just click "use" on it and receive 10 pcs. of Signs of the Master. For this signs you can purchase from Professional Shop at Guild of Artisants Success of the Artisan Elixir which increasec your chances of double production.
Enchanted Warrior's Handcrafted Bag and Enchanted Mage's Handcrafted Bag
They it will increase the chances of receiving double the amount of product made.
Supplementary Professions:
Only for Executioners.
By purchasing Raging Blow Elixir from Professional Shop, by gathering the Research Book of "Eclipse Thicket" Research or "Daylight Square".
How can I get tool? Can I rune my tool? Can I prevent from breaking it?
Gray tools:
Received by quest from the responding to you gathering profession NPC. Also can be bought at Professional shop.
Fishing Rod
Green tools:
Can be obtained by quests athigher levels. Can be created from events at level 5.
Geen Pickaxe
Green Sickle
Green Fishing Rod
Blue tools:
Can be purchased from the Gnome shop for either 14 Valuable gnome coins or 11 valuable gnome coins + Green tool. Also can be received during special events.
Blue Pickaxe
Blue Sickle
Blue Fishing Rod
Purple tools:
Can be purchased from special Trade fairs, from certificates (precious chests or other special events), or even bought from a player.
Purple Pickaxe
Purple Sickle
Purple Fishing Rod
Red Tools:
Can be purchased from special Trade fairs, from certificates (precious chests or other special events), or even bought from a player who did not equip them yet.
Red Pickaxe
Red Sickle
Red Fishing Rod
There is tools with the same abilities that can eb obtained during Quests, Seasonal and Special events but they have lifespan timer on from the average of 3 to 21 days.
Quests - Fisheman tool, Herbologist tool and Geologist tool
There is Gray, Green, Blue and Purple runes for each profession that you can put on your tool. (The 4 you seen are just samples, each profession has gray, green, blue and purple runes).
You can obtain them from Runic Casket during Seasonal and Special events.
Can I make my tool unbleakable?
Yes, you can!
During Trade Fair event you can purchase there variious resigns for green, blue and purple tools and make them unbleakable.
Gray tools:
Received by quest from the responding to you gathering profession NPC. Also can be bought at Professional shop.
Fishing Rod
Green tools:
Can be obtained by quests athigher levels. Can be created from events at level 5.
Geen Pickaxe
Green Sickle
Green Fishing Rod
Blue tools:
Can be purchased from the Gnome shop for either 14 Valuable gnome coins or 11 valuable gnome coins + Green tool. Also can be received during special events.
Blue Pickaxe
Blue Sickle
Blue Fishing Rod
Purple tools:
Can be purchased from special Trade fairs, from certificates (precious chests or other special events), or even bought from a player.
Purple Pickaxe
Purple Sickle
Purple Fishing Rod
Red Tools:
Can be purchased from special Trade fairs, from certificates (precious chests or other special events), or even bought from a player who did not equip them yet.
Red Pickaxe
Red Sickle
Red Fishing Rod
There is tools with the same abilities that can eb obtained during Quests, Seasonal and Special events but they have lifespan timer on from the average of 3 to 21 days.
Quests - Fisheman tool, Herbologist tool and Geologist tool
There is Gray, Green, Blue and Purple runes for each profession that you can put on your tool. (The 4 you seen are just samples, each profession has gray, green, blue and purple runes).
You can obtain them from Runic Casket during Seasonal and Special events.
Can I make my tool unbleakable?
Yes, you can!
During Trade Fair event you can purchase there variious resigns for green, blue and purple tools and make them unbleakable.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "muffin" (Mar 3rd 2017, 9:03pm)
Common questions
Where I can buy Flasks/Parchments/Rough Bars?
Guild of Artisants > Professional Shop.
From where I can take Suitable Bait for Fisherman Profession?
When undertaking the quest to become a fisherman, the either Nathan or Vylis will request that you bring him suitable fishing bait. To complete this quest, you need to bring the fisherman 10pcs or Weesta the Woodlouse, these can be found in the cart of the Village of Zviglod and the one at Settlement Angrukhon (Magmars) or in a barrel at Dead Cove and under the rock at Light's Edge (Humans)
Quest recipe level 11 and Charms recipes 11+?
Each Productive Profession will allow open quest for you at the responding NPC for level 11 wind, rock skin and destruction amulet. It's straight forward quest.
Another special receipes can be obrained as random drop at the Enchanted Forest instance.
Why my mastery don't increase?
The probability of increasing your professional mastery depends on the difference between your mastery level and the minimal necessary mastery for extracting the resource. The greater your experience relative to the experience necessary for extracting the resource, the less is the probability of increasing your experience level.
What this simply means is, the closer your skill level is to the skill level required for extracting the resource, the greater the chance for your mastery to rise. The further away your skill level is from the skill level required to extract the resource, the lesser the chance of your mastery rising.
Resource +30 - Character Skill Level 30 <HIGH PROBABILITY>
Resource +30 - Character Skill Level 56 <LOW PROBABILITY>
Resource +90 - Character Skill Level 95 <HIGH PROBABILITY>
Resource +90 - Character Skill Level 116 <LOW PROBABILITY>
The same concept applies for productive (manufacturing) Professions as well as the locksmith profession.
Orange - very high probability of increasing your professional mastery;
Violet - high probability of increasing your professional mastery;
Blue - average probability of increasing your professional mastery;
Green - low probability of increasing your professional mastery;
Gray - very low probability of increasing your professional mastery;
Your professional mastery can only increase with a successfully completed action. In this case you will see the following notification: Your mastery has increased by +1
Essentially, the more mastery points you gain between a given mastery range, the harder it gets to achieving another until you cross over into the new range and start extracting new resources or producing new items.
Mastery Range:
And further on the count goes by 30 for each level.
Healer Mastery:
Even though in game chat it writes 07:26 You cast healing magic upon character ..., there's no magic involved. Healers have to BUY(these scrolls cannot be made by sorcerors) the scrolls from Professional or Healer's Shops and use them.
Healer level 1 - healing experience required.
Healer level 2 - 1000 healing experience required.
Healer level 3 - 2500 healing experience required.
Healer level 4 - 4500 healing experience required.
Healer level 5 - 7000 healing experience required.
Healer level 6 - 10000 healing experience required.
Healer level 7 - 13500 healing experience required.
Healer level 8 - 17500 healing experience required.
Healer level 9 and above available from Mage levels (11+)
Healer level 9 - 22000 healing experience required.
and so on.
Executioner Mastery:
The inures they inflict depend on their skill mastery.
Injury level 1 - Executioner mastery 1-19
Injury level 2 - Executioner mastery 19-40
Injury level 3 - Executioner mastery 41-61
Injury level 4 - Executioner mastery 61-91
Injury level 5 - Executioner mastery 91-114
Injury level 6 - Executioner mastery 114-150
Injury level 7 - Executioner mastery 150-170
Injury level 8 - Executioner mastery 170-210
Injury level 9 - Executioner mastery 210-229
Injury level 10 - Executioner mastery 229-240
Injury level 11 - Executioner mastery 240-261
Injury level 12 - Executioner mastery 261-291
Injury level 13 - Executioner mastery 291-314
Injury level 14 - Executioner mastery 314-350
Injury level 15 - Executioner mastery 350-370
Injury level 16 - Executioner mastery 370+
Guild of Artisants > Professional Shop.
From where I can take Suitable Bait for Fisherman Profession?
When undertaking the quest to become a fisherman, the either Nathan or Vylis will request that you bring him suitable fishing bait. To complete this quest, you need to bring the fisherman 10pcs or Weesta the Woodlouse, these can be found in the cart of the Village of Zviglod and the one at Settlement Angrukhon (Magmars) or in a barrel at Dead Cove and under the rock at Light's Edge (Humans)
Quest recipe level 11 and Charms recipes 11+?
Each Productive Profession will allow open quest for you at the responding NPC for level 11 wind, rock skin and destruction amulet. It's straight forward quest.
Another special receipes can be obrained as random drop at the Enchanted Forest instance.
Why my mastery don't increase?
The probability of increasing your professional mastery depends on the difference between your mastery level and the minimal necessary mastery for extracting the resource. The greater your experience relative to the experience necessary for extracting the resource, the less is the probability of increasing your experience level.
What this simply means is, the closer your skill level is to the skill level required for extracting the resource, the greater the chance for your mastery to rise. The further away your skill level is from the skill level required to extract the resource, the lesser the chance of your mastery rising.
Resource +30 - Character Skill Level 30 <HIGH PROBABILITY>
Resource +30 - Character Skill Level 56 <LOW PROBABILITY>
Resource +90 - Character Skill Level 95 <HIGH PROBABILITY>
Resource +90 - Character Skill Level 116 <LOW PROBABILITY>
The same concept applies for productive (manufacturing) Professions as well as the locksmith profession.
Orange - very high probability of increasing your professional mastery;
Violet - high probability of increasing your professional mastery;
Blue - average probability of increasing your professional mastery;
Green - low probability of increasing your professional mastery;
Gray - very low probability of increasing your professional mastery;
Your professional mastery can only increase with a successfully completed action. In this case you will see the following notification: Your mastery has increased by +1
Essentially, the more mastery points you gain between a given mastery range, the harder it gets to achieving another until you cross over into the new range and start extracting new resources or producing new items.
Mastery Range:
And further on the count goes by 30 for each level.
Healer Mastery:
Even though in game chat it writes 07:26 You cast healing magic upon character ..., there's no magic involved. Healers have to BUY(these scrolls cannot be made by sorcerors) the scrolls from Professional or Healer's Shops and use them.
Healer level 1 - healing experience required.
Healer level 2 - 1000 healing experience required.
Healer level 3 - 2500 healing experience required.
Healer level 4 - 4500 healing experience required.
Healer level 5 - 7000 healing experience required.
Healer level 6 - 10000 healing experience required.
Healer level 7 - 13500 healing experience required.
Healer level 8 - 17500 healing experience required.
Healer level 9 and above available from Mage levels (11+)
Healer level 9 - 22000 healing experience required.
and so on.
Executioner Mastery:
The inures they inflict depend on their skill mastery.
Injury level 1 - Executioner mastery 1-19
Injury level 2 - Executioner mastery 19-40
Injury level 3 - Executioner mastery 41-61
Injury level 4 - Executioner mastery 61-91
Injury level 5 - Executioner mastery 91-114
Injury level 6 - Executioner mastery 114-150
Injury level 7 - Executioner mastery 150-170
Injury level 8 - Executioner mastery 170-210
Injury level 9 - Executioner mastery 210-229
Injury level 10 - Executioner mastery 229-240
Injury level 11 - Executioner mastery 240-261
Injury level 12 - Executioner mastery 261-291
Injury level 13 - Executioner mastery 291-314
Injury level 14 - Executioner mastery 314-350
Injury level 15 - Executioner mastery 350-370
Injury level 16 - Executioner mastery 370+
More common questions
When will I be able to gather different resources?
Whenever you level up your skill to the higher level.
I see Puzzles? How I do them? Why are they here?
Puzzles are a skill check games that make you keep your eyes on the resources you gather. They come randomly. There is a nice GUIDE that can help you do them in case you fail. In reward of done puzzle you will receive bless for 30 minutes that will help for your gathering. If you fail you will receive a curse for 1 hour that will increase your chance of fail.If you fail 3 times in a row then you will get 1 days curse..
Is there anything that can help me gather more resources?
As mentioned above the different Tools can help you do that.
Enchanted Wooden Shield - can be received during Special events.
You can purchase at Guild of Artisants > Professional Shop Talented Earner Elixir
From level 5 there is Potions of Success availavle in the Estate's Shop. Purchased for energy. Variety from Gray to Purple.
Is there anything to help me gather resources with less fails?
You can purchase at Guild of Artisants > Professional Shop Successful Procurement Elixir
From level 5 there is Potions of Success availavle in the Estate's Shop. Purchased for energy. Variety from Gray to Purple.
Whenever you level up your skill to the higher level.
I see Puzzles? How I do them? Why are they here?
Puzzles are a skill check games that make you keep your eyes on the resources you gather. They come randomly. There is a nice GUIDE that can help you do them in case you fail. In reward of done puzzle you will receive bless for 30 minutes that will help for your gathering. If you fail you will receive a curse for 1 hour that will increase your chance of fail.If you fail 3 times in a row then you will get 1 days curse..

Is there anything that can help me gather more resources?
As mentioned above the different Tools can help you do that.
Enchanted Wooden Shield - can be received during Special events.
You can purchase at Guild of Artisants > Professional Shop Talented Earner Elixir
From level 5 there is Potions of Success availavle in the Estate's Shop. Purchased for energy. Variety from Gray to Purple.
Is there anything to help me gather resources with less fails?
You can purchase at Guild of Artisants > Professional Shop Successful Procurement Elixir
From level 5 there is Potions of Success availavle in the Estate's Shop. Purchased for energy. Variety from Gray to Purple.
Due to the high quantity of BC nowadays, would be good for a DG being executioner?

Oh, cmon, just 1 ó 2 mistakes, we all make mistakes sometimes, in special humansSo many spelling mistakes, dont you read back what you write ? oO

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