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Tailsime Protectors Reputation - Guide
General Info
How to begin?

Tiu Mia (Humans) and Lea Miu (magmars)
Reputation is available for players from level 16 after the completion of Quest "Introduction to Tailsime Protectors" [16] (or similar name, there is several ways it can be translated). Quest can be started at the above mentioned NPCs.
How to rise it?
The reputation is strictly connected with Maurin Tree instance. For getting reputation you need to defeat a boss in the instance, responding to your reputation and do a Ritual.
Purchase a Fire scroll according to the reputation you have from the NPC's shop and carry the Ritual. Resources required from the instance are written on the scrolls themselves and in General information.
1 Scrolls Purchasement Requred Resources:
Each Scroll require a grouof resources to be purchased. You can buy with different group of resources but you can not mix resources between them.
Small Fire Scroll
Option 1:
200 pcs. Glowfish, Pitcher Plant and 14 pcs. Pure Eldorill Crystals
Option 2:
200 pcs. Kato, 200 pcs. Violite and 14 pcs. Gambier Seed
Option 3:
200 pcs. Esmerite, 200 pcs. Helta and 14 pcs. Spawning Habus Caviar
Fire Scroll
Option 1:
300 pcs. Glowfish, 300 pcs. Pitcher Plant and 21 pcs. Pure Eldorill Crystals
Option 2:
300 pcs. Kato, 300 pcs. Violite and 21 pcs. Gambier Seed
Option 3:
300 pcs. Esmerite, 300 pcs. Helta and 21 pcs. Spawning Habus Caviar
Burning Fire Scroll
Option 1:
400 pcs. Glowfish, 400 pcs. Pitcher Plant and 28 pcs. Pure Eldorill Crystals
Option 2:
400 pcs. Kato, 400 pcs. Violite and 28 pcs. Gambier Seed
Option 3:
400 pcs. Esmerite, 400 pcs. Helta and 28 pcs. Spawning Habus Caviar
Green resources (as per mentioned on the scroll) can be gathered from the instance on huting mode. The mobs there can attack you but they will still drop you resources. However on hunting mode you will find ony 1 type of gray leaves. Upon successfull gather you will receive either of the green resources.
Kindly note that the leaves in the instance has a limit and from picking nomore than 2-3 players can get the required to carry the ritual.
Tailsime Root is being dropped by the bosses in the instance.
Reputation up to 500:
It can be increased by the summoning and killing of Dark Harzul [16]. To summon it you need to use the Small Fire Scroll at the Dark Harzul Hole location.
He can also drop randomly a Gloomy Aura that will increase your reputation with 50 points.
Reputation from 500 to 1000:
It can be increased by summoning and killing of Dark Taxxo [17]. To summon it you need to use the Fire Scroll at Morbid Flower Bed location.
He can also drop randomly a Darkness Aura that will increase your reputation with 50 points.
Reputation from 1000 to 2000:
It can be increased by summoning and killing of Dark Taurung [18]. To summon it you need to use the Burning Fire Scroll at Crumbling Crack location.
He can also drop randomly a Misty Darkness Aura that will increase your reputation with 50 points.
Bosses for reputation above 2000 are not introduced yet. Therefore update will be applies on later stage.
Your character level is not restricted of increasing reputation, that means you can achieve up to 2000 reputation on level 16.
How to begin?

Tiu Mia (Humans) and Lea Miu (magmars)
Reputation is available for players from level 16 after the completion of Quest "Introduction to Tailsime Protectors" [16] (or similar name, there is several ways it can be translated). Quest can be started at the above mentioned NPCs.
How to rise it?
The reputation is strictly connected with Maurin Tree instance. For getting reputation you need to defeat a boss in the instance, responding to your reputation and do a Ritual.
Purchase a Fire scroll according to the reputation you have from the NPC's shop and carry the Ritual. Resources required from the instance are written on the scrolls themselves and in General information.
1 Scrolls Purchasement Requred Resources:
Each Scroll require a grouof resources to be purchased. You can buy with different group of resources but you can not mix resources between them.
Small Fire Scroll
Option 1:
200 pcs. Glowfish, Pitcher Plant and 14 pcs. Pure Eldorill Crystals
Option 2:
200 pcs. Kato, 200 pcs. Violite and 14 pcs. Gambier Seed
Option 3:
200 pcs. Esmerite, 200 pcs. Helta and 14 pcs. Spawning Habus Caviar
Fire Scroll
Option 1:
300 pcs. Glowfish, 300 pcs. Pitcher Plant and 21 pcs. Pure Eldorill Crystals
Option 2:
300 pcs. Kato, 300 pcs. Violite and 21 pcs. Gambier Seed
Option 3:
300 pcs. Esmerite, 300 pcs. Helta and 21 pcs. Spawning Habus Caviar
Burning Fire Scroll
Option 1:
400 pcs. Glowfish, 400 pcs. Pitcher Plant and 28 pcs. Pure Eldorill Crystals
Option 2:
400 pcs. Kato, 400 pcs. Violite and 28 pcs. Gambier Seed
Option 3:
400 pcs. Esmerite, 400 pcs. Helta and 28 pcs. Spawning Habus Caviar
Green resources (as per mentioned on the scroll) can be gathered from the instance on huting mode. The mobs there can attack you but they will still drop you resources. However on hunting mode you will find ony 1 type of gray leaves. Upon successfull gather you will receive either of the green resources.
Kindly note that the leaves in the instance has a limit and from picking nomore than 2-3 players can get the required to carry the ritual.
Tailsime Root is being dropped by the bosses in the instance.
Reputation up to 500:
It can be increased by the summoning and killing of Dark Harzul [16]. To summon it you need to use the Small Fire Scroll at the Dark Harzul Hole location.
He can also drop randomly a Gloomy Aura that will increase your reputation with 50 points.
Reputation from 500 to 1000:
It can be increased by summoning and killing of Dark Taxxo [17]. To summon it you need to use the Fire Scroll at Morbid Flower Bed location.
He can also drop randomly a Darkness Aura that will increase your reputation with 50 points.
Reputation from 1000 to 2000:
It can be increased by summoning and killing of Dark Taurung [18]. To summon it you need to use the Burning Fire Scroll at Crumbling Crack location.
He can also drop randomly a Misty Darkness Aura that will increase your reputation with 50 points.
Bosses for reputation above 2000 are not introduced yet. Therefore update will be applies on later stage.

Your character level is not restricted of increasing reputation, that means you can achieve up to 2000 reputation on level 16.
Maurin Tree Instance Tactics and Guide
As mentioned before there is General information about it.

From level 16 after completion of quest "The way to the heart of the tree" [16]
Abailable for 48 hours. Can be accessed every 7 days. Maximum amount of group members is 5.
Instance has 5 directions. So far only 3 are available still.
Once you start your path in direction to one of the bosses the other entrances will be closed automatically.
Maurin tree requires a special potion so you can 'sneak in' without being attacked by various location monsters. Maurin Transformation Potion can be used at the entrance of the instance before beginning the run or in the locations of the tree if previous one has expired.
Female characters will look like female maurina, either of the 2 type and male characters to a male ones from the 2 type.
Doors to Harzul and himself:
On the doors towards Harzul you will be attacked by Underground Worm Guard [16] that guard them. At the beginning of the fight they will be 5 only. They have the ability to heal themselves and summon more Worms in the fight. Each one has around 6k hp.
Battle slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 2 slots power-ups (lvl 16 powers or vampires, as per personal decision), 2-3 slots mana, rest lifes.
Fight tactic: Most important - do NOT stall! The Worms will call on help 5 more worms and if not done in 6 minutes of the summon will come more worms. Fight fast.
Harzul [16] - Around 10k hp.
Battle slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 2 slots power-ups (lvl 16 powers or vampires, as per personal decision), 2-3 slots mana, rest lifes.
Fight tactics: The most annoying thing for him is Harzul Call. But after 9 worms are in the fight he will stop healing. Fight fast becasue worms work like the doors one and will call more.
He will drop key for his chess lvl 16 treasury and the root that you need for your Tailsime ritual scroll. Then you can gather rest of the resources and summon the Dark Harzul. Around 9k hp.
Battle Slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 2 slots power-ups (lvl 16 powers or vampires, as per personal decision), 2-3 slots mana, rest lifes.
Fight Tactics: Kill fast, you can also call a mount if required.
Doors to Taxxo and himself:
On the doors to Taxxo you will be attacked by Earth Nepherto [17] that guard them. Each one has around 10k hp.
Battle slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 2 slot mana, 2 slot power-ups, 1-2 slots Rescue Scrolls (gray or green 2 slots, if blue then 1 slot is enough), rest life pots or healing scrolls.
Fight tactics: Use the Rescue Scroll when you have 5 pcs. Caustic Resin on you because on the 6th you will lose 85% live straight in 1 cast. Fight fast, don't stall.
Taxxo [17] - Around 21k hp.
Battle slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 2 slots power-ups, 2-3 slots mana, rest lifes or heals.
Fight tactics: Removing the mana from Taxxo with arrows or we hope Sylph bless will decide to come on him
. Use mage poisons on him. Do not try to kill the helpers before as he will summon replacements. Whenever you kill Taxxo you can kill the helpers easy after. Stall the helpers and hit the Taxxo fast.
He will drop key for his chess lvl 17 treasury and the root that you need for your Tailsime ritual scroll. Then you can gather rest of the resources and summon the Dark Taxxo. Around 13k hp.
Battle Slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 2 slots power-ups, 2-3 slots mana, rest lifes.
Fight Tactics: Kill fast, you can also call a mount if required.
Doors to Taurung and himself:
On the doors to Taurung you will be attacked by Sharp Spike Larch [18] that guard them. They will be 5 and each has around 20k hp.
Battle slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, Rescue scrolls,mana scroll, power-ups, rest lifes.
Fight tactics: While fighting we take care of the Poison effect. If you have just 1 of the poison effects you do not need to remove but if you get 2 you must remove with Rescuie scroll.
Taurung [18] - Around 27k hp
Battle slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 2 slot Rescue Scrolls, mana scrolls, power-ups, rest lifes.
Fight tactics: Tracking for the effect of Metamorphosis. If it use Slight Methamorphosis is not required to be removed, but if it do Light one we must remove with the Rescue scroll. Scrolls shouls also be used to remove the effects that the 5 helpers will put on you - same as the doors fight tactic.
He will drop key for his chess lvl 18 treasury and the root that you need for your Tailsime ritual scroll. Then you can gather rest of the resources and summon Dark Taurung. Around 18k hp.
Battle slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 1 slot Rescue Scrolls, mana scrolls, power-ups, rest lifes.
Fight Tactics: Tracking for the effect of Metamorphosis. If it use Slight Methamorphosis is not required to be removed, but if it do Light one we must remove with the Rescue scroll.
General note:
If you die during the fight with the Dark bosses required for Tailsime Reputation you will lose the Fire scroll but the gathered resources from the instance itself will stay. You can leave, purchase new Fire Scroll with another batch of resources as mentioned in the upper section guide and then enter and carry again the ritual of summoning.
Whenever new info appear the guide will be updated.

From level 16 after completion of quest "The way to the heart of the tree" [16]
Abailable for 48 hours. Can be accessed every 7 days. Maximum amount of group members is 5.
Instance has 5 directions. So far only 3 are available still.
Once you start your path in direction to one of the bosses the other entrances will be closed automatically.
Maurin tree requires a special potion so you can 'sneak in' without being attacked by various location monsters. Maurin Transformation Potion can be used at the entrance of the instance before beginning the run or in the locations of the tree if previous one has expired.
Female characters will look like female maurina, either of the 2 type and male characters to a male ones from the 2 type.
Doors to Harzul and himself:
On the doors towards Harzul you will be attacked by Underground Worm Guard [16] that guard them. At the beginning of the fight they will be 5 only. They have the ability to heal themselves and summon more Worms in the fight. Each one has around 6k hp.
Battle slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 2 slots power-ups (lvl 16 powers or vampires, as per personal decision), 2-3 slots mana, rest lifes.
Fight tactic: Most important - do NOT stall! The Worms will call on help 5 more worms and if not done in 6 minutes of the summon will come more worms. Fight fast.
Harzul [16] - Around 10k hp.
Battle slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 2 slots power-ups (lvl 16 powers or vampires, as per personal decision), 2-3 slots mana, rest lifes.
Fight tactics: The most annoying thing for him is Harzul Call. But after 9 worms are in the fight he will stop healing. Fight fast becasue worms work like the doors one and will call more.
He will drop key for his chess lvl 16 treasury and the root that you need for your Tailsime ritual scroll. Then you can gather rest of the resources and summon the Dark Harzul. Around 9k hp.
Battle Slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 2 slots power-ups (lvl 16 powers or vampires, as per personal decision), 2-3 slots mana, rest lifes.
Fight Tactics: Kill fast, you can also call a mount if required.
Doors to Taxxo and himself:
On the doors to Taxxo you will be attacked by Earth Nepherto [17] that guard them. Each one has around 10k hp.
Battle slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 2 slot mana, 2 slot power-ups, 1-2 slots Rescue Scrolls (gray or green 2 slots, if blue then 1 slot is enough), rest life pots or healing scrolls.
Fight tactics: Use the Rescue Scroll when you have 5 pcs. Caustic Resin on you because on the 6th you will lose 85% live straight in 1 cast. Fight fast, don't stall.
Taxxo [17] - Around 21k hp.
Battle slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 2 slots power-ups, 2-3 slots mana, rest lifes or heals.
Fight tactics: Removing the mana from Taxxo with arrows or we hope Sylph bless will decide to come on him

He will drop key for his chess lvl 17 treasury and the root that you need for your Tailsime ritual scroll. Then you can gather rest of the resources and summon the Dark Taxxo. Around 13k hp.
Battle Slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 2 slots power-ups, 2-3 slots mana, rest lifes.
Fight Tactics: Kill fast, you can also call a mount if required.
Doors to Taurung and himself:
On the doors to Taurung you will be attacked by Sharp Spike Larch [18] that guard them. They will be 5 and each has around 20k hp.
Battle slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, Rescue scrolls,mana scroll, power-ups, rest lifes.
Fight tactics: While fighting we take care of the Poison effect. If you have just 1 of the poison effects you do not need to remove but if you get 2 you must remove with Rescuie scroll.
Taurung [18] - Around 27k hp
Battle slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 2 slot Rescue Scrolls, mana scrolls, power-ups, rest lifes.
Fight tactics: Tracking for the effect of Metamorphosis. If it use Slight Methamorphosis is not required to be removed, but if it do Light one we must remove with the Rescue scroll. Scrolls shouls also be used to remove the effects that the 5 helpers will put on you - same as the doors fight tactic.
He will drop key for his chess lvl 18 treasury and the root that you need for your Tailsime ritual scroll. Then you can gather rest of the resources and summon Dark Taurung. Around 18k hp.
Battle slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 1 slot Rescue Scrolls, mana scrolls, power-ups, rest lifes.
Fight Tactics: Tracking for the effect of Metamorphosis. If it use Slight Methamorphosis is not required to be removed, but if it do Light one we must remove with the Rescue scroll.
General note:
If you die during the fight with the Dark bosses required for Tailsime Reputation you will lose the Fire scroll but the gathered resources from the instance itself will stay. You can leave, purchase new Fire Scroll with another batch of resources as mentioned in the upper section guide and then enter and carry again the ritual of summoning.
Whenever new info appear the guide will be updated.

Little Arboris Harcide [19]
To get the path towards the boss you need to go to the Top f the Tree, After that you will see the entrance to Harcide lair.
The first fight you will be attacked by level 18 mobs (read above how to kill them). Then the doors towards the Harcide you will be attaced by Swarm of wild bees [19]. Your damage over them will be reduced, they wil reset your combo, they can not be stunned and they poison. They have 14 500 hp and hit around 300-350 and crit above 700. You will face 5 on each door.
Battle slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, extracts (powers, bloods, vamps - as per your choice), the rest life potions (might add one slot of mana potions, preferrable in illusionary slots).
Fight tactic: No mass poison - you need your mana. Use level 18 combo with power-up.
Boss - Little Arboris Harcide [19] - up to 2500 reputation. 86k hp.
Group fight:
Battle slots helpers: Giant, 4 slots Scrolls of Change, 4 slot breather elixir (example), healling scrolls, life potions.
Battle slots for damage-dealers: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 1 slot Scrolls of Change, 2 slots of power extract/elixirs, 1 slot vampires, life potions.
Fight tactic: All enter fight together. Harcide will start cast itself Chitin Growth, which reduces the damage. Once the damage begins to be absorbed the damage-dealers start to stall. The helper task is to get their life bellow 20%. When their life is bellow 20% and they receive hit from Harcide, they reduce the Chitin Growth effect by 2 times. Then the helper use Change scroll on the boss, stall, drinkbreather eilixir and continue stalling. The damage-dealers hit until there are 30+ Growths on the Harcide. The helper again take their life bellow 20%, reduce the growth, stall, use scroll, stall.. And so on until the end of the fight.
Solo fight:
Battle slots: Giant, Spirit, Anger, 4 slots Scrolls of Change, 3 slots healling scrolls, rest power extracts. Place your heals in line with illusionary slots as your illunionary ones should be filled with Scrolls of Change.
Bless: Aureole, Twilight Glow, Black Dragon, Red trade fair bless elixir or better.
Fight tactic: At the entry of the fight need to be used scroll of Change on the Harcide, else it will cast Jagged Stinger. Harcde will start casting itself Chitin Growth. Use only level 18 combo to refill your mana. When it has 30 growth switch off the glaze so you do not waste your mana. Keep on fighting untill your life is bellow 20%. Whe you achieve this or lower percentage of life the Harcide will remove the scroll of change and cast the Jagged Sting. Stay in block, miss hits. When your life is bellow 20% the Growth effect will reduce itself by 2 times on each hit of the boss. When there is only 5-6 effects left - use Change scroll, wait until the Jagger is gone, use Glaze and fight until it gets again 30+ effects. Then repeat the actions until the boss die.
Key for the cashe containing Wolfer Wing chess pieces for Bracers/Pauldrones lvl 19; Tailisme Root that is required for rising the reputation.
Dark Little Arboris Harcide
For battle slots and fight tactic reffer to the abovementioned 'Solo fight'. Upon deffeating it you will receive 50 Tailisme reputation (up to 2500).
Polish player have made a video of how-to kill the Arboris Harcide. So far the tctic is the same as mentioned in the guide. Thanks to the player who did that and here is the link for you:
Youtube Guide Video
The first fight you will be attacked by level 18 mobs (read above how to kill them). Then the doors towards the Harcide you will be attaced by Swarm of wild bees [19]. Your damage over them will be reduced, they wil reset your combo, they can not be stunned and they poison. They have 14 500 hp and hit around 300-350 and crit above 700. You will face 5 on each door.
Battle slots: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, extracts (powers, bloods, vamps - as per your choice), the rest life potions (might add one slot of mana potions, preferrable in illusionary slots).
Fight tactic: No mass poison - you need your mana. Use level 18 combo with power-up.
Boss - Little Arboris Harcide [19] - up to 2500 reputation. 86k hp.
Group fight:
Battle slots helpers: Giant, 4 slots Scrolls of Change, 4 slot breather elixir (example), healling scrolls, life potions.
Battle slots for damage-dealers: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 1 slot Scrolls of Change, 2 slots of power extract/elixirs, 1 slot vampires, life potions.
Fight tactic: All enter fight together. Harcide will start cast itself Chitin Growth, which reduces the damage. Once the damage begins to be absorbed the damage-dealers start to stall. The helper task is to get their life bellow 20%. When their life is bellow 20% and they receive hit from Harcide, they reduce the Chitin Growth effect by 2 times. Then the helper use Change scroll on the boss, stall, drinkbreather eilixir and continue stalling. The damage-dealers hit until there are 30+ Growths on the Harcide. The helper again take their life bellow 20%, reduce the growth, stall, use scroll, stall.. And so on until the end of the fight.
Solo fight:
Battle slots: Giant, Spirit, Anger, 4 slots Scrolls of Change, 3 slots healling scrolls, rest power extracts. Place your heals in line with illusionary slots as your illunionary ones should be filled with Scrolls of Change.
Bless: Aureole, Twilight Glow, Black Dragon, Red trade fair bless elixir or better.
Fight tactic: At the entry of the fight need to be used scroll of Change on the Harcide, else it will cast Jagged Stinger. Harcde will start casting itself Chitin Growth. Use only level 18 combo to refill your mana. When it has 30 growth switch off the glaze so you do not waste your mana. Keep on fighting untill your life is bellow 20%. Whe you achieve this or lower percentage of life the Harcide will remove the scroll of change and cast the Jagged Sting. Stay in block, miss hits. When your life is bellow 20% the Growth effect will reduce itself by 2 times on each hit of the boss. When there is only 5-6 effects left - use Change scroll, wait until the Jagger is gone, use Glaze and fight until it gets again 30+ effects. Then repeat the actions until the boss die.
Key for the cashe containing Wolfer Wing chess pieces for Bracers/Pauldrones lvl 19; Tailisme Root that is required for rising the reputation.
Dark Little Arboris Harcide
For battle slots and fight tactic reffer to the abovementioned 'Solo fight'. Upon deffeating it you will receive 50 Tailisme reputation (up to 2500).
Polish player have made a video of how-to kill the Arboris Harcide. So far the tctic is the same as mentioned in the guide. Thanks to the player who did that and here is the link for you:
Youtube Guide Video
This post has been edited 5 times, last edit by "muffin" (May 12th 2017, 9:22pm) with the following reason: typos...

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