It is not allowed to enter battlefields and not to take part in the course of the battlefield.
Therefore I have a small monologue regarding that rule.
Why a player goes to instance and do not participate (stays AFK, dies and do nto resurect and so on) ?
- Their answer goes as "We can't win", "My team is weaker"-Then why you go? You didn't go for a win? You didn't go to help your team win nomather of what? Are you the kind of surrender easily person? Come oooooon! Be a fighter! Never give up! Help your team!!
"I had something to do so I went afk" - his is NOT an excuse! Why you going instance when you have to go afk? This is either a lie or you just didn't make up your mind well before applying.. You can't participate fully -don't queue! You don't fail yourself but your team as well..
I can keep on going but the most important thing is you should always go there with a team to avoud having 'leechers' that do not resurect or help, that do not work as a team.
However, there is a punishment for that kind of bahaviour
At first the Underground knights will send you messages or stamps that will warn you if you do not participate as they expected from you and you keep doing that way you will be restricted to enter battlefields for quite some time.
Then, also if you are spotted by some player and complained to a guard that you do not do anything, perhaps you will go with a verbal warning. But if someone complain you at Guard assistance section at forum you will most likely get

- Curse of Rejection.
So think twice before you give up on yourself and you drag your team to lose the battlefield. If you are nto ready -just don't go untill you are perfectly prepared.

That's all I had to say!