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  • "Lenalee_Lee" started this thread

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Sunday, November 13th 2016, 2:19am

Relics Seekers Guide: Project in english

Relics Seekers Guide: Project in English,

Copyright> Iridyal <

Hi guys. A guide to the Spanish WAROFDRAGONS forum, this time on the Relic Seekers.SEEKERS RELICS

In my opinion, another simple and inexpensive reputations (to some extent) at low levels.

How does this reputation ?

the joke of this reputation is simple: deliveries things, give you points.

the most basic thing to deliver are bones gutson.

These bones are killing beasts of levels 2 onwards only if your level does not exceed monster in 2 or more .

EXAMPLE: a warrior level 4 can not get any monster bones level 2.

there is also a special type of bone, bone relic, which is only achieved by killing superbeings as the Kreta Butcher, the Jarcid, among others.

the limit reputation of gray bones is 500 , the green of 1000, blues 1500 , the violets of 2000 and the red of 2500 , and each time deliveries 1 get 5 reputation points.

there are also other items that increase this reputation.The 'evil flowers' and prizes Runes gnomes.

The 'evil flowers' (I call it that) is that not all flowers can extract even herbalists alone can. The help is neededdeniers Unarius , which are obtained through a quest that gives you Samari in the surroundings Klesva.

OBTAINING deniers Unarius (Quote)



The deniers of Unarius are achieved by a mission to the Antiquarian Samari when you have 100 reputation Seekers Relics (for that you have to give to Samari 20 bones gutson, sold at auction to 10 silvers and also obtained likely killing monsters). When you have 100 reputation will give you a quest called 'Flowers Foguero' is easy, just talk to Valdemar in the corner of paradise, then with Katiput in that place, and returns with Samari.

Then will open the mission 'A terrible hunger 'of Katiput, which will ask food, and in return, will give you the keys to your house (located at the corner of Paradise), there are deniers.

But wait, warrior! The deniers are guarded by a spider of 1600 HP and two other spiders of 138 HP. It is impossible to win without moroks (with a few tigers you can, if you can not buy tigers, buy a good amount of Pehads, if you mount is much better), after defeating the spiders willfind deniers on the floor (will give you a notice that the find) and now you can put the.

The side effect of these deniers is that sometimes do not work perfectly and can cause you burns or hysterics.

And the artifacts gnomes are well explained, despite the redundancy, they get lucky in the Runes of gnomes.

The flowers give 3 reputation points ( 32 if deliveries of 10 to 10). The fogueros reach 1000 reputation and the Flowers of the Tribulation to 2000 . And the artifacts, 20 each, gray artifact reaches 1000 reputation, green to 2000 , the blue to2500 , the violet to 2800 , and red to 3000 .

Interesting, what can be done with this reputation?

There various objects, of which the most important are theMaza Mica and replicator Efrilos (and improvements)

La Maza Mica can break Efrilos damaged to make themuseful, and thus make souvenirs.

the replicator efrilos, as its name, every 24 hours ago Efrilos copies (you need 3 for operating the machine), or you can make a wrong copy and make Efrilos damaged. It depends on how many improvements you've put the Replicator, more efrilos daily will.

Although there are other objects such as amulets that can take you to Kurgan of Lamentations 1 time per day, or recipes for Jewellers / Alchemists / experienced fishermen, and another . resource mission

This is all, enjoy my guide,


:angel: ¸¸.·´¯`·.¸·.>>--»Lenalee_lee«---<<·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸. :love: