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Sunday, November 27th 2016, 2:41am

laggy in fight


i found out,

when fighting mobs with appearance of transparent looks, it's laggy,

even with lvl 11 mob serpagon it's laggy,

but it's browser, with game client all fine, but with game client no fight list...

is it cause of my settings?

i have checked flash, version 23 installed, enabled with 'about:plugins' in chrome browser settings, dont know why :?:
hi let's meet in game and have some fun :]
please use Font size at least 10 for better forum reading


Sunday, November 27th 2016, 5:48am

on this adobe official web page it says: Note: Adobe Flash Player is already installed, but disabled.
hi let's meet in game and have some fun :]
please use Font size at least 10 for better forum reading


Tuesday, December 13th 2016, 4:13am

" have checked flash, version 23 installed, enabled with 'about:plugins' in chrome browser settings"

by this i meant you type about:plugins in browser address bar
hi let's meet in game and have some fun :]
please use Font size at least 10 for better forum reading

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