Talents are special character , we can say skills , which give some type of advantage , can be statistic increase or other stuff like valor received increase etc.
First of all to get a talent are required some things to unlock these talents :
1. Specific level : you can check in your inventory , combat skills , then talents section , there are many unlockable with levelling up.
2. Valor : there are talents which can only be unlocked once you reach a certain valor rank.
3. Books : there are talents which can be only obtained if you get the special talent book.
The player can also level up specific talents by getting a certain ammount of Crystal of Truth (
http://warofdragons.com/artifact_info.php?artikul_id=26010) , but also the levelling up system requires certain character level , valor rank or the talents books.
There are all the possible talents :
1.Talent that increase certain stat like : protection , intuition or agility.
2.Talent that increase the trauma and the antitrauma.
3.Talent that increase the speed or initiative or durability.
4.Talent that increase the valor received or the expierence received.(who the hell want more expierence ? xD)
5.Talent that increase the magical protections.
6.Talent that increase the ammount of life or the additional healing effect.
7.Talent that increase the percentage protection from magical or phisical damage.
8.Talent that increase the suppression or concentration or will.
9.Talent that increase the chance to sucess gathering resourses or to get triple ones or to get double the probuction when making professional stuffs.(not include ink,dust or collected

10.Talent that increase the chance of magical crit or damage of magic critical hit or protection from magic critical damage.
11.Talent that increase the percentage of critical hit damage or decrease a percentage or critical hit damage received.
In particular talent n.4,6,7,9,11 need specific books of talent to get unlocked (there is one n.6 talent which dont need book but valor rank).
The books are avaiable from bank paying diamonds or in some specific events.
P.S. NEVER forget that even you have studied the book you still need a loads of crystal of truth to level the talent up