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Trauma s in Plat ?
Isnt it terrible idea to make trauma s stay after fights at dragon plateu? It will surely lower the popularity there , someone gets injured mostly wont bother with paying to heal or even if they want to they need to find or wait healer etc. Ancient drag plateu is the most active BF 3-10 lvl when event come. It will get ruined like that.
I agree, I mean I know I'm an exe and always have exe pot equipped in PvP...and I love it when I see someone I kill has that little injury icon next to their name in fight stats...but yeah, I think in all special PvP events for plateau/ancient plateau, they should be removed after fight.
Executioner is passive ability so there's a decent chance of injuring most people, especially with trauma bezels and talents in game these days so all exes get a fair chance at injuring players anyway even without scrolls and extra buffs.
The game needs more incentive for the 'average' player who doesn't grind in PvP events to come join the fun. I don't want to see someone who's just giving it a try only for them to be put off going back because they get a day long injury that costs 2g to heal. Seems a little unfair for them to get screwed by bad luck. If exes want to injure someone intentionally, they go buff up, use scroll and maybe bouncers club to ruin their day lol.
Hopefully admins listen lol but even if not, hopefully players still come. it's all good fun
Executioner is passive ability so there's a decent chance of injuring most people, especially with trauma bezels and talents in game these days so all exes get a fair chance at injuring players anyway even without scrolls and extra buffs.
The game needs more incentive for the 'average' player who doesn't grind in PvP events to come join the fun. I don't want to see someone who's just giving it a try only for them to be put off going back because they get a day long injury that costs 2g to heal. Seems a little unfair for them to get screwed by bad luck. If exes want to injure someone intentionally, they go buff up, use scroll and maybe bouncers club to ruin their day lol.
Hopefully admins listen lol but even if not, hopefully players still come. it's all good fun

@ ponthy
you can buy elixers via exchange easy 60-75silver,the question is,hoone will bless this maximal / round about 15-25gold and then loose because magmar really good organized on lvl 6-10,frustration enough and then another time pay gold for healer or elixer to loose again,ok,the helmet from the event have antitrauma ,but not all players have this helmet and not all have a good bezel in cuisses or talents
you can buy elixers via exchange easy 60-75silver,the question is,hoone will bless this maximal / round about 15-25gold and then loose because magmar really good organized on lvl 6-10,frustration enough and then another time pay gold for healer or elixer to loose again,ok,the helmet from the event have antitrauma ,but not all players have this helmet and not all have a good bezel in cuisses or talents
I wish me better Service and a normal Balancing

Well, it is liek this for very long time... As you can see in the library:
The Dragons' battles have a special feature - the items don't break and every injury received in the battle is instantly healed.
Attention! These conditions are not valid for the other fights happening during this event.
The last 3 Dragon day had a non-break, no injury bonus event running in those areas. can see why players might get used to that and think thats the way it should be. Given the frequency of these events which are usually purposefully released around the 23rd then any complaints are a bit premature. Most 23rd in this year fall around the weekend so odds are good that you get the conditions you desired more often.
However players really need to put a little more effort into getting heals. There are a myriad of options with cheap heal pots, books, relic, many quest items that prevent injury, estate etc. Game meets us 3/4 of the way, plan for the rest.
The last 3 Dragon day had a non-break, no injury bonus event running in those areas. can see why players might get used to that and think thats the way it should be. Given the frequency of these events which are usually purposefully released around the 23rd then any complaints are a bit premature. Most 23rd in this year fall around the weekend so odds are good that you get the conditions you desired more often.
However players really need to put a little more effort into getting heals. There are a myriad of options with cheap heal pots, books, relic, many quest items that prevent injury, estate etc. Game meets us 3/4 of the way, plan for the rest.
Well in the end, i seen average 4-5 people in plateu this time and highest i seen was 15 - 20 at dragon fight because no break. Used to be easy to see 25-30 people in average before and up to 50-60. So shame very fun event bottleneck because of injuries and item breaks. Trauma s item breaks are okay for me , but not good for other people which ruins pvp
That would be the problem. People waiting on non-break as an excuse to do any fight. Before when armor broke and injuries you had those high numbers on ancient plat. But once players get a taste of non-break they conveniently forgot they can do the same stuff as before. Can't really understand the mindset given that with so much non-break and auto-heals players save a ton of money more often than not.
In anycase PVP isn't going to get ruined overall. Players are just gonna wait for the conditions they love which they 100% sure will come soon. Then crawl out from under those rocks and go crazy.
In anycase PVP isn't going to get ruined overall. Players are just gonna wait for the conditions they love which they 100% sure will come soon. Then crawl out from under those rocks and go crazy.
It is not that easy to do this and there is a risk of being labelled as a rigged play... After all, armour repair is costly. We all want to avoid unnecessary expenditureSo just cancel non break days, and also come together as a comunity and organize days to play certain battlefeilds and get an audience of people who are available those days so you can play battelfeild everyday at every lvl.

To repair my PURPLE swords, it costs like buy them is expensive! To repair them very occasionally, is not expensive.
Seriously, what's the friggin point of buying armour if you're not gonna use it?
I hate this mentality we have on this server, waiting only for non-break events then spending tons of gold on buffs, only to see your opponant has spent the same on buffs plus they have better card deck buffs or better mount than you so you waited all this time for nothing and wasted gold to lose one BF in a month!

If breaking your precious armour is that big a deal, there is a way around it. If you can paypal, then spend less than $10 to resin your armour then queue up every day! (If you can't, I think you can get some resins from trade fairs).
Waiting all month for non-break event or double-valour only to spend tons on buffs when if you all queue regularly, hardcore valour players and casual PvP players, you can all have fun a lot more and end up spending less per BF for more valour/scalps overall.
As SKI was saying earlyer, people are afraid of breking their items. and when i say items means mace, red weapon, MO pauldrons, MO helmets,(im sure there are some red armours under those style items of some players- illegal in BF
) etc. The cost of that its like 30g after 6 lost fights (if youre really unluky
). So were no longer talking about 70-90s ~every month...
People will alway prefer red weapons over blue/purple ones cause gives them extra statics.
I myself go for just mace on non-break and full blue when its regular breaking.
Let the MOs in the frezer!

People will alway prefer red weapons over blue/purple ones cause gives them extra statics.
I myself go for just mace on non-break and full blue when its regular breaking.
Let the MOs in the frezer!

there is no risk at all planning days in which groups of mags/humans can get together to play certain battlefeilds. no risk what so ever. of course when it comes to planning the armors and what to bring to the table and what not to bring, that is illegal.maybe stop fearing the rules and thinking the rule over more than what they really do, and try to make this game more enjoyable.. everyone should play every battlefeild once every weekend, thats what i beleive, so why not make plans to do so.
Repair of every piece does add up in the end. After all, this is the reality of the game - majority of players need to watch their own wallets.Costly..?
To repair my PURPLE swords, it costs like buy them is expensive! To repair them very occasionally, is not expensive.
Seriously, what's the friggin point of buying armour if you're not gonna use it?
I hate this mentality we have on this server, waiting only for non-break events then spending tons of gold on buffs, only to see your opponant has spent the same on buffs plus they have better card deck buffs or better mount than you so you waited all this time for nothing and wasted gold to lose one BF in a month!
There are many other games that can give instant thrill and fun. This is just a gaming market trend.
Well, not everyone is as rich as you are...If breaking your precious armour is that big a deal, there is a way around it. If you can paypal, then spend less than $10 to resin your armour then queue up every day! (If you can't, I think you can get some resins from trade fairs).
To repair my PURPLE swords, it costs like buy them is expensive! To repair them very occasionally, is not expensive.
Seriously, what's the friggin point of buying armour if you're not gonna use it?
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