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Wednesday, March 1st 2017, 4:34pm

Yo Yo Lososerg

Yo yo dear admin, did you guys increase the rate of fails in the luck glow event, many people complaining about it and I just experienced it myself...a LOT more fails than in the past...come on is already hard to get...

Posts: 335

Location: The Astral Plane

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Wednesday, March 1st 2017, 4:54pm

I would agree. Like ~85% of received stuff was either quicksilver/efril or plain old nothing. At first I thought it was bad luck, but now...


Thursday, March 2nd 2017, 11:03am

It's Bad Luck Glow now.

 lososerg [17] 

Community Manager

Posts: 710

Location: Promised land

Occupation: Travelling through time and space

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Thursday, March 2nd 2017, 11:34am



Thursday, March 2nd 2017, 11:39am

I saw in first hour (ish) yesterday 2 people won MO items...can't be that bad luck ^_^


Thursday, March 2nd 2017, 10:24pm

Me - 'What is the probability of getting a cerrador from caskets?'
looserg - 'Very low'

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