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Sunday, April 23rd 2017, 10:09am

BFs not interserver 24.7?

so i had someone telling me there are 2 cc 3 temple 2 arena, for lvl 4 on russian server at 10:00 (COM) gametime. we have players who are lvl 3-4 who can only play around this time, so im curious as to why its on russian server playing bfs on their side, and not interserver, to allow com players to get some of the action.

i just dont understand, isnt interserver 24/7 or does russian have their own choice to play in interserver or among their server only?..

can we make it so its interserver 24/7 so com players can enjoy battlefields at this time aswell. for those who are only available this time.

1 or no cc a day isnt fun, when another server is playing all day.


Sunday, April 23rd 2017, 10:17am

Ummm, because we aren't connected to the Russian server, never have been and never will be.
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Sunday, April 23rd 2017, 11:32am

ahhhhh. polish and german server only?..

unfortunate they seclude russian server to its own fun, and leave the dead servers to get their left overs (updates)

we should petition to get interserver BFs with russian server. im sure russian server wouldnt mind that either

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Sunday, April 23rd 2017, 12:58pm

Outstanding idea, Crimmy boy. You should go there and tell them.

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Sunday, April 23rd 2017, 2:40pm

seclude russian server to its own fun

they have 2 russian servers into interserver,we have 3 servers com,pl,de so its kinda fair enough,funny how you twice passed road to level 9 and just noticed that we never had interserver with RU

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