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I would like administration to be clear and change name of game is this game no longer a war game. I believe this rule conflict with what we was introduced when we sign in to play here at first place.
If some trolls was unhappy about geting killed in war game - you should send them description of what WAR game stands for, insted of killing it for rest.
If some trolls was unhappy about geting killed in war game - you should send them description of what WAR game stands for, insted of killing it for rest.
hould a lower-level player provoke you for a retaliatory attack (see above), you have to make a screenshot of the chat window, showing the provocation/the use of a curse/spell or any other negative effect against you in order to prove the legitimacy of the attack.
they pissed me off killing me when i was low level for no reason and every single attack is a retaliation.
they pissed me off killing me when i was low level for no reason and every single attack is a retaliation.
info: Visit the battlefields to earn valor. Valor is essential for getting access to the best armour!
hould a lower-level player provoke you for a retaliatory attack (see above), you have to make a screenshot of the chat window, showing the provocation/the use of a curse/spell or any other negative effect against you in order to prove the legitimacy of the attack.
they pissed me off killing me when i was low level for no reason and every single attack is a retaliation.
I recommend yoga and some anger management plans

Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.
if you know what shit this clan does and a stupid rule to now protect them.. fuck that.. jail me now... i really dont want to play this game no more
I'm sure we will all be very broken up to see you go. :tissue:
Then, according to rules you can kill all.
Its not that easy.
Imagine a high level human or magmar that declared war to all the clans of the opposite race ? This mean he can go to opposite race land and kill all the low levels that are currently in a clan? Juste because he is in clan with all the opposite race clans?
Clearly not...
Everytime someone it caught breaking that law can easy say "I am at war with the clan X" and get away with that?
Clearly not...
P.S. this is not a provocation in any way, just some neutral thoughts

Then, according to rules you can kill all.
Its not that easy.
Imagine a high level human or magmar that declared war to all the clans of the opposite race ? This mean he can go to opposite race land and kill all the low levels that are currently in a clan? Juste because he is in clan with all the opposite race clans?
Clearly not...
Everytime someone it caught breaking that law can easy say "I am at war with the clan X" and get away with that?
Clearly not...
P.S. this is not a provocation in any way, just some neutral thoughts![]()
you do understand that all the high levels were lower levels at one point, don't you? having a foul mouth, a big ego and a higher lvl enemy makes the overall selling of diamonds easier... I can give easily 5 names of players who got from lvl 13 to 18 - 19 in less than a year just because they had some issues at one point or another with higher levels...
...normally, I have no reason to be upset because I never attacked lower levels in the first place (unless a friend asked for help) but it's the idea of limitation that bothers me... way too many limitation have been implemented in a virtual space in last few years... this fantasy land should be a place where you can act out freely (decency is implied here) not a place to add more frustrations because a certain type of population feels their feelings hurt.
Evolution cannot avoid bringing intelligent life ultimately to an awareness of one thing above all else and that one thing is futility.