This guide is more of tactics and suggestions for players that have no idea waht to do.
When to queue?
In order to participate in the battlefield you need to have at least 1

. It is necessery for the incarnation potion you must purchase inside.
Here you can read more about the different incarnations. If you do not have incarnation you can not leave the shop and
can not participate. We suggest you try them all out in order to decide which one fits better for you.
What do I get if I win or lose?
If you win you will receive
reputation that is counted in your reputation rating and as well valor according to your level.
If you lose you will lose reputation points and you will get only the valour you have earned from fights.
*Please note that the rewards might get changed, therefore the will be changed in the guide itself.
How do I win?
1. By time and team points - that is when the battlefield end by mandotary time and then the team with more points win. For the team to earn team points they need to kill enemies. 1 enemy = 1 point.
2. By killing the altar - the altar kill gives direct win as it gives 300 points. To kill the altar:
Team attack - one of the team attack it at enemy base and all join from
current battles, because if you click on 'Destroy enemy altar' you will end up in solo battle against it. If your team kill the altar but lose the fight, then the kill will not give you win points. The points are given if you kill the altar and win the fight.
Solo - you can kill the altar solo if you have been 'farming' and you have bought claws weapon that gives frquent poisons. Or any other weapons or armor that has decent features, yet not studied all (sorry). Without any weapon or armor you will fial of killing the altar.
What is 'farming'?
'Farming' is killing monsters on different locations. First locaiton form base has less life, are weaker and give less tokes; 2nd location far from base has bit more life, hit stronger and give double tokens; 3rd location are much more stronger and you will probably fail of killing many of them as they join often. My suggestion is to stick to 2nd location mobs. Take care, enemy can join against you in 'farming' fight.
Which weapon/armor is best?
As I earlier said i havent experienced all yet but find the claws pretty much very good, please do try all and you can leave your feedback!
Where I buy this weapons/armors?
At the center of the instance there is Weapon shop you can visit. The cost vary 250-300 as per my memory.
Can I defend my altar?
Yes, you should do that if you want not to lose the battle. If the enemy win - you lose. If you are with BOV servant incarnation you will as well be able to heal your altar with his mass healing. With arboslam - to strenghten its already strong hits.
Can I buy summons there?
Yes, summons are available as well for tokens from 'farming'.
Can I buy more food there?
Yes, more food is available as well for tokens from 'farming'.
I have lost soul, what to do?
If you have beein given lost soul by enemies' desert chout incarnated person. Then you will need a BOV servant from your team to remove it, wait it out 15 minutes to go, or leave the instance. If you choose leaving the isntance you will not be returned back to home server with lost soul but you will osereputaiton points. You will not lose valour for leaving the battlefield.
Again I am reminding that this is general info and some feedback is welcome so we can do much more porper quide.
To be continued...