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 lol666 [9] 


  • "lol666" started this thread

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Tuesday, October 17th 2017, 7:26pm

Metamorphosis potions

Sincerily apologies for the disturb of everyone who do bf.
Just want to ask them if they cannot put the metamorphosis potions of the new gods in pvp, because, is not for me because i dont lag at all, but as far as i see in tallaar who have those sophisticated stuffs takes 2 years to hit once or sometimes even lose rounds.(hoping they are not stalling)
Yeah, i know that you want to appear scary, powerful and what ever you want, but please save your fps :angel: and also your game expierence :angel:
And yes, im writing this during a tallaar because is like 5 minutes i dont encounter anyone in this 5 v 5 fight :lol:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

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Tuesday, October 17th 2017, 7:38pm

The only logical answer to this is probably "Boo hoo cry more"

but have it your way,buddy
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Tuesday, October 17th 2017, 7:42pm

I can confirm hizis vs hizis was some scary stuff, super laggy, could barely hit extra with stun, however I refreshed and everything was alright, I use chrome btw.

 lol666 [9] 


  • "lol666" started this thread

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Tuesday, October 17th 2017, 8:19pm

The only logical answer to this is probably "Boo hoo cry more"

but have it your way,buddy

:lol: i didnt get anything, but got 6 scalps and died twice so a really good deal, but is just they wasted their time, even they reached first because tallaar didnt ended so wont be counted :lol:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

 lol666 [9] 


  • "lol666" started this thread

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Tuesday, October 17th 2017, 8:20pm

And a plus, wont be counted as minus for me too, so even i went sixth or even lower i still wont get malus from it :snowball:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

 lol666 [9] 


  • "lol666" started this thread

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Tuesday, October 17th 2017, 8:21pm

The most funny thing is that they got the combo, used the power pot and getout of block but is too late, then i hit and stun them and get free damage :angel:
Not talking how many times got stunned and hit twice or three times :lol:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:

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